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David Barr – The Anabolic Index Super Combo

Dave Barr – The Anabolic Index Super Combo
[2 PDFs]


The Anabolic Index Super Combo – by David BarrProduct #1) Food and Supplement Scoring Guide & Optimized Nutrition and Supplementation ManualQuote:No longer will you view nutrients as passive substances; active nutrition is the future and it’s here. The Anabolic Index will show you how to make your nutrition and supplements work for you! Whether you’re an advanced athlete trying to improve performance and recovery, or a recreational enthusiast seeking to improve your physique, the Anabolic Index series will show you how to achieve your athletic goals.Years of research, analysis, and experimentation have gone into developing the system, which is presented in this easy to use guide. The Anabolic Index will take the guesswork out of nutrition!FOOD AND SUPPLEMENT SCORING GUIDEThe Food and Supplement Scoring Guide contains the key tounlocking the anabolic potential of the most powerful foodsand supplements. In addition to the most effective productprofiles, this guide contains information including: optimalusage protocol, timing, dosage, and synergistic nutrients,with dozens of quick tips along the way! This guide is amust-have for anyone who uses supplements… or even food!TABLE OF CONTENTSONE – Preface………………………………………………………….9Knowledge Acquisition: The Most Important Section 10A Short (But Important) Note About Stats 12TWO – Introduction……………………………………………………15Getting The Most Out Of This Manual 16Why The Anabolic Index: The Man Who Saved The World 17How Is The Anabolic Index Score Determined 20Case Study: Us 22THREE – Important Basics……………………………………………23Calories And Nutrients 24Essential Digestion 26Anabolism: Protein Synthesis 28Catabolism: Protein Breakdown 30FOUR – The Protein FAQ I…………………………………………. 33FAQ 1. How Much Protein Do We Need? 34FAQ 2. Protein: How Safe Is It? 38FIVE – The 5 Keys To The Anabolic Index…………………………41Key #1- Protein Potential 42Key #2- Protein Pulse Feeding 45Key #3- Protein Withdrawal 49Key #4- Protein Prioritization 53Key #5- Protein Protection 56SIX – Optimizing Nutritional Supplementation…………………….. 59Optimization of Loading Supplements 60Optimizing Post-Workout Nutrition 64For Advanced Athletes Only 68Case Study: A User’s Guide to Pre-Workout Meals 70Considerations For The Ultimate Protein Drink 73Designing The Ultimate Protein Drink 75SEVEN – The Protein FAQ II…………………………………………79FAQ 3. How Much Protein Can We Digest At One Time? 80FAQ 4. Protein Drinks During A Workout? 82FAQ 5. Is It Okay to Premix Protein Shakes? 84EIGHT – 7 Anabolic Myths……………………………………………85Myth 1. Insulin is the Most Anabolic Hormone 86Case Study: Insulin As The Most Anabolic Hormone 88Myth 2. Sleep Is The Most Anabolic Time for Recovery 89Myth 3. There is a One Hour Post-Workout Window 92Myth 4. Glutamine is the Most Abundant Amino Acid 96Myth 5. Creatine Is the Most Anabolic Supplement 98Myth 6. Amino Acids As Just Building Blocks of Protein 101Myth 7-Optimizing Our Hormonal Environment 102NINE – Nutritional Optimization…………………………………….105Bulking vs. Simultaneous Muscle Gain/Fat loss 106Carbohydrates: Quality, Quantity, And Timing 110Fats And Fiction 116Meal Timing: A 21st Century Approach 120Putting It All Together 124Protein Shake Ideas 130Of Masses And Measures 132Glossary 134PRODUCT #2) NUTRITION AND SUPPLEMENT MANUALQuote:Along with the popular 5 Keys to The Anabolic Index, the Nutrition and Supplement Manual will show you how to make your diet work for you. This step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know to optimize your results through active nutrition and supplementation.TABLE OF CONTENTSONE – Introduction…………………………………………………….. 7The Placebo Effect 8Case Study 11How To Use This Guide 12Case Study: The Honest Supplement 14Overfeeding 16Case Study: Me 19TWO – Food Reviews…………………………………………………21Chicken 22Dairy 23Eggs 26Fiber 28Fish 29Nuts 30Red Meat 31Vegetables 33Water 36Case Study: Dehydration 39THREE – Supplement Reviews………………………………………41Antioxidants 42Arginine (a.k.a. Nitric Oxide stimulators) 46Arginine Questions 49BCAA’s 51Beta Alanine 56Carnitine 60CLA 63Creatine 66Fish Oil 70Glutamine 73Glutamine Discussion 76Case Study: Glutamine Theories 77HMB 78HMB: A Critical Analysis 80Lipoic Acid, alpha 82Phosphatidylserine 85Whey Protein 88ZMA 92FOUR – Common Drug Reviews ……………………………………97Alcohol 98NSAIDS 100FIVE – Potentially Harmful Supplements………………………….103Anti-Creatine (GPA) 104Creatoxin (Glycocyamine) 107Case Study: Kitchen Sink Supplements 111Thanks to all the donators!Donators: NowVIP: 5 daysTrusted Power Users: 21 daysUser: must upgrade to trusted power user


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