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Stephane Hemon – 5D Consciousness v3.0

Stephane – 5DC v3.0.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



One of the best tools that I’ve found for elevating mylevel of consciousness, as well as the level of my studentsover the years, is something I call the 5D CompassionFormula, or 5DC for short.It’s a short, simple little formula, but if you take itseriously and start to use it religiously, you will releasea lot and eventually get into a very blissful state ofcompassion, which is the path of the Buddha.Compassion is like the sun in that it always shines and ittouches everyone equally, but only once we remove the cloudsof anger, guilt, and other fear-based emotions. Compassioncan eventually become unconditional. I worked with thisformula persistently until it eventually became automatic.What does all this compassion stuff have to do with pickingup women, dating, dealing with your girlfriend, or creatinga circle of multiple bisexual girlfriends?Well, when your consciousness hits the high level ofCompassion, all questions and uncertainty about womendissolve. The formula is quite simple to use, but requires alevel of self-honesty that most people aren’t willing toface. Having Compassion places you in the top 0.4% ofhighest consciousness beings on this entire planet. Kind ofscary!So, when you cultivate true compassion for women, yourempathy level becomes extremely high. You will know whatwomen are going to ask you, you will know what they’rethinking and you will know them even better than they knowthemselves, all because of Compassion. It is like having ‘abird’s eye view’.This 5D Compassion formula is so fundamental to truly”getting” any of my products that I’ve decided to give itaway for free. If I can teach only ONE person to develop astate of Compassion, my karma will be darn good, you see? Ihave selfish reasons for doing this smilieUpdated version of this product


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