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Genpo Roshi – Zen Eye Membership Site (Part 3)

Zen Eye Part 3
[73 CDs – MP3, 18 MOVs, 17 MP4s]



This is a part of a GB. It was bought with the remaining funds of another product, so it has immediate access to VIP/Elite and PU. Keep it exclusive.DONATORS OF THE ALTERED STATES GB GET THIS RATIO FREEGuys considering the HUGE amount of files there is on that site I will upload them by parts.  Check out the details here: Part includes- Doen Sensei (All talks)I uploaded the Video files in MP4 format (read by Ipod and VLC for example) in order to save some space and a high quality audio MP3. I’m sure this is enough considering the amount of info this product will have and it will save a lot of GBs on all the other authors.———————————–Doen Sensei – Winter LightMonday, December 17th 2007 – 68 minPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (193 MB)| iPod (122 MB) | Audio (31 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Doen Sensei – Light on LightMonday, November 26th 2007 – 78 minSensei’s talk is urgent, clarifying and persuasive on the theme of what kind of commitment to the two dimensions of realization and daily life practice is true Zen. He explores the relationship between individual freedom and commitment, tracing the stages by which commitment to Zen practice developed from the ’60s. The key is in our sense of our own responsibility to choose and to commit. We follow Shakyamuni Buddha in a radical reappraisal of how we can relate to the values of our present culture, to the values of the spiritual paths offered, and to how we commit to being truly what we want to be, without fear and without pretense.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (232 MB)| iPod (139 MB) | Audio (35 MB) | Audio (18 MB)Doen Sensei – Spirit of ZenMonday, November 19th 2007 – 69 minSensei beautifully guides us to share his sense of the energy and deep commitment of true practice – how we can take full responsibility, overcome all difficulties, and practice endlessly patient yet completely and realistically alive. Our true self is not something we can know – be it! This is a vintage Doen Sensei talk, a unique voice calling us to awaken and get real.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (211 MB)| iPod (122 MB) | Audio (31 MB) | Audio (16 MB)Doen Sensei – Everyone Has Their Own LightMonday, October 1st 2007 – 56 minDoen Sensei introduces the Blue Cliff Record koan collection. The title of the talk is drawn from a koan, Case 86 “Ummon’s Bright Light.” Sensei illuminates how each of us has our own light. When there is true practice, we are the light and we see the light everywhere, in everyone and every thing.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (172 MB)| iPod (99 MB) | Audio (25 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Doen Sensei – RaindropsMonday, September 10th 2007 – 59 minA wonderful talk! Sensei works from the full text of the Blue Cliff Record, Case 46, “Kyoso’s Raindrop.” His reading of the text guides us to experience this koan in a direct and intuitive way. He shows us how the koan can bring us to appreciate the immediate experience of truth in this very moment and at any moment. The key is the truly quiet mind. Sensei looks at how we can consciously choose that way of silent, vivid awareness and deepen it through continuing practice. In this koan, we also hear how the Master relates to the continuing presence of the mind that chatters and gets lost in the complications of thought and feelings.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (177 MB)| iPod (89 MB) | Audio (20 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Doen Sensei – Dharma Blues 3 – RebirthMonday, August 20th 2007 – 68 minDharma Blues – experiencing the tough apparent realities of our life: there is no easy answer but this is essential for honest, vital practice. Sensei finds the key in Bodhidharma’s “I don’t know.” Characteristically demythologizing the koan and looking to go way beyond our notions of “zen”, he points to the key turning experience of the essence of mind. Here there is no identity: mind itself can take any shape. Essentially unborn, the one thing we can never grasp, and the very thing we are, its forms are infinitely various and changing.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (196 MB)| iPod (103 MB) | Audio (23 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Doen Sensei – Dharma Blues 2 – The Life of the OxMonday, August 13th 2007 – 73 minThe theme “Dharma Blues” is her our capacity to see and face the negative experiences of life – which often are what bring us to practice. In the practice we seek the Ox, the true self. Sensei questions, “Does finding it solve the problem?” What is practice after enlightenment? What does it really mean in our life to be clear? Sensei describes the experience of clarity, and how this relates to zazen and to how we face our daily lives and especially our relationships, not least when these seem to be negative. He goes on to respond in detail to students’ questions around these issues. George Jisho RobertsonPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (209 MB)| iPod (127 MB) | Audio (33 MB) | Audio (17 MB)Doen Sensei – Dharma Blues 1 – TransienceMonday, August 6th 2007 – 54 minDoen Sensei answers questions from students on issues of practice. He gives guidance on many aspects of practice from the perspectives of the teacher and the student. He gives a personal perspective on how we perceive transience in our body, our mind and our lives, and how we can work with this from a maturing understanding of the Dharma, developing realism, empathy and compassion.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (150 MB)| iPod (95 MB) | Audio (50 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – The Art of Waking Up 3: Zen & the Wisdom TraditionsMonday, July 30th 2007 – 72 minThis is a searching and immediate talk, full of Sensei’s characteristic humor, down-to-earth analogies and examples from contemporary experience. Sensei clarifies, illuminates and evokes the essential difference of Zen among the Wisdom traditions, and the key awakening experience that is the crucial starting point of continuing practice. He takes a beautiful poem from Entangling Vines: Zen Koans of the Shūmon Kattōshū, Case 55 as his text, and brings it alive and immediate for us, line by line.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (207 MB)| iPod (130 MB) | Audio (66 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – The Art of Waking Up – 2 Zen & ExcellenceMonday, July 23rd 2007 – 75 minThe challenge of discovering the Zen of excellence is not just to see where we are stuck in patterns of thought and feeling or stuck in an attempt to learn and know something we see as Zen. The Buddha sat alone and looked in, to discover, to investigate, to experience completely. Sensei challenges us to see how the Zen way is being open to what is new. Every minute of our life something new comes in – if we know what the self, others and the world are already, nothing new comes in. Can we drop the self, the habitual patterns and ideas? Can we forget the ideas of the Buddhist self and practice that we have acquired? To forget the self is something much more radical than becoming a “Buddhist.” Can we question everything we learned, everything we think we know? Do we dare to be different, dare not to know? It’s an amazing power, not to know.Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (69 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – The Art of Waking Up 1 – Zen and RelationshipMonday, July 2nd 2007 – 63 minIn this talk, Doen Sensei radically challenges accepted religious ideas of Buddha, Buddhism and (so-called) traditional Zen. He presents a vision of practice as a radical departure from cultural and conservative conventions. His love of the dharma, combined with his sometimes hilarious insights into our patterns, tendencies and preconceived notions, will really make you think about the nature of your own practice.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (188 MB)| iPod (106 MB) | Audio (43 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – The Transmission of Light 3: The True EyeMonday, June 18th 2007 – 70 minThe True Dharma Eye is the eye of enlightenment, awakening to who we really are. It is not seeking a cure in practices that we think is going to lead us to find an escape. The Bodhi mind recognizes all our problems, our dukha. The mind of truth and reality, the True Dharma Eye, not seeking, not looking for an answer, faces the way things are with deep honesty. Our everyday life and relationships are the true eye. Everything we see is the True Eye. Our life itself is enlightenment.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (203 MB)| iPod (97 MB) | Audio (48 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – The Transmission of Light 2: Withered BranchesMonday, June 11th 2007 – 58 minSensei challenges the common understanding of Zen as part of a “Buddhism” that is a unified field of religious, ethical, learning & teaching. Our practice is, forgetting all of that, to sit as the original Buddha sat, before there was Buddhism. It takes deep commitment to drop our concepts of our self and the human drama. When we do, we experience a deep, immediate joy; we appreciate the very life of the moment. To practice this way, we have to truly see where we are coming from, the attitudes, preferences, concepts, aversions – which are the “withered leaves” of the koan from the Denkoroku that Sensei works with.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (194 MB)| iPod (98 MB) | Audio (33 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Doen Sensei – The Transmission of the Light 1: Body and Mind Fallen AwayMonday, June 4th 2007 – 64 minIn this talk Sensei talks about his own teaching style and how he sees the true spirit of the teacher and of the student. If we enter Zen practice, are we truly interested, willing to study deeply, willing to suffer what it takes to do so? Dogen’s extraordinary story and commitment, his awakening and the nature of awakening unfold in an intimate account of Sensei’s vision of true practice.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (213 MB)| iPod (94 MB) | Audio (37 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Doen Sensei – The Song of the Dead TreeMonday, May 21st 2007 – 68 minWhat is Zen? – a way of losing the human form…sitting takes us out of the story of the human being. When we drop the self, the world comes in. When the self is forgotten, the dragon sings. It sings the way things really are.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (220 MB)| iPod (98 MB) | Audio (47 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Like A Dream 5 – The Flight of the GarudaMonday, May 7th 2007 – 63 minWhat is ‘flight’ in our practice, a true and real freedom? Doen Sensei outlines the practical experiential fundamentals of practice and training. It is in our power alone to sincerely appreciate and deepen the power of the practice, and to be real and honest as a human being.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (189 MB)| iPod (92 MB) | Audio (43 MB) | Audio (4 MB)Doen Sensei – As If In a DreamMonday, April 23rd 2007 – 55 minDoen Sensei focuses us with sensitive guidance and laughter on how we can truly address the core issue or experience of waking up from the dream of self, setting out three great rules – each of us is alone responsible; the realization takes time to deepen and mature; and, “keep it simple, go deep.”Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (194 MB)| iPod (75 MB) | Audio (38 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Doen Sensei – The Alchemy of Zen 2 – The Next StepMonday, March 12th 2007 – 64 minDoen Sensei looks at how the fundamental teachings of the Buddha and the experience of zazen transform us. When we begin to trust the quiet, non-conceptual mind, our story begins to fade & crumble. Zazen transcends all reason & all the reasonings that get in the way of joy & intimacy in the moment and with each other.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (360 MB)| Video (268 MB) | Audio (44 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Doen Sensei – The Alchemy of Zen 1 – The Precious PearlMonday, March 5th 2007 – 76 minThe images of the one bright pearl and the jewel that fulfils all our highest aspirations is traditional in Buddhist teachings. Doen Sensei transforms the traditional language into an intimate and contemporary expression of true practice, true self, the precious pearl.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (369 MB)| Video (263 MB) | Audio (52 MB) | Audio (18 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 42 – Beautiful SnowflakesMonday, February 12th 2007 – 59 minDoen Sensei continues his Blue Cliff Record series in which he looks both at the original context of the koan, and its deep meaning for our practice in our time. The challenge is the underlying experience of reality, immediate, before concepts and words – we too can enjoy this wonderful life if practice goes deep enough. The Art of KoanPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (248 MB)| Video (195 MB) | Audio (24 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 5 – Hyakujo and a Wild DuckMonday, February 5th 2007 – 67 minDoen Sensei examines this koan in detail and in depth. Master Baso, seeing Hyakujo’s potential, leads him to where he can see that the experience of ‘awakening’ (kensho, Big Mind, satori) is empty – it is immediate, without thoughts or stories; it is the living moment. Sensei teaches us about this, and about the importance of going deeply into the implications of this reality without concepts. He looks at how we can integrate & deepen this essential element of true practice and training.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (212 MB)| Video (260 MB) | Audio (26 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Doen Sensei – Children of FireMonday, December 18th 2006 – 64 minWorking in detail with some of the early koans, Sensei looks at how we come into practice with already many ideas of how things are & should be. We look for an experience that will change us for ever. Zen practice is unique because, dropping all of that, we see things as they really are, moment to moment. Responding to these koans, that’s what we experience. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (238 MB)| Video (203 MB) | Audio (25 MB) | Audio (14 MB)Doen Sensei – The River of WindMonday, November 6th 2006 – 42 minThe real teaching is reality itself, the moment itself, the mind itself – Sensei draws on two stories of Daikan Eno, the Sixth Patriarch, to help us see how the Dharma actually manifests in our lives.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (219 MB)| Video (140 MB) | Audio (16 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – Every Day Is A Good DayMonday, October 16th 2006 – 79 minAll our thoughts about getting somewhere better miss the point. This very moment we can home to our true humanity, discovering the true nirvana, compassion and wisdom here and now, together.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (311 MB)| Video (240 MB) | Audio (27 MB) | Audio (14 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 3 Master Ma Is UnwellMonday, September 25th 2006 – 60 minMaster Ma is near to death, yet offers his beautiful teaching – Sun-faced Buddha, Moon-faced Buddha. Sensei sets this koan in the context of koan study & how we approach it. Working from the koan he looks at the choices we make in our lives & at our death. All is the One Mind, the Great Function. This koan is a way for us to enter into a deep understanding of the teaching. Sensei explains the language of the koan in detail.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (267 MB)| Video (199 MB) | Audio (24 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Doen Sensei – The Blue Cliff Record Case 2 The Ultimate WayMonday, September 18th 2006 – 57 min”The ultimate Way is without difficulty. It simply dislikes picking and choosing.” Sensei guides us how to study & appreciate this beautiful & powerful koan, its introduction, poem & commentary. His own commentary makes the deep meaning of the original immediate & accessible for us as a pointer, a vehicle, a way to realize our true life & practice. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (279 MB)| Video (198 MB) | Audio (19 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Doen Sensei – Life Beyond the PointSunday, September 17th 2006 – 47 minA sense of wonderment, an appreciation of life – koan & dharma talk, in Sensei’s vision are a song. Sensei conveys his appreciation of the koans of the Blue Cliff Record, & how we can renew & inspire our appreciation of this life through the timeless spring of these koans. Category: The Art of Koan and Deepening Zen PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (226 MB)| Video (161 MB) | Audio (16 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – The Tibetan Book of the Dead 2Monday, September 11th 2006 – 43 minA wonderful talk by a Western Zen teacher with a wide range of experience, training and teaching. Sensei approaches the text that is read to the dying person from the perspective of taking refuge and the precepts. If we are to face our death as a liberated being we have to actually live the teachings now – how we speak, act & think are the real “taking refuge” in the teachings. Category: Transforming Our PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (214 MB)| Video (153 MB) | Audio (15 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – Tibetan Book of the Dead 1Monday, August 28th 2006 – 71 min”Actually the way it got popular in this country, for those of you who were not there at the time, is Timothy Leary, and it was called The Psychedelic Experience”. Doen Sensei traces how Zen took off in America, relating its cultural roots in the West to the Taoist influences that shaped it in China. Sensei explores how Zen is about transforming the mind.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (253 MB)| Video (103 MB) | Audio (28 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – Who do You Think You Are?Sunday, August 27th 2006 – 62 min”When we forget the self, we are no longer a human being.”Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (192 MB)| Video (93 MB) | Audio (21 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Doen Sensei – Ten Ox Herding Pictures Part 2Monday, August 21st 2006 – 77 minSensei continues from “Ten Ox Herding Pictures Part 1″, August 14, 2006. In immediate terms, he traces how we can see & dissolve our self-concepts & stories; through practice we can come to a direct experience of unconditioned reality, embracing all of the world we live in, beyond the narrow perspectives of the small self. Category: Deepening Zen PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (219 MB)| Video (114 MB) | Audio (26 MB) | Audio (14 MB)Doen Sensei – The Good The Bad and The TrueSunday, August 20th 2006 – 61 minIt matters where we are coming from. Sensei beautifully evokes the pain of childhood when we form an idea of the self. Practice is dropping that self – our world transforms: In the mind of the lineage we discover a deeper gratitude. Category: Western Zen Is for EveryonePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (175 MB)| Video (86 MB) | Audio (21 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Doen Sensei – Ten Ox Herding Pictures Part 1Monday, August 14th 2006 – 69 minSensei’s talk, based on the Ten Ox Herding Pictures, looks realistically at what practice entails for us – he offers an inspiration to practice with humility, to appreciate basic goodness, to be honest about our states of mind, always renewing our search, being truly present. Collection: Deepening Zen PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (184 MB)| Video (135 MB) | Audio (24 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – Flowers FallMonday, July 17th 2006 – 64 min”Does my practice truly make a difference in the way that I handle daily life, my relationships, my work?” The power & inspiration of the teachings is to be realized day by day in speech, action and how we relate.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (208 MB)| Video (101 MB) | Audio (22 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Doen Sensei – Master Dogen’s “Nevertheless Flowers Fall”Monday, July 10th 2006 – 76 minEven with the deepest awakening we have to maintain complete honesty about our everyday life with its pain & suffering. Practice is continuous and endless. Category: Teachings of the Zen MastersPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (26 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – Beat Poetry & the DharmaSaturday, July 8th 2006 – 75 minZen in the West comes from a meeting of Western & Eastern cultures with many diverse perspectives: Sensei draws us into this history and we meet some of the extraordinary & creative people who created Western Zen. All have their value. His talk is followed by group discussion and writing exercises. Collection: Deepening Zen PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (296 MB)| Video (127 MB) | Audio (26 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Doen Sensei – For Madmen OnlyMonday, June 26th 2006 – 68 minThe 3rd in Doen Sensei’s series, Entrances to the Way, this talk describes vividly how, seeking for something else, seeking to be special, our practice can become insanely self-centered & out of touch with what we are really looking for. It’s all how we see & perceive. Category: Deepening Zen PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (195 MB)| Video (102 MB) | Audio (23 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – Book of Equanimity Case 28: Gokoku’s Three ShamesThursday, March 16th 2006 – 59 minSensei reflects on koan study from many angles, as student & as teacher. This koan focuses on a central isssue – discovering where we get stuck. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (20 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Doen Sensei – Snowflakes & the Meaning of RainSunday, March 12th 2006 – 67 minZen is a radically different take on reality. Sensei takes a deep and well-informed look at the challenges facing Zen teachers and Zen students today. Category: Transforming Our PracticePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Mumonkan Case 15 Tozan’s 60 BlowsThursday, March 2nd 2006 – 74 minSensei explores what makes a true teacher or a true student, drawing on his own practice of many years & giving valuable pointers to integrity & compassion in our practice. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (25 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – Truth or Crap? Whose Life Is It?Sunday, January 29th 2006 – 62 minThe World is unfathomable, and so are we – so who is the true master in our life? How do we live with integrity, true warriors in the real world? Category: Western Zen Is for EveryonePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (21 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Doen Sensei – At Home in the World 2: Ungan Sweeps the GroundMonday, January 9th 2006 – 68 minThis talk starts from a koan from the Book of Equanimity Case 21. What is the ground we sweep? Doen Sensei looks at how the world of the awakened self & the world of our personal life & culture today can be one.Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – At Home in the World 1Monday, January 2nd 2006 – 72 minSensei draws on the unique character & values of people he has met to explore our world of practice & how we live it. What are the qualities & values of any true Zen practitioner today?Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (25 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – Book of Equanimity Case 7: Yakusan takes the HighMonday, October 17th 2005 – 68 minSensei challenges us – what do we really mean by “taking care of oneself?” What does the eye of this great master see? Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Training In depth with Zen KoansFriday, October 14th 2005 – 44 minA very helpful guide to attitude in studying koans. What is this training good for & what is it about? How do we train? What difference does it make in our life? Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (15 MB) | Audio (5 MB)Doen Sensei – Did You See the Snake?Sunday, October 2nd 2005 – 69 minDrawing on vivid personal experience, Sensei shows how we get stuck in patterns of feeling & thought. And how we can be free. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – Bare Bones 5: The Spirit of Being BuddhaMonday, August 29th 2005 – 71 minKarma is cause and effect. The mark of a realized Buddha is awareness, kindness & responsibility – how we affect others is exactly how enlightened we are. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Bare Bones 4: The Spirit of ‘Being There’Monday, August 22nd 2005 – 68 minIs there a problem? Fear and regret can blind us to reality. To take care of the problem, know that the real is always now. Shikantaza is dropping all our small thoughts, dreams & fears and experiencing directly, immediately. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Bare Bones 3: The Spirit of the PreceptsMonday, August 15th 2005 – 70 minCaring for others is actualizing the Dharma, embodying Buddha, freeing oneself and others to live as Sangha. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Bare Bones 2: The Spirit of FreedomMonday, August 8th 2005 – 70 minTo sit as Buddha, to live as Buddha, is getting real and taking responsibility here and now. For this, sitting practice is crucial. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Bare Bones 1: The Spirit of the WayMonday, August 1st 2005 – 68 minThis spirit is deeply honest & honorable. It takes courage to see oneself and one’s impact on others clearly, and live from that truth with patience, compassion & love. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Song of the Flower, Song of LifeSunday, July 31st 2005 – 64 minAn eloquent celebration and evocation of the “timeless spring” – acceptance, realization, connectedness, human dignity and the awakened heart. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (22 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record 24: Irongrinder Ryu & the PartyMonday, July 25th 2005 – 74 minA characteristically humorous, penetrating & wide-ranging talk on key issues in practice that brings this koan about the meeting of two alert & vital minds to life. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (25 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – Book of Equanimity 14: Attendant Ho & Master TokusanMonday, July 18th 2005 – 73 minIn this Zen & the Arts month talk, Sensei looks at mature Zen experience that goes beyond words, from both Soto & Rinzai perspectives, stressing the key dharma of kindness in practice. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (25 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – The Way Out of the Box – A Passion for LifeSunday, June 19th 2005 – 63 minHow do we get out of the box, out of the muck, out of not seeing the beauty of life? Sensei draws on Dogen Zenji’s teaching & practice to reveal the way of shikantaza.Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (21 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – A Complete MysterySunday, May 29th 2005 – 71 minThe stories of the 6th Patriarch Daikan Eno and Master Nansen embody the clarity, immediacy, freedom & courage that is true practice. Category: Teachings of the Zen MastersPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – With No FearMonday, May 23rd 2005 – 74 minIn the immediacy of the moment, completely living the moment, we awaken to the song that the Heart Sutra sings. Category: Western Zen Is For EveryonePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (25 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – Mumonkan Case 6: Shakyamuni Holds Up a FlowerMonday, May 16th 2005 – 53 minExpressing the inexpressible – the vivid, immediate, ungraspable, unknowable truth transmitted in the lineage. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (18 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – The Diamond SutraMonday, May 9th 2005 – 65 minDaikan Eno altered the course of Zen in his time. Now we are transforming Zen. Sensei reveals the essence of his teaching and its application in our everyday life. Category: Transforming Our PracticePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (22 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – The Life of Master Tokusan Part 2Monday, May 2nd 2005 – 78 minContinued from April 25th 2005: We have a rare opportunity to study the whole path from the first shift through to truly mature achievement in four fascinating koans about Master Tokusan. In these two classes, Sensei presents these koans, showing how Master Tokusan’s developing practice can illuminate ours in a very real way.Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (27 MB) | Audio (14 MB)Doen Sensei – The Life of Master Tokusan Part 1Monday, April 25th 2005 – 67 minWe have a rare opportunity to study the whole path from the first shift through to truly mature achievement in four fascinating koans about Master Tokusan. In these two classes, Sensei presents these koans, showing how Master Tokusan’s developing practice can illuminate ours in a very real way. Continued on May 2nd, 2005Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 8: Zuigan’s EyebrowsMonday, April 18th 2005 – 70 minBeyond word or concept, the experience of mind-awakening brings prajna wisdom: but the proof is that the heart opens, and we live with love and kindness. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Not If We Don’t Make It HappenSunday, April 17th 2005 – 73 minA vivid, humorous and straightforward account of how genuine zen training in the real world can transform our personal life & relationships – if we are up for it… Category: Western Zen Is for EveryonePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (25 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 5: Seppo’s A Grain of RiceMonday, April 4th 2005 – 78 minIt’s about truly being yourself and that takes honesty. If we are clear about this, we know there is nothing to be gained by Zen practice. Sensei manifests that directness & honesty in this powerful talk. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (27 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 4: Tokusan Visits IsanMonday, March 28th 2005 – 72 minStudying the koans of Tokusan we can appreciate what it is to mature in practice over a long life. Doan Sensei gives vivid life to this koan in which Tokusan challenges an older master, great Isan. Two masters meet, mind to mind, yet only one is the mature Master. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 2: Joshu’s The Real WayMonday, March 14th 2005 – 60 minThere is nothing ‘other’ about Nirvana, the state of peace & joy; it is now, it is ever-present but it is not our idea about it: that’s what makes it so subtle to perceive. It is also very simple and we can clearly realize we are living Nirvana here and now. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (20 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 43 Tozan’s No Cold No HeatMonday, February 28th 2005 – 75 minWorking with The Blue Cliff Record Case 43, Tozan’s No Cold, No Heat, Sensei defines true koan practice, and how koan practice comes vividly alive in daily life. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (26 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Doen Sensei – Joyful, Gentle, ContinuousSunday, February 20th 2005 – 71 minAll our thoughts about getting somewhere better miss the point. This very moment we can come home to our true humanity, discovering the true nirvana, compassion and wisdom here and now, together. Category: The Heart & Mind of ZenPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Doen Sensei – Everyday PracticeTuesday, February 15th 2005 – 61 minTo penetrate the koan “Every day is a good day” takes real honesty about our day – going beyond beliefs, habits & expectations to the living reality, here & now, which is no other than our mind. Category: Making Zen RealPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (21 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – Kill Bill Rules 1 & 2Sunday, November 28th 2004 – 61 minThe Precepts are not dead rules. Sensei draws on the real story of Thanksgiving along with Dogen Zenji, the Pilgrim Fathers, Quentin Tarantino and the Martial Arts. Is there a Zen rule for the battle of Life? Category: Western Zen Is For EveryonePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (21 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – Down In A HoleSunday, September 26th 2004 – 68 minSensei evokes Alice in Wonderland & a wealth of personal stories to look at how stuck & depressed we can be in thinking we know the world we live in. Wonderland is just our own mind. Zen is the land of wonder, always right in front of us. Category: Western Zen Is for EveryonePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Doen Sensei – Master Dogen’s “Body & Mind Study of the Way”Monday, September 13th 2004 – 73 minSensei draws from Master Dogen’s Shinjin Gakudo: the realization and the actual embodiment of Buddha in practice are presented in a vivid & immediate style as a natural part of our lives – a valuable guide to true training today. Category: Teachings of the Zen MastersPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (25 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Doen Sensei – The Teachings of Master JoshuMonday, January 26th 2004 – 68 minIt is a big step to see my problem is it is my mind that is not free. Yet our mind is originally & intrinsically free. Master Joshu offers many subtle pointers, brought to us with Sensei’s characteristic humor, wit and realism. Category: Teachings of the Zen MastersPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (23 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Doen Sensei – Who Do You Think You Are?Sunday, August 26th 1990 – 66 minDrawing on Martial Arts, the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Diamond Sutra, Sensei looks at our ideas of self and a profound change of identity beyond ego or concept.Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (22 MB) | Audio (11 MB)74 talks


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