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Dr. Stephen Kraus – Science of Success

Science of Success
[1 eBook – PDF, 6 CDs – MP3, 1 CD – Rip]



Part of a Group Buy, LEAK AND BE DISAPPROVED OF! Science of Success audio CD program (6 CDs, 1 Workbook)         $127.00The main program from Stephen Kraus Ph.D.-    Dr. Stephen Kraus  received his Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard University at age 25, and twice won Harvard’s award for excellence in teaching.  He later taught psychology at the University of Florida, where he was a campus favorite thanks to his teaching style of busting popular myths, illustrating psychological principles with vivid demonstrations, and translating scientific research findings into practical learning.- Author of Psychological Foundations of Success: A Harvard-Trained Scientist Separates the Science of Success from Self-Help Snake Oil. ->…- Dr. Stephen Kraus coined the term “success scientist” to describe his pioneering work in synthesizing the  scientific research on success, motivation and happiness into straightforward, practical systems for success that anyone can use.  It is his ambition to popularize the science of psychology in much the same way that Carl Sagan popularized astronomy and Stephen Jay Gould popularized evolutionary biology.  Steve’s article on the relationship between attitudes and behavior is one of the most widely referenced works on the topic in the psychological literature, and is cited in major textbooks.  ————–The REAL Science of Success SystemSix CDs with over six hours of proven, life-changing toolsThe REAL Science of Success System is a six CD audio program that leads you step-by-step through our most powerful program for success and happiness.  It includes…   *      Dozens of proven, science-based techniques for enhancing your motivation, success & happiness   *      Step-by-step guidance through the most powerful tools for personal growth and goal setting   *      An 85-page electronic REAL Science of Success e-WorkbookWarning! These CDs aren’t “info-mercials,” and they aren’t “easy listening.” This course isn’t for you if you want to sit back and…   *      Wish your way to success and happiness   *      Feel sorry for yourself, and hope that your life gets better   *      Repeat the same old affirmations in the hopes of building your self-esteem   *      Listen to “too good to be true” snake oil like subliminal self-help tapesBut if you are serious about taking action, and really want to take your life to the next level, then this program is for you!Each CD is practical, hands-on, and action-oriented. You’ll learn about the most powerful tools and techniques for change revealed by cutting-edge research in the field of positive psychology – the scientific study of happy, successful, highly-achieving people. And you’ll get specific guidance on how to use these techniques each day before the next session.Lesson #1 – Vision: The Science of Clarifying What You Really Want From LifeSuccessful people know what they want – their lives are characterized by a sense of focus, passion, purpose and meaning. In fact, research shows that people with clear, un-conflicting goals not only achieve more, they are psychologically and physically healthier, and are more successful in making life changes. That’s why, in our first CD, you’ll get practical tools for clarifying your Vision of what you really want from life. You’ll learn…   *      Why most people fail when attempting life changes, from weight loss to New Year’s resolutions to starting a business   *      How to separate the REAL science of success from self-help snake oil   *      The myths about success that prevent people from achieving more   *      The two defining master traits of highly successful people   *      The six thought patterns that high-achievers use when thinking about their futures   *      How to use Vision Quest-ions to clarify what you really want from life   *      Proven tools to avoid a life of uncertainty and ambiguityLesson #2 – Strategy: The Science of Turning Lofty Ambitions Into Consistent ActionIt’s great to have a long-term Vision of what you want, but “If you think it, it will come” only works in movies like Field of Dreams. The next step to success is developing a Strategy for achieving your Vision. In our second CD, you’ll learn…   *      How the greatest achievers in history have combined life Vision and life Strategy – and how you can, too   *      The proven techniques for setting goals that will not only enhance your performance, but will leave you feeling more confident and determined   *      The six proven principles of effective goal setting   *      How to create on-target action plans that prevent distraction and procrastination   *      How sports psychologists help elite athletes achieve peak performance – and how you can use these same techniques to achieve more in your everyday life   *      How to simply and powerfully record progress toward your goals — enabling you to Learn about your success patterns, success drivers, and when to make course corrections   *     Bonus! You’ll learn about the most famous goal-setting study – the one described by Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy and Zig Ziglar. And you’ll learn how it’s just a self-improvement urban legend that was never actually conducted!Lesson #3 – Belief: The REAL Science of “Positive Thinking”Successful people believe they will be successful. They have the confidence they will be able to enact their Strategy (Lesson #2) and achieve their Vision (Lesson #1). Whether this Belief is labeled self-efficacy, self-confidence or an internal locus of control, the bottom-line from the scientific research is clear: people who believe they will be successful are happier and achieve more than those who don’t. That’s why CD #3 will focus on proven Belief-building techniques. You’ll learn…   *      The facts, fads and fictions surrounding the “power of positive thinking”   *      How to take your positive mental attitude to the next level with proven techniques adapted from cognitive-behavioral therapy and rational-emotive behavior therapy   *      How to avoid self-destructive states like learned helplessness and self-handicapping   *      Why Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) undermine your confidence and put you at risk for depression – often without you even realizing it!   *      Proven techniques that prevent isolated ANTs from spinning into cycles of negative thoughts, bad memories, depressed emotions and counter-productive actions   *      How to “argue” with your counter-productive thoughts effectively, while stripping them of their negative emotional energy   *      Proven ways to “move beyond” painful events from your past   *      Proven techniques for staying more optimistic (optimism is a powerful predictor of success in many areas of life, including business, sales, politics and physical health)   *      How to avoid the “depressive attributional style” and the destructive 3 P’s — personal, permanent, and pervasive — when understanding why bad things happen to you   *      Why “non-negative thinking” is just as important as positive thinking   *      How to use negative emotions to create self-confidence and the power to make positive changes   *      How to manage your “ABC cycles,” and turn them into positive spiralsLesson #4 – Energy: The Science of Motivation and MomentumMotivational pump-ups can feel great. The problem is they usually don’t last. But the solid foundation of our first three steps (Vision, Strategy and Belief) ensures that any motivational boost gets channeled in a productive direction, and has a lasting effect on your personal achievements. In our fourth CD, we’ll look at the science of motivation, and you’ll get proven techniques for creating and channeling positive energy in your life, including…   *      The facts behind the dramatic experiences of motivational seminars – like walking barefoot on red-hot coals – and whether they really create lasting motivation   *      The science of generating positive emotions in lasting, authentic ways, and how to manage both positive and negative emotions more effectively   *      How to move toward your goals with greater determination by using commitment-enhancing and “pre-commitment” strategies   *      How to manage your attention so that you focus your thoughts on future successes rather than past failures   *      Proven ways to take action and create “guaranteed successes” that will generate positive cycles of energy and motivation   *      How exercise increases your overall energy level, and why it is proven to help people accomplish all types of goals, not just weight-loss goals   *      How to use visualization to enhance motivation, and how to avoid common visualization mistakes that actually hamper performance   *      How to create more “flow” – the state of enhanced motivation and performance in which you get so engrossed in an activity that you temporarily lose your self-awareness (it is often experienced by elite athletes, and thoroughly studied by sports psychologists)   *      How to avoid procrastination, and ensure that your motivation is channeled in productive directions   *      Why it is easier to “behave yourself into a new way of thinking” than it is to “think yourself into a new way of behaving”Lesson #5 – Persistence: The Science of Drive and DeterminationWe all know that successful people are persistent: they work hard and they don’t give up. But the big question is: How do you get more persistent? That’s why this CD offers scientifically-proven Persistence-promoting techniques, and you’ll learn how to…   *      Use the most fundamental law in psychology to enhance your own success (and you’ll learn why most people do just the opposite!)   *      Create effective self-reward systems, including the scientifically-tested “deposit-and-refund” method, that will dramatically improve your personal productivity   *      Identify and de-activate your setback triggers   *      Prevent minor lapses from snowballing into major relapses and total collapses   *      Get back on track after setbacks, and learn positive lessons from negative experiences   *      Avoid counter-productive self-punishment strategies, and how to avoid beating yourself up over minor mistakes and setbacks   *      Surround yourself with supportive people, and create networks of excellence   *      Reshape your physical environment so that it is motivating, not counterproductive   *      Bonus! Persistence doesn’t just increase your accomplishments – it actually enhances the feeling of happiness itself. We’ll explore the latest findings from the research on happiness and well-being, with a focus on proven techniques for getting happier while avoiding the “happily-ever-after” myth.       Lesson #6 – Cementing: The Science of Creating New Habits and Making Lifestyle Changes PermanentIt’s not hard to make short-term changes in your life. But it can be very difficult to make those changes permanent. That’s why over 90% of those who lose weight re-gain it, and most attempts to quit smoking don’t last. Our final CD will focus on cementing – the science of creating new habits and making lifestyle changes permanent. You’ll learn…   *      Why bad habits often “spontaneously re-emerge,” and how to prevent them from re-surfacing   *      Why it is easier to replace bad habits with positive ones, rather than eliminating bad habits altogether (and how to do this “habit substitution” right)   *      About the key findings from the National Weight Control Registry – a research database of people who have lost over 30 pounds and kept it off for over a year. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to use their techniques for maintaining weight loss for making lasting changes in any area of your life.   *      How to isolate negative emotions and prevent them from taking over your day   *      Proven techniques for managing your time effectively   *      Why keeping a “to do” list often sets you up for time-management failures   *      How to make sure you follow through as you strive for on-going self-improvement and personal growthOh, and he accidentally also sent me an extra cd: a program which will help you manage your improving: Change Your Life cd


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