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Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method (Loopable Audio Cuts)

Sedona Method


I’ve tried to figure out why people haven’t figured out that the The Sedona Method is the answer everything you guys are looking for.  Why people would rather download every product on success with women on here but not see that The Sedona Method is the most important tool a guy can have with women, business, health, etc.  It finally hit me that the reason why using the method is fun as hell for me is becuase I can set up my mp3 player or computer to just loop through the guided process from the workshop of the Basic Course.  I don’t have to use any mental power in asking myself the questions becuase I just have winamp or my mp3 player do it all for me.I used mp3 direct cut to get rid of all of Hale’s explanations on why releasing on things like: Wanting Approval, Control, Security, to change things, and resistance to things is good.  These files are just the process where he takes you through releasing them.Do you guys not realize there is a tool out that that instantly drops your need for approval?  A tool that instantly gets rid of insecurity?  A tool that instantly takes you from feeling out of control of something to feeling in control?  This method is a natural way that you get rid of the unconscious garbage that has accumulated in your mind to make you act like a wuss, approval seeker, excusor, supplicator, or whatever you want to call it.Why would you want to spend all your time trying to emulate a person that has a strong sense of self, that isn’t looking for outside approval, that is secure with themself, and is in control when you could actually just BECOME THAT YOURSELF…by listening to some damn MP3s when you lay on your bed or sit in your chair.  You can use this tool in the moment too without these mp3s.This is how you actually remove your attachement to outcomes!If you want to stop caring what people think…let go of wanting to control what people think using The Sedona Method.  IT WORKS!And if any of you jokers have problems with ratios on here, IM me on AIM:  Blissnosis  and I’ll send you this for free.JMoney


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