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Augustine Fong – Complete Wing Chun

Augustine Fong Complete Wing Chun
[7 DVDs – Rips]


THIS SET IS VERY COMPLETE, & VERY HARD TO FIND!A MUST FOR ALL MARTIAL ARTISTS!Wing Chun Tapes (DVD) by Augustine Fong ( Panther Productions )Tape #1 Fundamental TechniquesPunches, blocks, kicks, mapo foot work, iron palm, chi meditation and one inch punch.Available only on DVD. Approx. 60 minutes.Tape #2 Siu Lim Tau FormComplete form history and applications plus single man techniques, double man techniques and more.Available only on DVD. Approx. 56 minutes.Tape #3 Chum Kiu FormComplete form history and applications plus Lop Sau, single sticky hands.Available only on DVD. Approx. 56 minutes.Tape #4 Biu Gee FormComplete form history and applications plus asking hands, two man and three man sticky hands and Lop Sua.Available only on DVD. Approx. 58 minutes.Tape #5 108 Mok Yan Jong ( Wooden Dummy Form)Includes hundreds of fundamental and advanced techniques plus traditional Wing Chun Dummy Form.Available only on DVD. Approx. 58 minutes.Tape #6 Wing Chun WeaponsTeaches techniques and complete required forms of the Wing Chun Bok Jam Do staff and butterfly swords.Available only on DVD. Approx. 58 minutes.Tape #7 Wing Chun Sparring TechniquesNumerous fighting combinations plus sticky legs, closing the gap, taking center line, free style sparring and more.Available only on DVD. Approx. 60 minutes.Complete set of Wing Chun DVDs $320.00ENJOY!


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