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Jeff Anderson – Optimum Anabolics

Optimum Anabolics By Jeff Anderson
[2 eBooks – PDF +extras]


Here’s just a small sample of what you’re about to discover: The hidden formula for “tricking” your muscles into growing far beyond their genetic limits. Similar to programming a computer to respond the exact way you want it to, this breakthrough step-by-step process will finally put you in control of how much and how fast you want to grow! (pages 17 – 24) The “mystery” of why muscle still avoids you. Your body is actually trying to get rid of the mass you’re trying to pack on. And it’ll succeed if you don’t understand how to use this very same process to your advantage. You’ll learn how starting on Page 15! Why 99% of all bodybuilders lifting in the gyms today have no clue how to structure their workouts to achieve the maximum muscle possible. (And how you can become a member of the 1% who “nail it” every time! (pages 25 – 28) The 8 Anabolic Factors that absolutely must be addressed if you ever want to see one single ounce of new muscle. Most bodybuilders are only hitting 2 or 3 of these principles. You’ll learn how to use all 8 with perfection to double, triple, even quadruple the effects of each one alone. A simple technique for working twice as much muscle with each and every repetition without any extra effort! You do the math…work twice as much muscle and you grow twice as much muscle! Can you afford to miss out on doubling your current gains? (pages 66 – 68) Why you should never follow the “lift big to get big” philosophy! This is going to upset a lot of the so called fitness “experts” out there. But they can’t argue with the logical discovery you’ll find beginning on page 39! The one factor that promises you’ll never have to worry about hitting another “no-growth” plateau as long as you live. You can count on fast steady muscle gains …as long as you follow my fool proof formula step-by-step. (page 15) The most overlooked stage of your workout and how you can use this ignored opportunity to build muscle and burn fat like never before. (pages 71 – 72) The 3 repetition principles that separate the men from the boys! Do them wrong and you’ll be just another one of the “lost boys” wandering the gym floor. Do them right and you will be the one turning heads in awe. How to develop killer biceps that will leave all the ‘wanna-be’s’ at the gym scratching their heads wondering how your arms grew so damn fast . (pages 45 – 47) The result-driven secrets guaranteed to make you the expert everyone at the gym turns to for advice. After learning these secrets you’ll be able to walk into any gym in the world and instantly know if anyone has any idea how to pump iron. How to build a back the size of a barnyard door. You may just have to start turning sideways when walking through doors after learning these top secret tricks (pages 54 – 56)Now these benefits alone are more than any other program can promise and deliver on.But I told you I wasn’t going to leave anything out, and like I said, I’m a man of my word. So in the Optimum Anabolics Program, you’ll also discover… How the 5 Training Response Zones will make or break your success. Four of these zones provide almost zero growth and are even a major cause for muscle loss. Yet this is where 90% of all “muscle-heads” pumping iron in today’s gyms are spending their time. Only one of these zones allows you to slather your body in skin-popping muscle. You’ll learn all the secrets to achieving this all-important super-growth state…and stay there as long as you wish! (page 17) How to build bowling ball-sized shoulders. That perfect “V”-shaped torso is finally within your reach. (pages 43 – 44) The one factor that will help you determine hands-down whether you’ve wasted your precious time in the gym or if you’ve just primed your body for an explosive anabolic surge of massive growth. (pages 62 – 63) Why you should absolutely leave the gym floor within one hour of starting your workout…even if you haven’t completed your exercises! (pages 29 – 30) The one exercise that beats all others for building legs that are so big and shredded, they’ll draw stares from everyone else at the gym feverishly working on their own little toothpicks! (pages 50 – 52) An unbelievable trick that guarantees you’ll get the most muscle stimulation from every single repetition. Here’s a hint…it has absolutely nothing to do with technique, but you’ll actually feel the difference after every set. (page 40) To cardio, or not to cardio…That is the question! Everyone’s been force-fed that you must exercise aerobically in order to burn fat. But nearly everyone is training the wrong way for fat loss! You’ll learn the right way from the start…and the shocking answer that allows you to burn up to 53% more fat! (pages 58 – 60) Why those grueling workouts you read about in all of the muscle mags are a dangerous joke! Don’t waste your time or risk injury with these idiotic programs. They’ll leave you as frustrated as a teenager flipping through a Victoria’s Secret catalog! (pages 29 – 30) How to choose the perfect exercise to strategically target those hard-to-hit areas. Most bodybuilders are using the wrong exercises, performed the wrong way. Take a look at this graph showing the most popular chest exercises…Walk into any gym and you’ll see every guy knocking out exercise # 6 to really target their pecs. But as you can see from the graph, there are 5 other exercises that are MORE effective at building a chest to brag about. In the Optimum Anabolics Program, I do this same analysis of the best exercises for each and every bodypart so you’ll never have to waste your valuable time on ineffective exercises again.


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