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Adam Hsu – The Secret File Of Ba Gua Zhang

Adam Hsu – The Secret File Of Ba Gua Zhang [WebRip – 6 MP4]
[WebRip – 6 MP4]


I have an ulterior motive for uploading this last and truly amazing Adam Hsu set. I have uploaded dozens of martial arts products in the last month plus a few on bodywork / massage. Yet when I had previously asked for a reseed on three Southern Mantis / Chow Gar products we have here, of Paul Whitrod, nobody was able or willing to help me out with those. I have just once again asked for a reseed and the system has sent out reseed requests to the last 19, 16 and 15 downloaders, respectively. Someone has kindly reseeded the 3 Whitrod San Sau tapes, many thanks to that helpful individual !So please, if you received one of those two remaining requests (Paul Whitrod 11 DVD set and the Phoenix and Hammer Fist tape) and if you have enjoyed and benefitted from my uploads, please reseed these for me! Thank you very much!Now, this product:  This is a superb two part set (I do not have the latest part, part 3, but when I get it I will bring it here).2 Volumes, can be purchased separately or as a set. Each volume contains 3 discs (over 3 hrs per volume) Chinese language subtitled in EnglishThis new, comprehensive series on BGZ (Bagua Zhang) is presented by teacher Adam Hsu in two volumes, each containing three DVDs. What is exceptional about this presentation is that longtime teacher Hsu has gone for the juice, offering a presentation that can benefit any BGZ player, no matter the style.The first three DVDs of Volume One concentrate on background and principles. The information and demonstrations are profound, explaning essentials. He starts with the lineage including Gong Bao Tian, who learned directly from Yin Fu and developed some rare techniques. It is here that we get a preview of the his pole technique and a new form of pracicing with marine ropes.Next, Adam Hsu makes a strong case for the differences between BGZ and other martial arts. BGZ is a fairly late development, so Adam Hsu explains key differences, levels of torsion, special Nei Gong to enhance the movements, some ways of thinking entirely unique to BGZ.  Following are three very unusual exercises, definitely BGZ, to loosen the spine, and coax more motion out of the hips, for walking practice. All of these relatively unknown Bagua training regimens originate with Gong Bao Tian, and all of them are surprising.Volume One also contains a discussion on internal training, with breathing and methods to deepen practice. For people with a martial background, Hsu Sifu’s approach is commonsensical and direct—without even the need to believe in qi—and focuses on the role of intent. I think people will be refreshed by it, because it is so simple and so honest. Hsu also introduces the qi discussion on the famous three levels (heaven, earth and mankind) so basic to BGZ training.In Volume Two, Adam Hsu advances many ideas from Part One. He also shows certain aspects of this system that you cannot find anywhere, even mainland China. We now see much deeper into the anatomy of stepping. He introduces scissors stepping with correct leg movements. He shows a Square Step, important for hip control. He adds a Triangle step for tight movement and the wall-turning exercises of Volume #1. Returning to the San Cai (Three Levels) he adds a specific hand position to each of the three levels, linking each level with a portion of the torso. Then he coordinates these with three forms of stepping pattern. This San Cai practice alone could offer months of training. The first three postures in this section are absolutely foundational.Next comes palm training, with actual marching locomotion. Hsu Sifu doesn’t demonstrate a great deal on other people, but here you do not need it—the applications are quite clear. He shows the Palm training with all major hand positions, and full body actions with the palm changing on each strike. He introduces a number of these crucial techniques, core movements for BGZ training: chopping, throwing, raising, etc.Then he introduces the Four Hands (Guen, Zhuan, Zheng, Guo)  Pattern. This valuable training method hooks the body up with the arms in a continuous loop. This training is rarely seen outside this lineage. In this seemingly simple circular exercise you move your hand through four different positons all with appropriate waist and back actions. People often try to do this but fail making the proper connection and therefore cannot match hands to their legs. Here we have five different versions (two of which I’ve never even seen before) of this lively exercise, each requiring different torso techniques. The Four Hands is the kind of practice you might keep up through your entire martial career.Finally, there is an extended section on how to work the BGZ posts. I rarely use the word “amazing” but the BGZ posts might make the Wing Chun dummy look like a broomstick. The first time I saw this I said, “You could practice years on this.” Hsu Sifu said, “You could practice your whole life on this.” Sifu Adam Hsu shows various ways to work a group of three—with just hands, moving from post to post, setting up the posts, spacing them, their use for posture. Incredibly, it is a whole system onto itself.True to his basic premise, Adam Hsu adds two very important features to this double series. First, he put the material in the right order, with the usage of the movements coming first and the emphasis on the type of basics that really can make or break your skills. Second, he gives much more background—not just stories of magical prowess, rather the guiding principles that make Bagua what it is.


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