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Mindful World Parenting Summit

[WebRip – 56 MP4, 56 Audios – MP3, 56 Transcripts – PDF]



Awaken to a new way of parenting with proven tools that will help your amazing children be EVEN MORE resilient, authentic, mindful and aware — because we can all use support to be the best parents we can be!Are you feel­ing over­whelmed by the chal­lenges of rais­ing your fam­ily and keep­ing up with the pace of mod­ern life?Dr. Stacy is here to help.She’s your host of the Mind­ful World Par­ent­ing Sum­mit and has brought to­gether the world’s top au­thor­i­ties in the ar­eas of par­ent­ing, men­tal health, ed­u­ca­tion, brain sci­ence and mind­ful­ness: Dr. She­fali Tsabary, Dr. Laura Markham, Dr. Rick Han­son, Eck­hart Tolle, Les Brown, So­nia Ri­cotti, Mallika Chopra and many get to watch a bunch of talks from different education eggheads and mindfulness types all sharing insights into how to raise more resilient, happy and aware kiddos, and how to be less of a stressed out lunatic as a parentWe can’t blame “so­ci­ety” for the prob­lems that man­i­fest in our chil­dren.We MUST take own­er­ship and lead them from a place of strength.As much as we’d like to think our stress does not af­fect our kids, re­search says 91% of them know when their par­ents are stressed be­cause of yelling, ar­gu­ing, com­plain­ing and not hav­ing the time to spend with them.Join if you wish or want for…Deeper con­nec­tion with your kidsFeel more em­pow­ered as a par­entCom­mu­ni­ca­tion that sup­ports your kids be­ing who they areStop strug­gling with how to guide them ef­fec­tivelyCease dump­ing your stress-bag­gage on themAnd so much more!The mis­sion of The Mind­ful World Par­ent­ing Sum­mit is to cre­ate a world where we are no longer vic­tims to past trauma, de­liver a thriv­ing legacy to our chil­dren and af­ford each per­son the op­por­tu­nity to live their pur­pose and ful­fil their mis­sion.Raising amazing kids into incredible adults? Let’s do it, together! 720pAudios: mp3Transcripts: PDFNote: You don’t need to download everything, just choose PDF, MP4 or Mp3 depending upon your needs.


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