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Raja Choudhury – Awakening your Kundalini Module 03

03 The First Sun
[Webrip – 2 MP4, 2 MP3, 3 PDF]



This product is the result of a TP GB … sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Module 3: The First Sun & Kundalini’sJourney Up the First 3 ChakrasWe’ll explore the First Sun (aka Brahma Granthi), which is our reptilian brain that controls our fears, aggression, hunger, sexuality, and willpower. This region contains the three lower chakras — Muladhara, Svadhisthana, and Manipura — and we’ll explore how Kundalini rises through these centers at the beginning of her journey. We’ll explore the correlation of this Sun with our fight/flight mechanisms, food urges, sexuality, and fear and how by bringing them under control we can prepare ourselves for the rise of Kundalini and the opening of our higher consciousness.In this module, you’ll:    How to channel Prana through your Ida and Pingala Nadis (channels) to awaken Kundalini at the Muladhara    How to awaken Muladhara (aka the earth center) fully using the Beej or seed sound of LAM and using breath and locks in your body at the Mula or base of your spine    How Kundalini rises from this place up the Sushumna Nadi and begins a vortex-whirling journey upwards    How the Svadhisthana or sex center is associated with the element of water and can be the key to opening the higher centers and creativity in your life    How the Manipura or navel center is the fire center in you at the navel and can burn away all accumulated negative karma and light the fires for your upward spiritual quest    The Mantras and sounds for each of the 3 stages of the awakening Kundalini and experiencing the First Sun at the navel.)


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