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Mike Withfield – Diet Free Weekends (16 ebooks – pdf, 1 .xls file)

Mike Withfield – Diet Free Weekends


As usual trying to overdeliver I added a looot of bonuses that aren’t in the advertisement page!Enjoy!!! ————————————————————— your weekend “binging” is crippling you from losing fat…PLUS You’ll Get 3 Controversial Diet Secrets Dietitians HATE That Switch Your Fat Burning on Autopilot… Diet Prison AngleHow would it feel to be given a “Get Out of Diet Prison Free” card? The proof in this research is like being given one. It has nothing to do with supplements or any extreme workout program, either.And even better news – this breakthrough research was used by men and women with horrible genetics, too.In fact, the study you’ll discover today can be more effective than ANY traditional diet, due to it being so easy to follow. Now you can agree that if you can follow something with ease, you can stick to it, right?You see, fitness magazines and experts have pounded this into our heads for decades…“If you want to reduce your body fat, you must cut 500 calories per day from your diet”.The science says so and it’s how our bodies work. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do about this.Now this is true… TO AN EXTENT.As they say, the proof is in the pudding (mmmm, pudding) and the numbers don’t lie, so let’s take a look:7 (days) x 500 (recommended calorie reduction) = 3,500 calories removed from your diet per week.You probably know that 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fatSo when you reduce your weekly calories by 3,500?…You lose 1 pound of fat per week.It seems so easy, right?But it’s NOT easy, is it? The fitness experts who say it’s easy must not have:A family to cook for that are NOT on board with you wanting to lose weight because it inconveniences themKids that are extremely picky and want nothing but Mac-N-CheeseOverwhelming cravings that invade your EVERY THOUGHTAn extremely stressful job that makes you desire weekends with relaxing for once and to INDULGEYou can’t even go to lunch with a friend without your mind being imprisoned with thoughts like, “Will this meal go with my diet?” or…Screenshot 2014-11-22 07.16.58You might even relate with me on this… Monday starts and you’re on fire with your new diet, right?. You have your meals planned to every detail and dare I say… it’s actually easy to “diet”.Your willpower tank is overflowing. You graciously say “no thank you” to the cinnamon crunch bagel your friend offers as you give a gleaming smile of pride.metfixnutrition guideFor once, you’re in control.Then, after a busy week of grinding through a mountain of stress, barely taking the time to breathe, you finally relax now that your weekend is here.Yet… you may feel as though you screw up your entire week in a matter of 14 minutes or less.One slice of pizza leads to 5 slices. After all, you screwed up. So you might as well polish off the entire box. You certainly don’t want it to go to waste.You may feel as though you’ll never be skinny or fit ever again because you just like food too much. You don’t care what the “experts” say… Good food IS addicting!You sometimes wonder if the weekends didn’t exist, if you would be in the best shape of your life.It’s an internal battle busy men and women face every week. “Hey, it’s the weekend. I don’t want to diet, I want to ENJOY myself and NOT have to worry about my annoying diet. I do that all week!”So you indulge…Then, there’s the Monday disappointment…That STUPID scale. You’re right back where you were exactly 7 days ago or worse… 3 pounds heavier!As you step off, you may feel as if you’re tired of screwing up as you let out a big sigh… possibly even gritting your teeth.Well, don’t lose hope quite yet. There is good news……REALLY good news that can be a life-changer for anyone who adores food.This Research Breaks the Shackles for Those That are Chronic DietersLet’s call it like it is. Dieting is HARD. I should know. I battled the diet war for years until I stumbled on this big idea, in which was proven it works with this Cornell University Study…You see that pic of me over 300 pounds? That happened wickedly FAST!It seemed like 1 minute I was grabbing a quick bite so I could get back to work then the next minute I could no longer see my feet.I had a pair of green corduroys (oh they were sharp alright) and I wore them all that winter and then tucked them away for next winter.Next winter? Yep, I couldn’t even get them over my thighs.I almost felt like people didn’t respect me any more thanks to my weight robbing me of my confidence and self-esteem.It was heartbreaking and… EMBARRASSING.Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to convince me to change. I loved food so much that the “love affair” helped me reach over 300 pounds.I could tell people thought I was lazy, too.The truth was that I was not even close to lazy.I tried, but nothing worked. I hate diets because frankly, I LOVE FOOD. No wonder nothing worked.For crying out loud, dieting is like a second job.Counting calories…Counting carbs…Measuring out portions…Having to learn what’s REALLY healthy and what’s not…It just gets OLD. Even Though You Have More Free Time on the Weekends, It Still Feels Like Work Because of Your Imprisoning DietLet me transparent with you.My name is Mike Whitfield. And although I’ve been a fitness expert for almost 10 years and have been a contributor to Men’s Health and was voted the Trainer of the Year?…I HATE veggies and boring diet food. It feels so good to get that off my chest.Sorry, you can’t convince me to “enjoy” baked chicken and squash while my family eats a piping hot pizza with bubbling, gooey cheese as we watch Netflix on movie night. It just AIN’T going to happen.Cravings-for-chocolateIf you can do that, you have my respect. However, I suggest you stop reading this as this breakthrough is for those that desire the good stuff…The cookies.The pizza.The ice cream.The bagels.The PAAAAAANCAKESYou know, the fun weekend food that all of us should enjoy without the guilt.Seriously, what would you honestly choose after a long, brutal week? A bowl of fruit or some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies hot from the oven?Ummm, no contest. Cookies all the way.And you know what?I BROKE the Almighty Diet “Code”. The Reality is You CAN Enjoy Your Favorite Foods All Weekend Long and Still Lose Fat…Had I not stumbled on this diet “hack”, I’ll be honest and tell you that I don’t think I could have followed a “normal” diet and lose 115 pounds and keep it off for 10 years.I just love food too much.Screenshot 2014-11-28 05.48.18Now this powerful strategy may seem too good to be true, but it does work.You may even have one eyebrow raised with a smirk on your face and I can’t blame you. Believe me, if you told me to go eat a stack of pancakes drenched in warm syrup to lose more fat, I would be skeptical, too.Yet, you’ll see the PROOF that it works.First, let’s go back to the math.Remember, science has proven that to lose one pound of fat, you need a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories per week.Now here’s just part of the secret… you might be looking at a DAILY calorie reduction to meet this goal…Yet, it comes down to your WEEKLY calorie deficit…The Underground Cornell University Study That Dietitians Will NEVER Talk AboutFor over 10 years, I’ve wanted to share what I thought was true. But I couldn’t because no study was published to prove my own experiments with clients and myself.I even felt a little foolish when I told my clients to follow this “No Diet Rules the Entire Weekend!” protocol. It almost feels like a Dietitian’s nightmare.And honestly, I had no idea why this crazy, yet incredible approach worked so well… until now.Screenshot 2014-11-28 06.04.07A study published out of Cornell University, scientists looked at weight loss among adults aged between 25 and 62.Participants were asked to weigh themselves after waking up over a period of 15 to 330 days in order to include weight fluctuation patterns and corresponding days of the week.The researchers observed that the individuals, who lost more weight over the period of the study “splurged” over the weekend, yet cut calories Monday through Thursday.“Weight variations between weekdays and weekends should be considered normal instead of weight gain,” Cornell University behavioral economist Brian Wansink says in a press release. “The big difference between those who gain weight over time and those who lose or maintain weight is directly related to the way they eat from Monday to Friday.”Now this is great news, but there is another approach that’s even better.How Would You Like to Enjoy Your Favorite Foods Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Yet Lose Up to 3 Pounds of Fat Week after Week?Forget having just one or two days off from your diet… why not 3? I don’t know about you, but Friday night I’m craving a hot pizza after a busy week.I’ll share with you my little secret on how to make that happen.Now if you’re a pro bodybuilder, it won’t work. But if you’re just looking to lose 2-3 pounds of fat a week and get more energy, this NEW approach works like a charm and you can stick to it easily.It comes down to 3 Dieting Tricks…Dieting Trick #1 – AVOID Cortisol and StressDid you know that restricting your calories longer than your willpower lasts leads to weight gain? Frustration-With-FitnessA study published in the Journal Psychosom Med revealed that chronic dieting is ineffective because it increases your mental stress and cortisol production.Cortisol and stress are your 2 WORST enemies, as they are known to cause weight gain.If you’ve been overweight for more than a few months, you might be experiencing painfully slow weight loss (if any) if you have tried a variety of restrictive diets including low carb, Weight Watchers, Paleo and moreAnd if you find yourself tense and with mood swings with your friends and family, you now understand that it’s due to the chronic dieting.The good news is that there’s a smarter way called “Diet Intervals” that improves your mood and decreases your physical and mental stress, all while losing fat consistently week after week.Diet Trick #2 – Recharge Your Willpower Like a BatteryIf you don’t recharge, you could end up making WORST decisions in areas outside of your health. Here’s why…Think about this… have you ever started a new diet on a Monday and you absolutely crushed it?Then Tuesday, you lost a little enthusiasm. Finally, a few days go by and Friday came. You find it draining to say “No thank you”. You want the GOOD food.You may have even felt your energy slump and find yourself in a brain fog. There’s a reason…donut willpower“Decision Fatigue”, the newest discovery coined by social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister, shows that there is a limit of mental energy for using self-control.When you fight temptation from digging into your favorite chocolate or pizza, then you’re less able to resist other temptations (like yelling at your kids or cursing at other drivers in traffic). The study revealed that people like you and I spend anywhere between 3 to 4 hours a day resisting desire and this willpower drastically DECREASES (up to 60%!) as the day goes on.Now imagine how your willpower is affected over the course of a week!The good news is that you can “recharge” your willpower easily. A study from the University of Minnesota shows that rewarding yourself after you’ve followed through a healthy behavior will increase long term willpower.In fact, the researchers quoted, “It might be an even better approach idea to reward ourselves first, and use the mood boost to follow through”.Using this principle alone, it made sense why my clients were winning transformation contests and being able to stick to a plan. I had one client lose 70 pounds in about 6 months!Now imagine rewarding yourself leaner by enjoying more than one lousy cheat meal a week. It all comes down to using “Diet Intervals”, which I’ll explain shortly. But first, here’s how to reward yourself the right way…Dieting Trick #3 – Use a Combination of Fats and Carbs at the Same TimeThere’s a boss of your hormones and its name is Leptin. Imagine your whole body full of fat-burning employees. Leptin is the supervisor. Anything Leptin says goes. The employees do whatever Leptin says.Leptin is your #1 hormone for burning fat.Here’s the deal. When you restrict your calories for more than 4 days, your leptin production decreases. In other words, it’s like you’re not paying your supervisor a good enough salary, so he works less.Leptin rebels by “resetting” at a slower rate, due to the stress your body is adapting to.Screenshot 2014-10-29 14.22.51Now when you eat an abundance of calories like pizza, chocolate and those mouth-watering garlic breadsticks drenched in butter, you can increase your leptin production by nearly 30% (proven by a study from the Institute of Physiology).This is especially true using a combination of fats AND carbs (pizza for example).It’s just like giving Leptin a “pay raise”. Now he’s motivated to burn more fat.Yet get this… your metabolism increases even more when your abundance of calories come after a period of reduced calories.This is when you can use the weekend to your advantage as long as you keep your hormones in balance the other 4 days, which I’ll show you how using what’s called “Diet Intervals”.Before You Read Any Further, Understand That Even Though You’re Losing All the Weight You Want Even While Abandoning Your Diet for 3 Days Straight, Your Friends and Family Won’t Believe YouI’m speaking from personal experience as well as the obnoxious things my clients told me their friends and family were saying including…“You look like a different person, but I know you are working with a dietitian.”“You look amazing and so happy. There has to be some kind of surgery done, right?”“How can you be eating that and still look so good? What supplements are you taking?” That’s just the skeptical world we live in, yet it won’t get to you.After all, you’re explaining the freedom you now have over a juicy burger with an old high school friend… something you USED to do all the time over 20 years ago, but stopped because it was affecting your waistline.Now you found a way to relive those memories. You now have the energy and metabolism of your previous high school self… and it’s awesome.Well, you’re probably wondering by now…How Do Diet Intervals Work?As you may know, in the exercise world, interval training is when you go really hard for a short period of time, followed by a period of recovery.For example, when you run on a treadmill at a fast pace for 20 seconds followed by 40 seconds of walking. You would do this for 8 to 20 minutes.This burns about 3 times more fat than traditional exercise like walking at a brisk pace for 8 to 20 minutes.No Dietitian in the world has thought about using this powerful approach with our diets.So, here’s how it works…Using a combination of optimizing your hormones and reducing your calories Monday through Thursday, this will be your “Diet Interval”.pic5It’s all figured out and you follow some really simple guidelines… that’s it. There is no crazy calorie counting or having to buy 15 measuring cups at a wholesale store or expensive organic meats and fruits.Then on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (or whenever YOUR weekend is), consider this your recovery period away from your diet.After all, you deserve it. Dietitians and nutrition experts say the opposite, but dare I say… there’s nothing wrong with associating good food with a good time.Enjoying a Philly Cheesesteak on a beautiful Saturday afternoon with your spouse at a locally owned restaurant to support your neighbor’s small business? There’s nothing wrong with that, either.Take off the handcuffs. Diet Intervals FREE you from Diet Prison. No other diet uses this approach. In fact…Your Current Diet Could Work, It’s Just a Matter of Sticking to It Right? This is Why It’s Been So Hard…You probably have one of “those” friends. You know… your friend that dropped 2 sizes and lost their “double chin” thanks to her new diet.However, the other friend? That’s a different story. She tried the SAME DIET for 2 weeks and gained 2 pounds.What gives? Well…A study of 7,200 adults showed that the weight loss difference between 12 popular diets including Weight Watchers, Atkins and South Beach was very little.“The issue is about adherence and it’s how closely and how long you can keep sticking to the plan over time that matters”, Professor Susan Jebb, from the University of Oxford and advisor on obesity told the BBC.Sticking to ANY diet… that’s the hard part, right? It’s almost like these Dietitians and Nutritionists live on another planet or something you know?family pizza nightFamily gatherings, holiday get-togethers, having picky kids and more make it nearly impossible to stick to any diet, especially on your weekends when you’re not in a normal routine.You may already have enough to deal with and on top of it all, you have to figure out “What can I eat today without getting off my diet?”That’s not a fun way to live.And there’s nothing wrong with valuing family over food.What’s the point of dieting anyway if you’re more grouchy and your energy tank is constantly on low?The good news is you CAN reduce your calories for just a few days and still reap the benefits of a smaller waistline, fitting better into your clothes and having an abundance of energy.When you focus on more than just calories and instead on your hormones, you’ll discover…How to Burn 65% More Fat by NOT Counting Calories, But Rocking “Diet Intervals” InsteadBy taking a “hormones first” approach, just like Diet Intervals, you don’t count calories. By transforming how your hormones work, you not only melt fat faster, but you’ll also increase your energy and resting metabolism.That means NO rebound weight gain.This leads to finally getting into your favorite skinny jeans much easier and faster without having to drastically cut your calories.In a study from the Journal of Obesity, those that focused on hormonal balance lost more weight compared to those that used calorie-counting…… as in 65% more weight.Screenshot 2014-10-29 14.29.48In fact, after just 8 weeks of transforming their metabolism using the principles found in Diet Intervals, they also had a 34% decrease in their waist alone.After this Diet Interval approach melts your waistline, imagine how powerful this could be for your trouble areas like your thighs, glutes and the back of your arms.Now if you were to step on the scale after 7 days and it’s showing 2 – 3 pounds lost and your clothes are feeling looser, would you stick to what you’re doing? Of course. I would, too.So if the words, “If food didn’t taste so good, I would weigh so much less!” sound familiar to you, the solution is not dieting, but actually taking a weekly break FROM dieting.For the first time in diet history, you’re breaking all the “rules” of diets. You’re doing the opposite and enjoying your favorite foods the entire weekend and losing all the fat you want using a combination of hormone transformation and diet intervals…… without counting a single calorie or any grams.Here’s What You Can Experience When You Break Free From Diet Prison Using My Diet Free Weekends Solution Below…First, anyone at any age can take advantage of this controversial approach. It doesn’t matter if you’re 34 or 94.couple eating pizza If you like to eat, this will work for you.And instead of working against you, this new approach “releases the brakes” of your metabolism. This allows you to eat all of your favorite foods over the course of 3 days, while following simple guidelines the other 4 days.Imagine your weekend as fueling your metabolism… and it’s FUN. Why? Food is fun. Everyone is thinking this, but no one says it… including any fitness expert.Burn More Fat, NOT Muscle Every WeekYou’ll stop your body’s dependence on burning your muscle, which is common with other diets. Because you’re “refeeding” your body longer, your body will adapt by choosing fat over muscle to burn.You know that leaner, slimmer look you desire? This happens when you burn fat, NOT muscle.Eat a Belgian waffle along with sausage, yet watch your waistline shrink week after week and having the abs of an athlete thanks to a cranked metabolism.Eat Freely for 3 Days to “Reset” Your metabolism to Work FasterYou can eat whatever you want on your weekends (for most, that will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and STILL burn fat thanks to a metabolism makeover. It’s like a hall pass for diet freedom.Take your kids out for ice cream and actually join them, creating memories while watching your belly shrink.Add fuel to your metabolism for 72 hours instead of 20 minutes like other dietsEnd Binge Eating ForeverMost other diets only allow a cheat day or cheat meal, which turns into a binge on boxes of cookies or so much Chinese food you end up feeling miserable. This is all so you can “get it all in while you can”.With Diet Free Weekends, you can enjoy a tall hot fudge sundae and know that you’re just a few hours away from indulging in your favorite chicken fettuccine for dinner.Triple Your Productivity and Energy NaturallyThanks to a cranked metabolism and not having to rely on willpower, you’ll find yourself getting the house clean, paying your bills, and taking the kids to school and it’s only 8:30 AM.Imagine having the energy to play with your kids or even going out more often thanks to feeling 20 years youngerDiscover a simple trick you can do in the mornings to double your energy, too (and yes, this trick is FREE).Strip Fat without EVER Stressing About “When Can I Cheat?”Imagine removing the stress of when and what to reward yourself with. You won’t have to decide between cupcakes and that bacon cheeseburger that makes you moan.So your parents are coming over Sunday (and they don’t diet) and you have a birthday party Saturday? Do both gladly.Now does this work for everyone?Well, if you love food, it will work for you. However, if you are like my Uncle Jim who actually said these words at Thanksgiving one year… “I don’t live to eat. I eat to live. I just don’t enjoy food like you do Mikey”…couple eating… then my congrats to you. You won’t need this.But for the rest of us that enjoy food, it’s the solution we’ve been waiting for.Here’s how to qualify if it will work.Do you like food?If you answered yes, you can do this.Seriously, even if you have horrible genetics it works because you’re going to be using a hormonal approach and not a calorie-counting approach.You’ll discover how inside…Introducing the DietFree Weekends SolutionThe Easiest Step-by-Step Plan That Allows You toEnjoy Your Favorite Foods All Weekend LongWhile Melting Fat Every WeekThis is going to be legendary. Here’s how it works…You’ll break free starting Friday night, and then into Saturday and Sunday. Yep… you’ll be enjoying your favorite foods. Now here’s the catch – you only eat until you’re full, but still… any food goes including your favorite restaurant with those hot dinner rolls.Monday through Thursday – you’ll “prime” your body to adapt to the additional calories over the weekend by using some hormonal manipulation and following a simple guide (but you MUST follow it).Rinse and repeat until you reach your desired weight… or forever like my wife and I are doing to keep the weight off…… because we like to eat of course.fade-leftfade-rightDiet Free Weekends Solutionfade-leftfade-rightDiet Free Weekends Quick Start Guidefade-leftfade-rightDiet Free Weekends Success & Tracking JournalPlease Note: The Diet Free Weekends Solution is NOT for You if You Do Not Qualify…Look, Sabrina and I made sure this program is friendly for people of all ages and no matter how much weight they had to lose.Yet, that STILL doesn’t mean it’s right for you. Do Not Start the Diet Free Weekends Solution If…You’re looking for a license to binge as hard as possible. This program is designed to REMOVE the desire to binge eat because of the many opportunities to eat your favorite foodsYou’re looking for a starvation diet to lose a ridiculous amount of weight in just days. This is not a miracle diet.You think the only way to do any diet is to be hungry all the time. This simple guide will show you several tricks to be full during days 1-4 so you can splurge all weekend long.You enjoy complicated formulas and counting calories or carbs. Sorry, you won’t find that in here. We want people to get started without using a calculator or complicated formulas.You’re looking for old recycled info like the “Cheat Day” method or “refeed” day. No, this is a plan that lets you enjoy “cheat” foods 3 days a week! However, it is designed to reward yourself 3 days in a row and NOT spread out during the week (hey, just being transparent).You’re looking for a diet plan that requires organic foods or expensive supplements. Sorry, we wanted to keep it simple without the “fluff”.You’re the kind of person that gets really excited about something, but doesn’t do anything about it. Look, this is the most enjoyable “diet” on the market. However, you MUST take action and trust the process.We don’t want you to waste your time. However, if you love food like my wife and I do and it’s keeping you from getting in the best shape of your life…If you feel that friends and family comes BEFORE diets…cravingsIf you’re tired of feeling ashamed of eating your favorite foods and always have overwhelming guilt after that last bite…If you feel that your cravings control you instead of you controlling them…If you’re tired of feeling lousy from other energy-draining diets…If you wouldn’t mind losing 10 to 80 pounds without suffering through a painful complicated diet…And even if you have tried everything else… Then you are in the right place. You’re reading this for a reason, right?The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Helping Thousands of Men and Women Get Back in Shape…We all LOVE food and dieting week after week is HARD.That’s why we created this program… so you can use the power of diet intervals and stay motivated with a doable plan.It’s time we rise up and NOT shame our love of food. Doing this changes our perception and our bodies just like the thousands of people we’ve helped …This is the Same Guide I Gave My Private Clients Who Liked Food, Which Ironically Was All of ThemJust a little humor there …Here’s how I worked with private clients (which I don’t take on anymore). I would charge $125 per coaching session and that included setting them up with a nutrition plan they could easily follow.I required a 6-month commitment (I only worked with committed folks). So meeting with me 2 -3 times a week, they would have to invest $1,000 to $1,500 a month.Now if I had any online coaching spots available, that would be a more affordable choice for you at $297 a month.However, the bad news is that my online coaching is full and there is a waiting list.So Sabrina and I decided to admit our love of food to the world and offer this guide to you for instant access for just a fraction of what it would cost to get premiere online coaching.The question is…How Much Do You Value Your Health and the Keys to Release Yourself From Diet Prison?$300? $200? That’s just one session with a dietitian (in many cases, much more than that).Now we won’t do the whole “and when you act right now, we’ll throw in 40 bonuses worth $5,000!” hoopla. You’ve probably seen enough of that.And… it’s NOT a hardcover book. We didn’t have to deal with publisher fees, printing fees, etc. It’s even better. It’s 100% digital, so you’ll get instant access.So you can see that a whopping ONE-TIME investment of just $10 to change your life is a savvy choice. This isn’t some secret coupon code or anything, either.Now, why is this offer so low?Well, by over-delivering on value with this powerful guide, you’ll hopefully see what we have to offer. And when we do offer our coaching again when our other students graduate, we hope you take us into consideration. Fair enough?100% Risk Free TRIPLE Guaranteered-guaranteeI practice what I preach. I’ve experimented and applied my principles not only to myself, but with thousands of men and women for almost 10 years.I know the Diet Free Weekends Solution delivers the best results possible while enjoying your favorite foods every weekend.Sabrina and I believe in this system so much, we’re taking ALL the risk.GUARANTEE #1 – Ease of UseYou’ll be amazed at how radically simple and enjoyable this proven approach is.This guide lays out every step, day-to-day, to get the fastest results possible while enjoying your ENTIRE weekend.It’s not filled with a bunch of “fluff” and gets straight to the point.GUARANTEE #2 – Achieve AND Keep Your Results for LIFESure, you’ll get results this week…But more importantly, you’ll achieve a new way of life to keep the weight off forever without ever having to count calories again.You’ll enjoy a Sunday afternoon legendary sub on bread packed with glorious gluten and not have to worry about your gut because you’ll know exactly what to do the next 4 days. In fact, you’ll see it disappear and shake your head in amazement.GUARANTEE #3 – Responsive Customer SupportWe don’t outsource our customer service overseas to some random person. In fact, Sabrina and I have personally responded to customer questions ourselves. We actually know our customer support staff personally. We’ve gone bowling with our staff supervisor and her husband. She’s horrible at bowling, but awesome at serving our customers.Bottom line – our friendly staff are always happy to help you with anything you need.Our inner circle of ANTI-dieters on the weekends will continue to break the coveted “laws” of dieting whether you decide to join us or not.In fact, if you’re not prepared to actually follow the day-to-day guide and benefit from this laid-back approach to feeling and looking your best ever, then you should NOT join us.This is for food lovers only.And people who know how it works are enjoying every savory bite after a long, stressful week, yet getting leaner than ever. Now it’s time to choose if you want in or not…Click the Add to Cart Button Below to AbandonYour Diet All Weekend Long and STILL LoseUp to 3 Pounds of Fat Week After WeekTo enjoying your freedom from Diet Prison,Screenshot 2014-11-02 07.30.13PS – This is the plan you’re looking for if you desire to lose up to 3 pounds a week, but your weekends are holding you back. Imagine finally enjoying your weekends without the guilt while finally getting into your favorite pants again.PPS – You’re only agreeing to try this radical approach for 60 days. If you find it’s not for you for ANY reason, we’ll refund your investment 100% with no questions asked.Screenshot 2014-11-02 09.06.56Still Have Some Doubts?Now if you’re still not sure about this simple approach, here are the most common questions we get about the Diet Free Weekends Solution.“I lose interest before I even lose weight. Will I be able to stick to this?”Look, dieting is hard even though the media says it’s easy. That, combined with a diet that has failed you in the past as well as your energy being drained, it’s no wonder it didn’t look. Today’s diets are too complicated and don’t allow enough freedom.The Diet Free Weekends Solution allows you to see visible results in just 7 days, while at the same time, cranking up your metabolism. This will allow you to eat more than traditional dieters, yet lose more weight. The energy you get is another plus.Is this the same concept as those “Cheat Day” Diets? Unlike other diets that allow just 1-2 cheat meals or just 1 cheat day, the Diet Free Weekends Solution allows you to enjoy your favorite foods over the entire weekend (for most, this is Friday, Saturday and Sunday).If you tried other “Cheat Day” diets in the past, you may have found yourself overindulging just to “get in” all your favorite foods. This leads to binge eating and you may feel miserable (along with guilty) the next day.We wanted to eliminate that and allow food lovers to enjoy their favorite foods the entire weekend to avoid all of this.What kind of results can I expect?When testing, our clients lost as much as 5 pounds in the first 7 days. We realize that other diet programs claim 10 – 15 pounds in 7 days. However, we were looking for a balance of both immediate and permanent results, as well as releasing men and women from what we call “Diet Prison”. Typically, after the first week, the “norm” is up to 3 pounds a week. This is a plan you can use for life because it’s very doable and there is no rebound weight gain.Will this work even if I’m too old?We strongly believe age is just a number.  But seriously, the published studies validate our principles found inside the Diet Free Weekends Solution worked for men and women up to age 79.This eliminates the “I’m too old” excuse because we want you to take action.


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