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Glenn Richards – Belly Melt For Women (2 ebooks – pdf)

Glenn Richards – Belly Melt For Women


The other bonuses are here on the “men’s program…, I’m John and this is a 36 year old mom of 3 who has struggled with her weight her whole life. Believe it or not, this fitness model featured in a popular fitness magazine is the same person a few months later.When you listen to her unusual story you’ll discover that, just like many other women she was able to keep the weight off without endless cardio and crazy workouts, while eating her favorite foods and living an extremely busy life as a mother of 3…Her name is Radora. And like a lot of women, she was frustrated and angry because even though she was religiously following “the rules” of one diet after another eating less and less, working out more and more, doing endless cardio workouts, her weight just would not budge.And even when it did drop, she could never get rid of excess weight in her midsection.But that was until she met a certain nutritionist and fitness expert named Glen who showed her that by addressing her stomach fat first before anything else, that she’d lose weight all over her body.And more importantly, because he was showing her how to do it naturally still eat the foods she loved and workout way less, then she’d be able to maintain her weight and especially keep her slim waistline for the rest of her life…She was doubtful to say the least. But what he was teaching her made sense after she thought about it a little. So she was willing to try it out. He told her what she needed to do….how she had to stop working out altogether.Stop doing crunches or sit-ups. Stop doing endless cardio and to start eating more, she could have her favorite desserts but at very strategic times. Long story short, she ended up joining her first fitness competition, at the age of 37, and placed third!And after months of chasing him down, he shared his methods with me and my view of fat loss changed forever. With these secrets, which I’ll be sharing with you in just a bit, all of these women are free of their excess weight, proud of their slimmer leaner looks and still enjoying the food they love.Again, my name is John. I’m an natural health researcher and practitioner.And by read until the very end,you will also discover:Even the most resistant and “stubborn” kind that just won’t budge, or at best…Goes away only to rebound again with a vengeance and completely fat-proof your belly area for the rest of your life.And yes… I mean it when I say you’ll have it for the rest of your life. And that’s because you’re about to see……the MAIN cause of belly fat that so-called experts don’t even know about and why all the diets and devices hawked on late-night infomercials never work.I’ve used his methods as well and I can tell you from my own experience that even though this may sound impossible right this moment, after you read to the end and follow what it says like thousands of deeply grateful people have before you, your co-workers, friends and family will be shocked at the staggering transformation your body goes through, almost overnight.How suddenly, even your favorite jeans, that you haven’t been able to wear in years, or even decades, now glide on and fit perfectly and your stomach now looks flat.There’s no more excess water-retention, and no more bloating. How cravings for sweets and processed junk foods vanish and you have long-lasting energy and mental focus throughout the day.And that’s just to name a few incredible results I’ve experienced. I’m going to introduce you to this brilliant nutritionist and fitness expert and reveal some of his secrets in just a second, but before I do,And I think you’ll see why I feel a sense of duty to share it with you.Especially after you hear about how a woman who was borderline diabetic and was able to bring her blood sugar back to normal for good. Or how another lady was suffering from adult acne and infertility…But when she learned what I’m going to share with you not only did she get her slim waistline back, she cleared her skin completely. Or how another lady whose cholesterol was dangerously high…Stunned her doctors when she showed up over 23 pounds lighter and with perfect blood work. Or how you can virtually eliminate the water-retention that comes with your hormonal cycles so you can retain your lean physique all month long, month after month.Not to mention the constant reports of women who have eliminated fatigue, energy crashes, bloating…and even digestion problems they didn’t expect to. And all without doing a single sit up…crunch or…counting a single calorie.But just a fair warning:Some of what this expert discovered might be hard to believe and may even seem odd. In fact, when you hear what he has to say, you may even reject it.But that’s because he isn’t rehashing the same mass-marketed information just to make a buck. You see, because he’s spent his whole career studying the human metabolism and because he’s a holistic practitioner he looks at the metabolism in a completely different way.So please stay with me.What’s the big lie that’s keeping you from naturally having a thin lean waistline without even trying? The big LIE is that belly fat can be “burned” with eating less and exercising more.And an even bigger LIE is that an ab exercise can burn fat around your abs.As I’m about to prove to you in just a minute. NONE of that is true and a simpler, easier and more permanent solution existsthat you can start tonight. The truth is There is an organ we all have and it’s inside of our abdominal area behind our ab muscles.It’s called the OMENTUM. It’s like the word MOMENTUM but without the “M”.This omentum is like a fishing net…but instead of catching fish, it catches fat.It it does it deep inside your belly. So you see, this kind of belly fat is NOT the fat right under our skin.It’s buried deep inside of our abdominal area and it is a lot harder to reach.It’s also why even if you are able to lose some weight…Your stomach still may stick out or resist your diet or exercise efforts. You see, if your weight loss program doesn’t attack this area deep inside your belly, not only will you keep your stomach fat you will have a much harder time losing weight in all the other areas of your body.Why? Because this omentum, when it grows it grows all around your liver.When you think about your teen years that was when your body changed the most right? That’s because of your hormones. Hormones are extremely powerful.And when it comes to fat-burning hormones,hey are the most powerful fat-burning substance.And when your liver is clogged up, dirty and inflamed, these powerful fat-burning hormones get blocked! But there is a third way the omentum affects your weight in general and it affects women. A blocked liver can throw a woman’s hormones out of balance.And women start to experience much larger swings in water weight throughout the month.And because some of these hormones affect your hunger… cravings go through the roof!Not only that, there’s even a hormone imbalance that will force a skinny woman’s midsection which makes feel there is something wrong with her because her arms can be skinny and her legs can be skinny but her midsection has suddenly gained weight and she can’t get rid of it.To top it off, she tends to have acne that won’t go away, some male pattern baldness and fertility issues. So you see, when someone talks about doing sit ups or crunches, Glen just rolls his eyes and sighs. It’s so much more than that.And it affects so many areas of your health and your life! And by addressing the TRUE causes of what we call “belly fat” these women, and many more you’ll hear about were able to flip the switch on their entire body that turned it from fat storing to fat burning.So how do you actually do this for yourself? Great question. Now, here’s the great answer. I’ve persuaded Glen to put all of this into a simple program women can do on their own right in the comfort of their homes.With your permission, I’d like to share with you the power of Glen’s discoveries, and how to make your body effortlessly release all the excess fat stores and all the excess weight stored in your stomach and waist area.When you master the simple concepts you’re about to get your hands on you’ll be astonished that your measurements and body shape can change so fast. And that you can start to feel so much energy so quickly.I also want to show you what “belly fat category” you fall into.By knowing what your exact problem is you can finally have a clear path to shedding excess weight for good. You see, there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” solution.There are several more imbalances Glen shares with you. You probably only have a few of them.You see, I talked about hormones already. But there are other belly fat triggers I haven’t told you about.By knowing what’s affecting you it’ll be like a custom tailored fat loss program just for you. Not your girlfriend not your mom…not your sisteror co-worker.YOU!There are some women that are suffering from bloating and something called a “distended abdomen”. “Distended” means “swollen doe to pressure from the inside.”So that means their abdomen doesn’t really have a fat issue it is distended and bloated. The exciting part is that it can be resolved in about 1 – 2 days! 1 to 2 days to a flat stomach when she’s been suffering from it for years!Another thing Glen shares is how inflammation can affect the gut area. And intense workouts and calorie restriction is the worst thing for this. He shows how to identify it and what to do about it.And there’s also another imbalance that makes your stomach,chin,face and upper back store fat because of stress.  It also makes your hair limp and frizzy and you can feel thirsty all the time even though you drink a lot of water.And guess what? Every time you do a “good” workout, by-the-book you gain about 2 pounds the next day!In this situation, working out and calorie restriction actually SPEEDS up fat storage.The list goes on.I can’t cover everything here but rest assured.If it exists, he’s covered it. How can I make such bold claims?Well, it’s not just that it worked for many women before you and it’s not that it works for me. It’s because Glen’s methods are the only ones that address the ACTUAL causes of excess weight in the midsection.We’re calling the program, The Belly Melt because that’s exactly what we kept hearing women say.They kept saying, “My belly fat is melting off me!” It is literally the only program out there that address each and every cause of belly fat and by doing so opens the door to rapid fat loss all over your body.Whether you’ve struggled with a lot of weight all your life or you just have that last few stubborn pounds that you can’t shake, or even if you’ve tried everything. The Belly Fat Melt will be the last fat loss program you ever use.Before we go any further, it’s only fair that I be absolutely 100% honest with you.If you are looking for that “Magic Pill” or if you want just another diet fad or some other plan that you already know will never, ever work for you.The Belly Fat Melt is for women who are ready to set aside the ‘Miracle Answers’ yet still want the fastest, easiest and permanent way to achieve long-term weight loss. So, if you’re wanting the REAL answer to banishing stubborn weight around your waist, then here’s what you can expect:If you want to: Drop 10% of your unwanted body weight in less than 30 days… Enjoy your favorite foods while you get leaner and healthier in your tummy area…and the rest of your body… Say goodbye to low energy, sluggishness, and afternoon fatigue… And get the body you deserve without sacrificing your entire lifestyle to do it…Then the Belly Melt is not just a great program for you. It is the only solution for you!Let’s take a look at what you will get inside your copy of the Belly Melt:First, Glen goes over ALL the different ways excess weight is stored in your abdominal area.And he explains how to tell which one you are suffering from.That way, you can save time and do only what applies to you and skip the rest.Then, he gets into the specifics of why your body is storing fat the way it is and how to reverse it.Remember, the omentum? It’s that part of your body that traps fat deep in your abdomen?Well, you’ll find out what foods cause it to pack on the pounds and what foods cause it to release all your stored fat right away.Coz as you now know the Omentum that is the KEY to unlock your body’s fat burning ability. He also shows you how to cleanse your liver so you can let your body use your own natural fat-burning hormones to work their magic on your body again.This is so powerful. I mean, it’s not just that you will be losing pounds and inches. When you use Glen’s techniques for unclogging your liver, you will increase the amount of Human Growth hormone in your blood stream.So you’ll see your skin glow and even reduce fine lines and wrinkles if you have them. Collagen will form and you’ll start to look years younger. And if you don’t see it, trust me, others will.And you’ll also increase your natural testosterone levels again. So you’ll see natural lean muscle starting to form where it looks best.And your sex drive will increase as well. Not to mention your focus and drive.Glen also shows you the two kinds of exercise that target the deep inner abdominal area like a heat-seeking missile. So you don’t waste time using popular mass-marketed workout programs that are designed for MEN and athletes.You’re not trying to win a Gold at the Olympics right?No you just want to enjoy the body shape you’ve been desiring for so long and to be able to keep it off! The best part is these two types of exercise are so easy.You can workout for as little as 10 to 20 minutes and get more fat burning than a 3 hour cardio session. And again it will target that key area — the omentum that all other belly fat program fail to. If you’re suffering from abdominal inflammation like I talked about earlier and that’s what making you look and feel heavy in the waist then the good news is that is the fastest thing to solve.And you’ll find your digestion will be better than ever. I don’t have time to get into everything you’re going to receive.And you may believe that a system that can do this much for you would cost a pretty penny…And in all honesty, it really should.After all, this system has helped thousands of women just like you……drop tens of thousands of pounds quickly.And the only way I was able to convince Glen to make this available as a book was to show him that it would sell as a low-cost offer.It would still be less than hiring a top personal trainer. Less than what you’d end up paying for a gym membership…Less than many of the ab devices hawked on late night infomercials.And far less that what Glen charges for his personal 1-on-1 sessions. Yet, you’re not just going to get the Belly Melt program today.I persuaded Glen to give you some incredible free bonuses along with the Belly Melt program.The first is called “Deserts and Sweets for a Flat Stomach” Have you ever wished you could freely eat rich, delicious desserts and still lose weight?Well, what if would it be like if you had a rich, thick decadent chocolate shake that is made of superfoods that literally raise your metabolic rate and taste just as good, if not better, than the real thing.Well that’s what you’ll be able to have. Glen has compiled a collection of recipes made by expert dietitians and chefs that use only superfoods, natural sweeteners and clever prep methods.So it they are easy for you to make at home. Well that’s what you’re getting:A recipe book of superfood desserts that you can eat guilt-free like tarts…pies…shakes and…cakes! In fact, here’s what one lady said about “Desserts and Sweets for a Flat Stomach”…“I didn’t believe you when you said I could have a dessert for breakfast. I challenged you on that and had that chocolate shake almost every morning for breakfast and still dropped 3 dress sizes. And now, I don’t have to worry about what to give my kids after dinner.”Glen’s 2nd gift for you today is called The “YOU” Diet Meal Plan. Now THIS is really exciting.Glen discovered we all have our own unique “Food Type”. What this means is that some of us burn fat when we eat proteins but not when we eat carbs. And others are the opposite.They burn fat when they eat carbs and little protein. And some are mixed. Meaning they need a balance of proteins and carbs with each meal.This is the missing link to why diets seem to work for some and not for others is because there is no ONE diet that fits everyone’s genetic code.Each of us responds to food differently. Popular diets focus on food but they don’t focus on the most important part:YOU!That’s why I call it the “YOU” Diet.But not only are you getting the simple, easy method to find your own food type but you will get a 2 week meal plan so you can plan out your meals in advance. This one of the things Glen found that made it easy for his clients to have such consistent success.Just using this one bonus will virtually end your food cravings and energy swings.Right now, HOWEVER because you are still here it shows you really want this.You can download the Belly Melt program, the “Deserts and Sweets for a Flat Stomach” bonus and “The ‘YOU’ Diet Meal Plan”.For just $37!All you need to do is click the button below enter your information and you’ll be on your way to a slimmer you in no time.Use it. And see that it’s everything we found it is.We know you will see it is the best investment you have made for your health.Even if you end up losing more weight than you thought you would, or feel better than you’ve ever have…save money on gym memberships and if you still want to get your money back all you need to do is contact us within 60 days and we will refund the purchase price right away. We only want happy customers.And we know you will be EUPHORIC. That’s why we are so confident. Yes, I’m sure some people will use it everyday and ask for their money back regardless. But from past experience, most people are honest and just want to live their days, FREE from excess weight tiredness, low energy, cravings complicated diets and fear of things getting worse.Plus: If you act now, “I’ll include in this one-of-a-kind SUPER-BONUS“Your free super-bonus is called… “What To Order When Eating Out”As you know, eating out can be one of the biggest challenges when trying to lose fat. So Glen complied all the “belly fat friendly” menu items in the most popular fast food restaurants.So you can have at your finger-tips the exact items to order while you’re on the go. No more sabotaging your diet, no more stress, no more awkward moments when you’re out with guests.So I’m not sure if our processor is overloaded at the time you’re this.So as it stands, you have 3 choices right now.Option 1:You can do nothing at all. You can continue to live your life. Risk, having the the unhealthy fat turn into a serious health condition or at the very least continue to get worse.Option 2:You can try to lose the belly weight. On your own. You may get improvement. If you do, that’s WONDERFUL. I want you to get better.And then there’s Option 3:Try The Belly Melt. Try it for at least a month. It is so easy to follow.In today’s world, a flat belly is more than just looking good.As you saw earlier, it is directly related to illnesses and diseases like Diabetes, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Strokes and Heart attacks.There is no reason for this. And it’s not what I want for you. All you have to do is click the button that has appeared below and order your copy of The Belly Fat Melt. You have nothing to risk whatsoever.But you have so much to gain.So go ahead and order your copy of the Belly Melt now. Once you start using the Belly Melt, you’ll probably notice a change in your body on the first day. Most people do.You’ll notice your skin doesn’t look as water-logged. Like you look leaner. But within the first week, you can start to see that it is working. You’ll feel it deep inside your body.That’s how you know it’s not like any of the other programs you’ve tried.It wont’ be about muscle soreness…Or eating leaves all day or using some equipment. You’ll feel changes in your body where it matters most in the inner abdomen.Funny thing is that after the first week you probably will see more changes in the mirror. Clothes won’t look as good on you anymore because they are hanging off you a bit too much. But you see, it’s when others see you that you’ll really know it’s working.They’ll comment on your skin, your hair, on your waist looking smaller. And it just keeps going on like that until one day, it will happen.I call it the “Magic Moment”. It’s where you feel, like things have truly changed for good. Where you realize you have a new body. It’s not just that the belly fat is gone. Your whole body has reshaped.Workouts that didn’t do anything before now start to work. You can move freely and easily.You feel lighter.That it wasn’t a fluke or a temporary weight loss you had. Where you know, your struggle for control over your body and your weight is finally over.Until this moment, a part of you was being held hostage by pain and fear. But when the “Magic Moment” comes the fear will be over. This is what I want for you. I want you to get your “Magic Moment” as soon as possible.So go ahead, place your order and begin your transformation as soon as possible.Click the button below. Again, you have NOTHING whatsoever to risk. Again, this is John.And thank you for your time.And please send me your success stories.Get The Belly Melt For Women for $37.00


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