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Andy Moore – Abundance Program Module 1

Abundance Program
[16 MP4, 4 PDF]



Imagine if there was a way to attract hot women under the radar, without any risk — one that does not require you to approach strangers, struggle with awkward conversations, or do anything that might subject you to ridicule, blunt rejection or public humiliation.And what if I told you that this method works for men who are not handsome, who are not tall, who have not yet found their sexual confidence, almost as well as it works for six-foot studs who’ve had more girls than you’ve had hot dinners.You’d probably think I’m full of shit, right?Maybe I am. After all, when I first head about this, I didn’t I buy into it either. I had to see real results, from the real world, with real women, before I was convinced this is legit — the same kind of results I’m about to share with you in moment.That’s why I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet until you see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you hear me out, and give me a fair chance to show you my proof. It will take just a few minutes, yet what I have to share today will get you more dates than you know what to do with.This is a sneaky strategy that I, and a small circle of privileged guys, have been exploiting quietly, to reach out to those same hot girls who pass you on the street everyday — the ones who always seem so nice — and seduce them through “unofficial channels”.It’s called the “Post-It Note” hack.Do you want to know what the best part is? Many times, a girl we’ll meet using this strategy sends us dirty photos and shares her most depraved fantasies before she’s even met us in person. It’s all because of the way this strategy works.What Is The “Post-It Note” Hack?Think of it as a “cheat code” for the dating game that all but neutralises any advantage taller, more handsome and more confident men might have had over you, to the point where it’s almost unfair. In order to grasp how and why it works, you first need to understand the problem it solves.If you’re like many of the guys who find their way into our tribe, then you’ve probably experimented with at least one or two seduction systems. Maybe you’ve tried your hand at our own Daygame Blueprint, or perhaps you gave some other system a shot.Do you want to know why most of these systems aren’t working for you?Professor Paul Ekman, PhDMicroexpressions.Most of what we know about microexpressions comes from Dr. Paul Ekman, an American psychologist who is ranked 59th out of the one hundred most cited psychologists of the twentieth century.This is how he describes them on his website:“Micro expressions are very brief facial expressions, lasting only a fraction of a second. They occur when a person either deliberately or unconsciously conceals a feeling.”Wikipedia describes them like this:“A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans according to the emotions experienced. They usually occur in high-stakes situations, where people have something to lose or gain […] lasting only 1/25 to 1/15 of a second.”This “emotional leakage” is the Achilles heel — the fundamental flaw — of all attraction and seduction systems, including ours too. Let me explain.Imagine you’re walking over to a girl, who you’re attracted to. You’re going through a dry spell right now. It’s been a while since you went out on a date with a hot girl, let alone slept with one. However much you might deny it, you are hungry. You want her.You’re scared too. What if she rejects you? What if everyone around is watching, and they laugh at you for being shot down? You’re not feeling confident. In fact, your legs are trembling and you’re already running through nightmare scenarios in your mind.Of course, you can’t show these things, otherwise you’d look desperate.You use a technique you learned. It has been designed, by someone who has a lot of experience with women, to hook a woman and make her intrigued, without showing any signs of neediness. Even better, it conveys attractive qualities and makes you appear confident in her eyes.The technique itself is perfect. It has been “field tested” and refined through hundreds, maybe even thousands of approaches. There’s just one problem: Your unconscious microexpressions contradict the attractive signals this technique was designed to convey. They betray your lack of confidence and need for validation. You cannot control it, because it’s involuntary.Why Does This Blow Your Cover?It turns out, girls are pretty good at reading microexpressions. This was proven in a study by three scientists, Wojciechowski, Stolarski and Matthews, which was published in the March 2014 issue of the Public Library of Science’s PLOS One journal. They concluded:“The basic findings from this study tell a simple story, that women are higher than men in general [Emotional Intelligence], and this ability helps women to identify inconsistent facial and verbal stimuli […]”Your typical woman has a lot of experience interacting with men. Even at the age of 20, she’s already been approached hundreds of times, and sharpened her “spidey sense” through every conversation she’s had with a guy.Remember this “New York Girl Gets 108 Cat Calls” viral video? Imagine her in a nightclub!Even if she doesn’t consciously detect these give-away microexpressions, her unconscious will still pickup on the fact that what she sees and what she feels doesn’t add up — either in the moment, or later on when she replays your interaction in her mind.That’s why, often, if a girl doesn’t reject you immediately, she’ll flake later for no apparent reason. On the surface, it doesn’t seem to make sense. But when you stop and think about things, it’s entirely rational. She senses that you’re trying to “fake it”, and it makes her wary.You need to remember one thing:The gurus who invented these attraction and seduction systems invented them after they got good with women. Confidence wasn’t an issue for them. If they tried to learn their own systems when they were newbies, they’d get the same results you get now, for the same reason.In fact, several “gurus” and “master pickup artists” whose names you’d probably recognise have confided in me privately: Less than 1% of their customers successfully implement what they teach.If you feel insecure around women, you cannot hide it. If you lack in confidence and dread rejection, it shows in your unconscious microexpressions.Girls can — and do — sense it.You can use clever psychology tricks to project “high status” and “pre-selection”. These techniques really do work. Unfortunately though, your involuntary microexpressions will sabotage these efforts to make women believe that you are a prize. It’s like trying to make your car go forward while you’re pressing the brake pedal flat to the floor.Isn’t There A Workaround?Not really. For the last six years, since I first started coaching guys, the best advice I could give a guy who doesn’t have much confidence with women is this:Just get out there and approach girls anyway. You will get rejected over and over again, like most of us did when we first started. It’ll toughen you up though, and make a man out of you. Through pure numbers, you’re bound to get one or two successes every now and then. Over time, these successes will make you more confident, and women will start responding better and better.That’s the best advice I had — until Ross came along.Andy MooreCEO of Lifeloaded LtdFeatured On:“Today, our mission is to empower 10 million men, to find authentic confidence and meet the girl of their dreams, by 2020.”Let Me Tell You About Ross(By the way, Ross isn’t his real name. I’ve changed it to protect his identity.)He’s an intermediate Daygamer, and a member of our tribe. The reason what I’m about to share with you transpired is because he replied to one of my email broadcasts, saying that he had something incredible to show me — something so unbelievable, I had to see it for myself.We jumped on Skype.This time last year, in December 2013, Ross was going through a dry spell. For some reason, girls weren’t responding to him the way they were a few months back. The few numbers he did get almost always flaked on him. He was losing his mojo, fast, and needed a game-changer.That’s why he started experimenting with new, “unofficial channels” for meeting girls.There’s something else you should know about Ross:Ross at work. It’s his job to suck people into ads and get them hooked…He’s an advertising professional. If you live in the UK, you’ve almost certainly seen his work on TV. He writes adverts for our national broadcaster, the British Broadcasting Corporation, the ones that leave you burning with desire to watch a particular TV show — even though you don’t know what it is or what it’s about.He figured out a way to apply the secrets of his trade to a specific up-and-coming online dating platform, and use those same principles to make girls attracted and connected to him before they’d even seen him in person.The result?Something he now calls the “Post-It Note” hack.This ingenious strategy seems to good to be true. Even I’ll admit that. It’s the only method I’ve ever seen that allows you to meet and attract women without having to approach strangers, struggle with awkward conversations, or do anything that might subject you to ridicule, rejection or humiliation.Do You Know What Is Remarkable?This “hack” works its magic before you meet a girl face-to-face. By then, she’s already attracted to you, connected with you and somewhat aroused. In other words, this strategy “bypasses” the whole issue with microexpressions sabotaging your efforts to project confidence.If you’re a guy who doesn’t yet have much confidence with women, or if you’ve recently gone through a bad period in your life and you’re still finding your feet, or even if you’re just going through a temporary dry spell, the “Post-It Note” hack is the easiest way to kick-start your dating life and get some successes under your belt quickly.Before we move forward, let’s get clear about something:Although this is online dating, it’s unlike anything you’ve even seen or experienced. (In a moment, when I show you how the “Post-It Note” hack works, you’ll see why.) For now though, you just need to know one thing: Girls will not be judging you from your photographs, or your vital information like your height, age or job description. This hack does things a different way.I know that’s hard to believe. When Ross explained this to me, I didn’t believe it either.Online dating is normally very shallow. Unless you’re dashingly handsome, or at least six foot tall, or have ripped muscles complete with six-pack abs, then girls will ignore you. It doesn’t matter how smart, interesting or witty you are. It’s all about appearances.This hack, though, works almost as well even if you’re ugly, short and work in McDonalds. That’s what made me so excited, and nervous.There are many guys in our tribe — maybe you too — who are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They’re not quite ready to get success from Daygame, or other methods that use behaviour and personality to attract women, because, right now, they don’t have the confidence to pull it off. Yet, on the other hand, they don’t have looks or physique to get noticed by girls online.The “Post-It Note” hack seemed like the perfect solution. However, I wanted to be completely sure. After all, people make wacky claims like this all the time, and nine times out of ten, it turns out to be bullshit and hype. That’s why I put Ross’s hack to the test myself.How Did The “Post-It Note” Hack PerformWhen I Tested It For Real, With Fake Profiles?Let me tell you how this experiment worked:I called together two of my interns, and we tested Ross’s “Post-It Note” hack with four different fake profiles. These were fresh, brand-spanking-new profiles we put together just for this test, and we deleted them after the experiment finished.The reason I commissioned this experiment was, I needed to get an idea of how many girls you could meet, if you too exploited Ross’s hack and put it to work in your own dating life.For ethical reasons, we didn’t ask girls out on dates. We’re gentlemen, here at These were, after all, fake profiles, and there’s only so far you can take this sort of thing before people get hurt. We drew a line at what I call the “Platinum Zone” — that sweet spot where you’ve created enough attraction and rapport, and escalated to the point where most girls will accept a date.Here are the results we saw:Rob, 26 from London:As you can see, he’s no model. It didn’t matter though, because within just one hour, 11 girls had reached out to him. Five hours later, one of those girls was practically begging to be asked out!Peter, 28 from Canada:He’s an average-looking guy. He received messages from 18 girls in the first 24 hours. When the experiment ended at the end of the second day, eight girls were warm and ready to be asked out.There’s got to be a catch, right?How is that ugly guys like Rob and hippies like Peter absolutely clean up, raking in almost a dozen new girls into their life in less than two days, while many guys struggle to get anything?It’s all because of four specific Post-It notes. They’re the secret.How Does The “Post-It Note” Hack Work?There are some important details, which I’ll fill you in on later. However, the fundamental premise this hack is built on is actually rather simple. It’s a phenomenon most of us take for granted, without ever realising its potential and power.Let me explain.Do you remember the last time you were “suckered” into one of those clever TV ads.At first, you’re thinking “WTF?”, because it doesn’t seem to make any sense. Before you know it, you’re scratching your head and wondering what it’s all about. Part of you thinks it’s lame. The other part of your senses that there’s something more to what you’re seeing. You’re hooked now, so you watching, just to satisfy your curiosity if nothing else.Then the punch line comes and smacks you square in the jaw.“Fucking brilliant!”The setup, the suspense and the delivery were perfectly coordinated. In fact, that ad was so clever and cool, you want to be the first one to tell all your friends about it. That’s the magic of hooks and punch lines. It sucks people in, blows their mind and wins them over.Ross found a way to do that with girls, online, over an up-and-coming platform called Tinder.How?Post-It notes.It’s not so much the Post-It notes themselves. It’s what Ross writes on them.He has created — and refined, through months of testing — a series of four “slogans” that sucks a girl into his profile and creates attraction and rapport before she even sees his photograph.(The only reason Ross has a photo is to prove that he’s a real, normal guy, and that he isn’t psychopathic or deformed. Nothing else. In fact, he’s found that showing less in the photograph makes her more likely to reach out to you, since it creates mystery and intrigue.)It seems almost unbelievable, doesn’t it?Simply by writing four specific “slogans” on four separate Post-It notes, and uploading it to a fresh Tinder profile along with a half-obscured photo of yourself, you can rake in more hot girls in two or three days than most guys meet in an entire year.In case you’re not familiar with Tinder…It’s the fastest growing online dating platform in the Western world. Almost every hot girl you pass on the street has a profile.Unlike other dating sites, this one isn’t considered lame. Girls often checkout profiles while riding the bus, or standing in queues, or while on break.That’s why Facebook are considering buying it.These Facts Present An Obvious Question:If this “Post-It Note” profile hack really is this simple and easy, if it really does allow average, or ugly, or even desperate guys to meet and attract women without taking any risk whatsoever, then why isn’t every Tom, Dick and Harry using it?After all, what sane man would force himself to approach strangers, struggle with awkward conversations and risk rejection, ridicule and humiliation, when there’s a “cheat code” like this?It’s a fair question, and there’s a sound explanation.Ross isn’t a seduction “guru” or “master pickup artist”. He’s just an average Joe, who was stuck in a rut, and happened to stumble upon a solution that works incredibly well.Months before he reached out to me, Ross had been using it quietly, under the radar, to meet lots of girls and build up his dating life. He had no aspirations to share this with anyone else, or become a dating coach or anything like that. He’s happy with his advertising career.Ross only shared his “Post-It Note” hack with me as a way of saying thanks for some private Daygame coaching I gave him the year before. He didn’t want to share it with anyone else.Ross and I reverse-engineered the Post-It Note hack over a cup (or two, or three) of coffee.I twisted his arm, because I know this hack is a game-changer for guys who are struggling to kick-start their dating life, and who desperately need an easier way to meet and attract women, experience some successes, and build their confidence.After I hounded Ross for weeks, he agreed to put on a private webinar, but only for just one hundred members of our tribe.I don’t need to tell you that this webinar was a knock out.Those who were lucky enough to grab a place reported how Ross’s “Post-It Note” hack literally turned their life around in just a few weeks. Word spread like wild fire, and before long guys who couldn’t make the webinar were emailing my support team, begging to get their mitts on a copy of the recording we made. Unfortunately, I had to refuse them, because of the agreement we made.However, I’ve kept nagging at Ross ever since. He’s a hard man to bargain with. After much back and forth, we’ve come up with a way to share his hack with just a few more people:Special Report:The “Post It Note” Hack RevealedThis special report is better than the webinar, because we’ve incorporated all the improvements and innovations we’ve discovered since we first unveiled this hack back in August.There is zero theory. Every single one of these 101 pages is stuffed full of tactics and strategies that have been put to the test and refined in the real world. Everything is actionable immediately.The report is split into four parts:Section 1 — The “Post-It Note” Profile:This is about getting started quickly. Right from the first page, Ross and I will show you how to set up your “Post-It Note” Tinder profile. These step-by-step instructions take less than 30 minutes to implement. All you need is a smartphone, four Post-It notes, a pen and an Internet connection.Section 2 — The framework:Within just a few hours of completing the first part of this report, you’ll have — literally — dozens of hot girls reaching out to you, hoping that they’re hot enough to get your attention. Unless you have a system to manage all these new “leads”, you’re going to start dropping balls. That’s why, in this section, we’ll teach you Ross’s two-stage “holding pattern”. This is the process he uses to systematically build connection and attraction with a girl, before getting her out on a date.Section 3 — The Tinder Date Blueprint:This part is the shortest. There’s a good reason for that. If you’ve followed what we teach in the first two sections, then almost all the attraction and rapport work is done before she meets you for a date. The plane is on the approach path, already lined up with the runway. You’ve just got to land her smoothly. That’s what this section is about. Ross is going to show you how to breeze past those final “tests”, and then how to get her back to your place.Section 4 — Scaling:In all probability, you won’t need this part. There’s a good chance that, pretty quickly, you’re going to have too many dates and not enough time. The last thing you’ll want is to multiply the amount of girls who reach out to you. That said, some guys get picky. They want to scale this hack up, so they can handpick only the most high-quality women. This section is for them. Here, you’ll discover how to set up and deploy an array of automated Tinder profiles in multiple cities, or even countries.Those are the four parts of our special report. In total there are 101 pages, all jam-packed with specific strategies and tactics, step-by-step instructions and implementable information.Specific Things You Will Discover:Why being the “bad boy” absolutely trashes your chances. (Yes, this tactic works like a charm in nightclubs and bars. Here it’ll fall flat like an iron pancake on a neutron star. The other chumps on Tinder don’t know this. When you understand the psychology behind this phenomenon, in her eyes you’ll be the only “adult in the room”.)Four Post-It Note messages that hook a girl like a helpless kipper, before blowing her mind with a killer punch line. (This “inside joke” compels girls to message you and let you know that they’re “in on it” too. It’s what advertisers call a burning itch. The best part? It implies sky-high social proof and, thus, pre-selection.)The Lollypop Opener. This one never fails. It’s cheeky, funny and guaranteed to get a warm response, while moving the conversation naturally towards flirting and sex. (This is still Ross’s default way to turn a new girl into a hot conversation in just a few minutes.)Why conventional “high-value” profile photos, like topless, six-pack body shots, “action man” photos, travel snaps and “stroking tiger” pics actually turn girls off! (Ross learned about this, because almost every girl he meets on Tinder brings it up on the first date. Girls actually get together with their friends and take the piss out of these poor bastards.)Five “ice-breaker” messages that, right from the get go, frame you as a sex object. (Send one of these out to a woman as soon as she “matches” you. They’re designed to instantly rule you out as just another harmless “nice guy” friend, and move the conversation towards sex.)The fail-safe “deflection” text Ross uses on the rare occasions when a girl has already seen the “Post-It Note” hack. (Sometimes, you’ll connect with a girl who’s seen this hack before, and she’ll call you out on it. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. Here’s a tip for you: It’s a test. This clever comeback guarantees you’ll breeze through this test, and come out the other side even more attractive.)One deceptively simple technique that always keeps you safe and clear of the dreaded “text buddy” zone. (This is even worse than the “friend zone”, and impossible to escape. The majority of guys on Tinder wind up here, because they all fall into the same trap. Ross will show you what you must do to avoid it.)Three “rescue” messages that shock dead conversations back into life, without making you look like a desperate schoolboy who’s chasing her. These clever “micro stories” are designed to give the illusion that you are in demand, even if you’ve not been on a date for years.Ross and I have just finished putting the final touches on this special report. It teaches you everything you need to know to implement the “Post-It Note” hack I’ve shared with you today, and start cleaning up on Tinder in the next few hours.For many guys, this is the missing key that finally allows them to kick-start their dating life, and build their confidence with women. Maybe it’s exactly what you need right now too. That’s why, today, I have an offer that you simple cannot refuse.The report sells for $97. After all, Ross is a highly-paid ad executive, and the time he put into this is valuable. However, I want to send you a copy today — with my compliments — completely free of charge.I’m paying for this report out of my own pocket. All I ask for in return is the opportunity to share with you a top-secret project I’ve been working on for the last few months. If Ross’s “Post-It Note” hack at all piqued your interest, then what I’m about to share with you will blow your mind.The Abundance ProgrammeImagine if every single month, I gave you something like the “Post-It Note” hack — a brand new strategy or tactic you can implement immediately, and use to stuff your phone book full of hot girls’ numbers, schedule more dates that you could ever possibly have time for, and build an abundant dating life in no time flat, from scratch.That’s the Abundance Programme.It’s a comprehensive, step-by-step course that I’ve been working on for several months now — with Ross and several other “underground” experts just like him.We’re now ready to roll it out to a small “test group” of guys.This programme is not a product. Rather, it’s a journey. At the start of the first month, we’ll assume that you know zero hot girls, have absolutely zero confidence with women, and zero options. We’re going to build you an abundant dating life from the ground up, one step at a time.You’ll start by laying the foundations. I and my handpicked panel of experts will show you how to reach for the absolute lowest-hanging fruit — the easiest ways to meet and attract women. Then, as we build more and more momentum each month, we’ll supplement your “inflow” of hot girls with new, more advanced methods for attracting higher-quality women.Here’s what you get every month:Abundance Extension Module:This is the “meat” of the programme. Each video module will teach you a brand new method for meeting and attracting women, and all the strategies and tactics you’ll need to see results quickly. Some months we’ll introduce you to “passive” systems, and other months “active” ones.These monthly video modules are practical in nature. They’re presented by different experts who I have personally chosen, because of their experience, expertise and, most importantly, the success they themselves have experienced using the methods they teach you.Installation Guide:Remember, this programme is about results. That’s why every monthly Abundance Extension Module comes with a comprehensive step-by-step installation guide. Each guide contains a sequence of “missions” and homework assignments put together with thought to fully integrate each new method for meeting and attracting women into your dating life as quickly as possible.Do you know what the real magic of this programme is?Every monthly module has been carefully designed to compound on the other modules that come before it, and multiply the effectiveness of everything you’ve implemented. Some are even “set and forget” systems that carry on bringing new hot girls into your life months after you set them up.Now, before I tell you anything else, you need to know something.WARNING: This Programme Will ProbablyCreate A Few ‘High Quality’ Problems In Your Life:First, you need to have some “text game”. Rather quickly, you’re going to have a lot of numbers on the go and, to begin with, you’ll want to make sure you don’t blow any of them. After all, when you’re struggling to get your dating life started, you want to seize every opportunity you get.That’s why I’m throwing in a free copy of my private Text Game Field Guide.It’s a comprehensive collection of field-tested openers, routines, “ping” texts, “rescue” messages and accompanying strategies that I usually only give out to my private coaching students. I’ll email a copy over to you when you join, so you’re prepared ahead of time.Second, you need to know how to lead girls through dates. This is a skill that you will inevitably get extremely good at. After all, you’re going to meet hundreds of girls through this program. If you use the material in my Text Game Field Guide exactly the way I show, you’ll get dozens of dates.That said, I want you to have a head start. You’re in this program to see results and successfully date women as quickly as possible, not to rack up “learning experiences”. For this reason, I’m also giving you a copy of my Twelve-Step Date Formula.This 27-page manual is the express version of my tried and tested formula. It’ll arm you with a solid game plan for taking girls on dates, building attraction, rapport, comfort, and bringing them back to your place.You’re welcome. I’m not finished yet though.There’s one final issue:You must take action, work through the Installation Guides, and implement each monthly module the way we show you. There’s no “magic bullet” I can give you to force you to step up.However, what I can do though is make sure you’re surrounded with other guys who are going through the exact same journey. That way, you have a solid support network, and — when you need it — friends who will encourage you and keep you moving forward towards the life you deserve.When you join today, I’ll personally invite you to a private Google Group we set up just for this programme. It’s top-secret, has an obscure name and is open only to members.That’s the Abundance Programme. It’s everything you need to finally get this part of your life sorted out, once and for all. It’s everything I wish I had when I first started.Are Results Guaranteed?No, of course not. There are no guarantees in life.Anyone who tells you that their product, or course or book, or coaching is guaranteed to deliver a particular result is taking the piss out of you.I cannot ethically guarantee any specific outcome that you’ll experience as a result of taking part in this programme. We will show you many ways — some of them ridiculously easy — to meet lots of new women fast. If you implement, you will meet lots of new women.We will show you how to get a percentage of these girls on dates. If you follow along, you’ll get dates. We will show you how to bring many of these girls home. If you do what we say, you’ll wake up in the morning next to beautiful women who are very grateful.The numbers themselves are up to you.Here’s what I can guarantee though:The Abundance Programme will be the best investment you’ve ever made — in yourself, in your life and in your right to create the future you’ve always dreamed about.If, for any reason whatsoever, you do not agree, then all you need to do is send me an email anytime within your first month of membership. You can reply to your welcome email, any of my regular email broadcasts, or you can send a quick email to an**@li********.Just say: “Andy, thanks, but your Abundance Programme wasn’t quite what I was looking for. I appreciate the work you’re doing, but this time I’d like a refund.”I’ll make sure you get your money back within a couple of days.There’ll be no hard feelings, you won’t be “blacklisted”, and the “Post-It Note” hack special report is yours to keep forever, just for giving my new programme an honest look.Does that sound fair to you?I’ll send you a copy of our special report The “Post-It Note” Hack Revealed — absolutely free, with my compliments — if you accept my invitation and try the Abundance Programme for 30 days. There are no hidden clauses or conditions.How Much Does This Programme Cost?That’s the thing. I know there are many guys out there who would happily pay hundreds of dollars per month to be a part of this. After all, this programme will bring so many hot girls into their lives, they won’t be able to keep up with them all. That’s true abundance.How can you put a price on that?How can you put a price on knowing, any night of the week, that there’s always at least one girl who’s eager to go out on a date with you? How can you put a price on knowing that any girl you ever meet is always replaceable?How can you put a price on finally being the chooser?This programme is brand new. When we have real-life case studies to show, it will command a premium price. Right now though, as I mentioned earlier, we’re rolling it out for a small test group, at a dramatically discounted price.This means, it’s not going to cost you hundreds of dollars per month. In fact, it’s not even going to cost you one hundred dollars. Not even fifty dollars.You can join the Abundance Programme, today, for just $29.97 per month.It gets even better. When we launch this programme for real in a few months’ time and ramp up the price, we’ll lock in your discounted rate forever.You will never pay more than $29.97 a month.There’s Just One Catch:We’re opening this test group to only two hundred men. Nobody else on the planet, other than myself, the guys in this group and the module coaches, will have access to this material.Let me put that into perspective for you:This letter, the one you’re reading right now, went out to tens of thousands of guys who read my emails every day. We’re also showing ads on Facebook to dozens of blokes every second.I want to give every member of our tribe a fair chance to join this test group. That’s why, I’m going to give you until midnight tomorrow to make up your mind. When the clock strikes twelve tomorrow night, if you’ve not jumped on board with this, I’ll pass the opportunity on to someone else.Remember, when you take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, join our test group and sample everything the Abundance Programme has to offer without any risk or obligation, I’ll send you a copy of our special report, The “Post-It Note” Hack Revealed, absolutely free with my compliments.One Final Thought:Do you remember where you were, right this moment, exactly one year ago today?In all probability, things were pretty much the way they are now. You wanted your life to change. You wanted a breakthrough. But a year has passed, and nothing has happened.You’re at a crossroad right now.You could just continue straight ahead. Carry on doing what you’ve always done, and continue to see the same results that you’ve always seen. This time next year, your life will look the same as it does right now, only you’ll be one year older, and ever so more bitter and less hopeful.Or you could “take a chance”, and secure a place on our Abundance Programme. I’ll send you that “Post-It Note” Hack special report right away, and you can be putting it to work tonight, raking in dates for the rest of this week. Pretty soon, you’ll have more girls than you can handle — that’s before you dive into the programme modules, which is where the real meat is.This programme is the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. It will arm you with all the strategies and tactics you need to build an abundant dating life from scratch. However, once all the 200 places have been taken, this offer will be taken away.Click the button below and secure your place right now.Note: I only have module one. If you like it, consider a group buy


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