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SN Goenka – Vipassana 10-day Discourses and Guided Meditation

SN Goenka – Vipassana 10-day Discourses and Guided Meditation
[10 DVDs – 11 MP4s, 4 MP3s]



SN Goenka – Vipassana 10-day Discourses and Guided Meditation [10 DVDs – 11 MP4s, 4 MP3s]Vipassana Meditation 10 Day Course video This is the Vipassana Meditation 10 Day Course video series given by S.N. Goenka.The video quality is lower, but considering the file size, I think it is quite good, and hey, let’s be honest, there is not much to look at in this series. You won’t miss anything if you opt for the audio version, but some people like to have a visual to focus on while they listen, so this can serve in that capacity.The final video, Day 11, has a 24 minute session of chanting, followed by the discourse, followed by another session of chanting. These parts have been split up into separate files so that those who are interested in only the discourse can locate it quickly and easily.10 DVDs on Meditation 3 mp3 files on Meditation and 1 pm3 files on Group Sitting EnglishMore can be found here:


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