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Eric Weinbrenner – The MTM Workout & Nutrition Program

Muscle that Matters
[7 eBooks – PDF]


The MTM Workout & Nutrition Program…Ready to step up your game and become a lean, muscular, and athletic badass? Read on…So you’ve taken the Free Course and decided that you want to become an MTM insider, time to pickup the System and get to work. (NOTE: Haven’t taken the Free Course? I recommend you do that first – sign up HERE.)mtmcombine2First and Foremost: Muscle That Matters is about results…This isn’t about how much weight you can bench or many pounds of so-called “muscle mass” you can gain…This is about building a lean, muscular, and athletic body – a body with proportional muscle mass that creates the most visual impact – and the athleticism necessary to live life on your terms.Most fitness resources are quick to tell you how much dedication and restriction is necessary to achieve your goals; the MTM Workout and Nutrition Program will show you how to build the body you want while having a life outside of fitness. At the end of the day, fitness should be something that enhances your life; not something your entire life revolves around. Here’s what you are going to get inside the MTM Program… pb1-sComponent #1 – The Main GuideMost guys have no idea what they are actually trying to achieve. In Aesthetic Muscle Secrets I help you gain clarity about your goals and explain how taking workout and nutrition advice from the Bodybuilding industry is actually killing your progress and making your life miserable.You might consider this book a “Re-Education” of Fitness, and when you finish reading, you will feel the relief of knowing exactly what you are trying to achieve, and how to get it done.MTM Nutrition GuideComponent #2 – The MTM Nutrition GuideMost ‘diets’ and nutrition plans are all about restriction. They want to tell you to sacrifice more and that your life must revolve around eating like a bodybuilder in order to build muscle and lose fat – not this one, though.The MTM Nutrition Guide offers a flexible approach that is easily adjustable to meet your lifestyle. I’ll show you how to balance restriction and indulgence so that you are able to build an awesome body while still having, and enjoying life outside of the bodybuilding lifestyle.Inside, I break down all of the complicated diet formulas into 7 simple nutritional principles that make it possible to enjoy the foods you like while reaching your goals and enjoying life.You’ll also find specific guidelines for fat loss, muscle gain, and recomposition (gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time).This is going to completely change the way you think about ‘fitness nutrition’ and you are going to LOVE it.Leave the complicated formulas and constant anxiety to others – you’re about to discover a better, simpler way.bb1-sComponent # 3 – The MTM WorkoutsThere are three essential elements of a great, effective workout: Consistency, Structure, and Variety.Consistency – A great workout is designed to facilitate consistency. Let’s be honest: it doesn’t matter how effective a workout is if you don’t actually do the work. Very few normal guys can stick to the typical bodybuilding workouts for very long – who is able to workout 6-7 days per week and still have a life outside the gym? With the MTM Workouts, you never have to workout more than 4 days per week and each workout lasts less than 1 hour.Structure – The MTM workouts are designed to build on one another in a synergistic way using the latest muscle building methods proven by science and real-world experience to be effective. This allows you to avoid plateaus and continue burning fat and building muscle. If you want great, long term results, you need to follow a program, simply stringing together a bunch of separate ‘workouts’ won’t do.  With the MTM Program, you will get 1 years worth of workouts (including the bonus phase: The Cover Model Workout) that will keep you progressing as desired.Variety – Call me crazy, but I think that working should be at least a little bit of fun. We’ve all experienced workouts that tell you to do the same thing week after week after week. The problem is that no one actually sticks with a program that is boring. With the MTM Workouts, you will find a variety of exercises that change in some way every time you step foot in the gym. Aside from these three essential components that every great workout should have, there is one other thing that is absolutely crucial for success: having a workout that is actually designed for YOUR goals and lifestyle. I’ve designed all of these workouts for “normal guys.”No more “marathon” workouts that required you to block out half a day on your calendar seven days per week or skip social events with friends – the MTM Workouts will fit into your current lifestyle.I know you are busy, that’s why you NEVER have to workout more than four times per week while following the MTM Workouts – and each workout lasts less than 1 hour. The other issue a lot of guys run into with most workout programs is that it almost seems like the workouts were designed for guys who have access to unlimited fitness equipment and workout in an empty public gym, where you constantly have access to exactly what you need, when you need it.When in reality, most public gyms look like this:crowded-gym-not-funWorkouts that tell you what equipment you must workout with are an issue for two reasons:1. You workout in a busy public gym and end up wasting time waiting for the “right” equipment.2. You have access to limited equipment (garage gym) and don’t even have the equipment you are told is “required” for success.With the MTM Workouts, YOU choose what equipment you use for the workouts.Do you prefer/only have access to…    Kettlebells    Gymnastics Rings/Suspension Trainer    Dumbbells    Free-Weights    Machines (Hammer Strength, etc.)You get to choose what equipment you use – I’ll show you how to make simple substitutions for each exercise listed in the MTM Workouts so that you can get the most out of each workout while using fitness equipment you prefer and avoiding the downfall of wasting time waiting on equipment or being frustrated about not having the required implements.Here’s a breakdown of exactly what the MTM Workouts provide…Three distinct workout “cycles” that strategically target the essential components of building muscle. Cycle 1: “General Hypertrophy”bb1-sCycle 1 lays the foundation for the entire workout program and helps you get started building muscle fast. By strategically balancing traditional strength training with bodybuilding workout strategies, this cycle is a lot of fun and delivers fast results. You can expect to gain significant amounts of strength during Cycle 1 and notice increases in muscularity of all the major muscle groups.During Cycle 1, you also get to choose between Fat Loss and Muscle Building “extra credit” so that you can prioritize whichever goal you would like to emphasize. Cycle 2: “Targeted Strength and Muscle Growth”MTM WorkoutsCycle 2 is all about strength – but not in the traditional “powerlifting” sense – the MTM Workouts in this cycle use “targeted strength” methods to increase force production specifically in the muscles we want to emphasize like the shoulders, chest, arms, and back (don’t worry – everything else is taken care of to maintain a proportional look). When you use a targeted strength approach like this, you are able to gain strength and muscle in a specific pattern.This isn’t about gaining muscle at all costs – wherever it might end up – this is about adding muscle in the right places. Cycle 3: “Focused Muscle Growth”MTM WorkoutsCycle 3 starts to bring everything together and presents a completely unique approach to aesthetic muscle building: Focused muscle growth is all about adding muscle in a very targeted, specific pattern to create a proportional body that emphasizes muscle in certain areas to create the most visual impact.Cycle 3 uses a unique “high frequency” training protocol that allows you to workout each muscle multiple times per week. Cycle 3 also introduces three different “tempos” that are used to maximize muscular tension – not only is this time of training extremely fun, it is also the most effective type of training I’ve ever used. Aesthetic or Athletic: Do You HAVE To Choose?Most resources in the fitness industry will tell you that you must choose. You either workout like a bodybuilder and focus on aesthetics (accepting that athleticism will suffer); or you workout like an athlete or powerlifter (accepting that aesthetics suffer).But I’ve always wanted both: the athleticism to enjoy physical activities and hobbies; and an aesthetic body that gains positive attention from others and provides the self-confidence I want.Why have a good-looking body if it doesn’t allow you to also enjoy the lifestyle you want?Most traditional aesthetic focused workouts (like bodybuilding) can actually leave you less athletic or prepared for activities of everyday lifePeople in the Bodybuilding culture often joke about looking great but being unable to walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath: I don’t know about you, but that’s not what I am after.That’s why the MTM Workouts are designed to improve general athleticism while also building a great looking body.This doesn’t mean you have to be able to run miles at a time or be an elite Crossfit athlete, it just means you need to be able to sustain physical activity for brief amounts of time without getting injured or exhausted to the point where you can’t participate.This is why “functional” training is embedded into each Cycle of the MTM Workouts and you are actually encouraged to participate in leisure/hobby activities like hiking, swimming, sports, etc. to compliment the workouts you will perform as part of the MTM Program.So in response to the questions above: Aesthetic or Athletic: Do you have to choose?I know that you don’t want to have to choose between aesthetic and athletic, and I’ve got you covered.So there it is: The MTM Workout and Nutrition Program – but WAIT, there’s one more thing… Originally, that was going to be all that I included in the Program, but after giving it some thought, I realized there might be one more component that would truly make this the best Workout and Nutrition Program around.Introducing…The MTM ‘Cover Model Workout Program’ and The ‘Aggressive Fat Loss Protocol’ Bonuscombine1The Cover Model Workout and accompanying Aggressive Fat Loss Protocol are advanced training and nutrition resources for those ready to take their physique to the next level.This is the EXACT workout and nutrition program I used to get ready for the photoshoot that produced the pictures you see on all of the Ecovers for the MTM Program.The Cover Model Workout and Aggressive Fat Loss Protocol are my “go-to” resources when I want to look my best. I have used this for the pictures used on this website as mentioned above and to prepare for special occasions like a beach vacation.But this isn’t your typical ‘Stage Ready’, Extreme Nutrition and Workout Program…There’s a big difference between getting ready for a bodybuilding show (very short term) and trying to get in great shape for a vacation or special occasion (short-moderate term).When you are getting ready for a vacation, you need to look good for a few days, whereas with bodybuilding you are trying to get your most extreme look for a few hours. These two, very different goals require two very different approaches.The typical, stage-ready approach:    Crash Diets (extremely low calories, getting lower and lower as you near the competition)    Long Workouts that push your body to the limit, bordering on extreme fatigue    Advanced, expensive supplement protocols    Long bouts of steady-state cardio (getting close to 1-2 hours per day at the end)    Specific, detailed macronutrient balancing and calorie tracking    Very difficult to manage while having a “normal” life (job, family/relationship obligations, social life, etc. will require extreme compromise)Now compare this to the approach you will learn with the Cover Model Workout and Aggressive Fat Loss Protocol:    3-4 Workouts per week, lasting less than 1 hour    Basic calorie counting strategies    “Reverse Pyramid” nutritional approach that allows you to get the most aggressive caloric restriction out of the way first, so that you can end with seamless transition into ‘maintenance’ (making it possible to maintain your look while enjoying your vacation/special occasion)    Basic supplementation that is most effective and beneficial for health/performance (if you want)    Manageable while having a “normal” life (job, family/relationship obligations, social life, etc.)It’s not that one approach is necessarily superior to the other in all ways; it’s just that each is suitable for a specific goal.Unless you are trying to prepare for a competition and truly be ‘stage ready’, the MTM Cover Model Workout and Aggressive Fat Loss Protocol is going to be the best approach for you to get your best look.So what’s this System going to cost?Get the entire System for the average cost of one training session with a Personal TrainerI decided on ONE payment of $77.Remember: For that one payment, you are getting all of this…fullcombine1 $77 Order now at zero risk – you have a full 60 days to ‘test-drive’ the program…I stand by The MTM Workout and Nutrition Program completely – if you’re not happy with what you find inside, let me know, and I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.I am 100% confident that this is the best program for getting you the lean, muscular, and athletic look WITHOUT the obsessive fitness lifestyle madness.Sincerely,Eric 27 grungeedit1 -Eric Weinbrenner P.S.This is NOT a generic muscle-building program. The amount of repetitive, re-hashed workouts being marketed as “secrets” these days is frustrating.You won’t find that here.The MTM Program teaches a new and innovative approach to building a lean, muscular, and athletic body. $77


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