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Dr. Robert Glover – No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Activities

No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Exercises.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



Dr. Glover made this available via his site, however it requires you to request it via email. Dr. Robert GloverNo More Mr. Nice Guy – Breaking Free ActivitiesThis book presents a practical and effective guide for breakingfree from the negative effects of the Nice Guy Syndrome.This program has worked for countless men and it can workfor you or a loved one.To help facilitate this process, I present numerous BreakingFree activities throughout the book.These Breaking Free activities serve to facilitate the paradigmshift that is necessary for recovery from the Nice GuySyndrome. They will not only help recovering Nice Guys understandwhere their paradigms came from, but will helpreplace them with more accurate and up-to-date ones. Theseassignments will also point recovering Nice Guys in a directionthat will help them start doing things differently.OPEN TO ALL


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