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Sonic Alchemy – Ultrasonic Neurolinguistic Chakra Surgery

Sonic Alchemy – Ultrasonic Neurolinguistic Chakra Surgery (2015)
[27 FLAC – 7 TXT – 50 JPG – 8 PDF]



Alchemy: Alchemy is a philosophical and proto-scientific tradition practiced throughout Egypt and Eurasia which aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects. Common aims were chrysopoeia, the transmutation of “base metals” (e.g., lead) into “noble” ones (particularly gold); the creation of an elixir of immortality; the creation of panaceas able to cure any disease; and the development of an alkahest, a universal solvent. The perfection of the human body and soul was thought to permit or result from the alchemical magnum opus and, in the Hellenistic and western tradition, the achievement of gnosis. In Europe, the creation of a philosopher’s stone was variously connected with all of these projects.Chakras:In some Indian religions, a chakra (Sanskrit cakra, “wheel”) is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle body. Chakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called nadi. Nadi are believed to be channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy (non-physical) moves. Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. It’s believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body, according to the tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.Technical:This creation is based on my previous two sonic productsprevious works. I have combined the essence of those two:The subliminal affirmations of “Neurolinguistic Chakra Modulation and Subliminal Alchemy (2015)”, and the chakra sounds of “12 Tone Chakra Sound Journey (2015)”The output of this combination may be found in the folder: “04 ultrasonic nlp “.These files are 4 minutes each only, in order to keep their size reasonable. I suggest you loop these files to increase their duration.The spectrum analysis of one of these files is shown in file “root chakra -spectrum.jpg” in folder “JPG”, proving that this is for real.We are turning lead into gold here. It’s mental alchemy.Files:01 chakra-scripts TXTchakra-1-rootchakra-2-sacralchakra-3-solar plexuschakra-4-heartchakra-5-throatchakra-6-third eyechakra-7-crown02 nlp chakra affirmations FLAC01 root-8mn.flac02 sacral-8mn.flac03 solar plexus-8mn.flac04 heart-8mn.flac05 throat-8mn.flac06 third eye-8mn.flac07 crown-8mn.flac03 chakra sounds FLAC01 G _____ 12288Hz High Gamma 96Hz.flac02 F# Crown 5760Hz Gamma 45Hz.flac03 F _____ 5529.6Hz Gamma 43.2Hz.flac04 E Third Eye 2560Hz Beta 20Hz.flac05 D# _____ 2457.6Hz Beta 19.2Hz.flac06 D Throat 1152Hz Alpha 9Hz.flac07 C# _____ 1075.2Hz Alpha 8.4Hz.flac08 C Heart 1024Hz Theta 8Hz.flac09 B Solar Plexus 480Hz Delta 3.75Hz.flac10 A# _____ 230.4Hz Low Delta 1.8Hz.flac11 A Sacral 216Hz Low Delta 1.6875Hz.flac12 G# _____ 102.4Hz Epsilon 0.8Hz.flac13 G Root 96Hz Epsilon 0.75Hz.flac04 ultrasonic nlp FLAC01 root ultra.flac02 sacral ultra.flac03 solar plexus ultra.flac04 heart ultra.flac05 throat ultra.flac06 third eye ultra.flac07 crown ultra.flacJPGaffirmationschakras12 Tone Chakra Sound Journey.jpgroot chakra -spectrumPDFCharles Webster Leadbeater and the Inner Life.pdfHiroshi Motoyama – Theories of the Chakras.pdfKundalini – The Arousal of the Inner Energy.pdfPaulson – Kundalini and the Chakras.pdfSivananda – Yoga Kundalini.pdfThe Chakras _ Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan.pdfThe Human Chakra System.pdfVictor Beasley & Christopher Hills – Your Electro Vibratory Body.pdftags: chakras, alchemy, sonic, subliminal, brainwaves, NLP, neuro-linguistic, suggestions


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