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Josef Rakich – Action Hero Muscle

Josef Rakich – Action Hero Muscle
[WebRips – 21 MP4, eBooks – 6 PDF]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the Ryan Hughes – Muscle Matrix Solution GB() GB is CLOSEDJosef Rakich – Action Hero Muscle [WebRips – 21 MP4, eBooks – 6 PDF]This upload contains the Action Hero Muscle PDFs and videos by Josef Rakich.Product Page: Description:Quote:And in a moment I’m gonna show how YOU can be the next action hero… and getting a lean, sculpted body to die for–the kind of physique that turns heads so fast it causes whiplash!As you look in the mirror you’ll see a real hero staring back. You’ll feel a surge of new confidence… you’ll inspire others to shift the extra fat they’re lugging around and… yes…… you’ll attract more women than you ever thought possible.An awe-inspiring body means better health, a better life, heck… a better future.But just before we get to that… take a look at these frozen peas…These frozen peas represents how it all started for me.You see, as a teenager, I used to look like a beanpole. My folks told me I’d “fill out” one day but that just never seemed to happen.Looking back, it’s weird how people react when you’re a weakling.Girls looked through me…Guys smirked “what a wimp!”And when it came to DIY around the house? My dad would ask my MOM for help!I was passed over, ignored and overlooked for most of my teenage years. Kinda like being invisible.How did I deal with it? By shrugging my shoulders and saying to myself…“Life’s A B*tch!”I had no power over my own life. Felt like I was trapped inside a skinny, pasty, feeble body and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.(Of course, as you’ll see in a moment, I learned a secret that changed EVERYTHING for me.)After I graduated high school I didn’t know what do with my life. So I drifted. And when you have zero direction, you can end up in some pretty lousy places…If hell could freeze over, this is what it would look like! Each morning I’d drag myself out of bed at 5am and spend the next 12 hours packing frozen foods.The conditions were so bad, I’d come home with blue thumbs… the icy-cold making me throb and ache.And then there was the “banter”…Maybe you know what it’s like when a group of old-timers gang up on the new kid. They weren’t bullying me, but they used to call me names like “Matchstick man” or “toothpick”.Made me feel small and inadequate. Like I could never be “one of the guys”.I HATED the job and began to resent the jokes and the name-calling. But everything was about to change…Out of the blue, my mom had a stroke of luck.She won first prize in a magazine competition and landed a free two-week membership at the local gym.She said “hey Jo, want to give it a try?”I just laughed, I mean… I wasn’t the gym “type”. Nowhere near.I felt self-conscious. Afraid everybody would laugh at the bony guy. But being so frustrated with my job (and with the hurtful comments I had to deal with every day) I figured…“What the hell”.So I cashed in my mom’s prize at Club Physical, walked in on a Monday morning and… didn’t know where to start!But with a little help from a trainer, I got to grips with the equipment and began to enjoy myself.Pretty soon I was addicted. Why?Because I began to notice visible results on my body very quickly. Rapid muscle-growth that just motivated me even more.Better still…My energy skyrocketed… my posture improved…and… I could feel my confidence soar…And this was all before I even knew what the heck I was doing.Pretty soon, I was scouring the Internet for the best workouts and nutrition advice.As firm muscle began to emerge out of my scrawny body I began to realize…You really can sculpt, shape and mold the rock-hard, attractive body you want…These days? I just have to maintain my look…The Muscle Growing Secret NOBODY Is Telling You…Have you ever wondered WHY you work your ass off at the gym yet never get the results you want (or that other dudes are getting)?It’s like they’re keeping some kinda ‘hush hush’ secret from you.And I can tell you, it isn’t genetics, or a certain supplement cocktail, or even dedication…The secret is “muscle stacking”.A specific way of developing muscles that build out your V shape and gives you the “dream body” you thought was reserved only for the genetically elite and Hollywood mega-stars.And it all starts with the classic contour of the V-Taper.So if you’ve ever wanted that cobra-back or T shape to your body and didn’t know where to start, don’t sweat it. You’re not alone.


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