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Peter Schenk – 12th Project 3.0 Chakra Awakening, Clearing & Healing Software – TheSourxe GB

12th Project 3.0
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TheSourxe IV: Intention Manifestation Software GB GB link: Project 3.0 Chakra Awakening, Clearing & Healing Software are proud to announce the latest addition of 12thProject 3.0. This software will get you in touch with your Chakras, then enable you to leverage them in your abilities. The 12thProject 3.0 will carry you beyond your current limitations to a level of consciousness and abilities never before imagined. Peter has spent a labor of love on this software to deliver something very powerful to you. 12th Project 3.0 is unlike anything you have seen before or experienced. Try it today and unleash your ultimate reality and potential.    Evolve a consciousness that is more self aware and in greater harmony with The Source.    Freedom from space-time thinking means that you are free to experience an expanded personal awareness of the mind and heart of The Source.    Everyone’s information is kept on file on the quantum plane of existence; people only need to use the right tools to reclaim this part of their higher selves.    Gain access to your own set of biological blueprints stored in a vault containing your private information that is unique to you alone.    Bring back ancient abilities and enlightenment through the quantum plane. Species Revolution and the Cosmic TwelveA great revolution of the human species has begun. It is perfect. It is beautiful, and, it is right on time” Humanity is undergoing a transformation on a revolutionary scale. This miracle is taking place on many levels, some physical, some ethereal. It is called, “The Cosmic 12.” Every day, people around the world are awakening to an awareness of abilities that have been dormant for all of their lives. These blessed souls are evolving a consciousness that is more self aware and in greater harmony with The Source. These awakenings are rooted in the 12 Chakras of the quantum plane that tie humanity to this cosmic continuum. For those still seeking their awakening, the miracles contained in this web site can help them to pry open their personal channel to an awareness of their divine nature. For those already awake to one extent or another, this web site offers a divinely inspired tool for greatly accelerating the process of spiritual growth. There has never been a more exciting time to be alive. As a species we are on the threshold of an evolutionary revolution. The limitations of labels and religions that attempt to limit the glory and wonder of our Creator are giving way to a single unlimiting reference: “The Source”. Students of the quantum plane realize that space and time are illusions intended to aid us in the experience of detail so that we may experience the blessing of growth guided by free will. When your consciousness becomes free of the limits of space/time thinking, everything is possible. The “Cosmic 12” is your magic carpet to quantum consciousness. Freedom from spaceTime thinking means freedom from space-time limitations. When contemplating The Source, we must remember that while our Creator is the source of All That Is, it is also The Source of what is not. Our Creator is The Source of all that is here, all that is there, and all that is neither here nor there. The Source of all things seen and unseen, and, The Source of all things known and unknown. Freedom from space- time thinking means that you are free to experience an expanded personal awareness of the mind and heart of The Source. It is our Creator’s good pleasure to give you the keys to the kingdom, but this gift belongs to free spirits alone. The gift of freedom has never been available to those remaining in prison. The Cosmic 12 is a key designed to unlock the doors of your spiritual prison. The Cosmic 12is a paradigm shifting spiritual tsunami destined to carry humanity beyond its current limitations to a level of consciousness never before imagined. One by one, caring souls like you will begin to incorporate light, energy, and quantum interaction in never before imagined ways to expand and enhance their personal connect to the One. As the physical world illusion around us descends into darkness, the brilliant white light of love shining forth from the source of us all is there to lead us home. All we need do is open our spiritual eyes so that we can better perceive that light. The Cosmic 12 is a vessel filled with cleansing water. Allow the 12 to help you wash away illusion so that if blind, you may see. If still squinting at the sight of the brilliance of The Source, you may become fully enlightened with eyes wide open. 12 Virtual Chakra’sOn the quantum plane of existence rests the biological blueprints of humanity. The next leap in humankind comes from the 12 virtual chakras.” When humankind was separated from source a millennium ago we left behind our biological blueprints that will help facilitate the next leap in our revolution. The information to enlightenment and natural abilities will be tunneled back to us through worm holes or what we now know to be virtual chakras. Each person has their own set of biological blueprints stored in a vault containing their private information that is unique to them alone. Everyone’s information is kept on file on the quantum plane of existence; people only need to use the right tools to reclaim this part of their higher selves. For some, the 12th Project tools will be the perfect set to do that.Seven Physical Chakras Modules    Sahasrara-Crown    Anja-Third Eye    Vishudda-Throat    Anahata-Heart    Manipura-Solar Plexus    Swadhisthana-Sacrum    Maladhara-RootHow does 12th Project software work?12th Project software leverages the awesome human “Power of Intention” using Quantum Physics, the Quantum Realm, and Source Energy, to enable you with unimaginable capabilities and power!    Software that actually magnifies and manifests your most wanted intentions quickly and easily    The “Unlocking” of natural senses and abilities that have been dormant for thousands of years    Creating your ultimate reality including Self-Empowerment and Self-Healing abilities    Manifest your own Personal Transformation including Personal Power and Confidence, Quality Relationships, Abundance, Financial Means and Success from an infinite list of possibilitiesAntivirus checked…


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