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Matt Furey – Theatre of the Mind Bonuses

Matt Furey – Theatre of the Mind Bonuses [2 DVDs – 2 ISO, 1 MP4, 5 CDs – MP3]
[2 DVDs – 2 ISO, 1 MP4, 5 CDs – MP3]



This is a collection of bonuses for the Matt Furey Theatre of the Mind Group Buy.   Additional donations will let us get different audios Matt has done on making a metric shitton of money.   in this product are rips of the Combat Cardio Teleseminar, Furey Fat Loss Teleseminar and How to Use the Matt Furey Exercise Bible CDs, ISO and rip of How to Eliminate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain Within 30 Days and a DVD ISO of Deep Within The Royal Court.  The DVD had a nasty stretch of bad sectors around the 2:20 mark and can’t be ripped because of it.  The ISO skips the bad sectors and is playable with VLC as long you skip ahead when it hits that spot.  Even VLC says fuck this shit and gives up when it hits it.    If this group buy teaches you anything, let it be to invest an extra 50 cents (or less) in your customers by using high quality DVD media instead of the cheapest crap you can find.  Made in China DVDs are a bite in my ass.  The sales page for Carpal Tunnel redirects to Combat Conditioning now, but I did manage to find the copy for Combar Cardio and Furey Fat Loss.Furey Fat Loss Teleseminar Copy”Feels Like You’re Not on a Diet”Important Message: Get the Furey Fat Loss System as well as over $250 worth of Matt Furey Products Absolutely FREE! Click HereDear Friend,If you’ve been looking for a rapid weight loss system that sheds unwanted blubber and excess pounds at “race horse” speed – AND preserves your strength while increasing your stamina and mental alertness, then this is probably the very diet you’ve been searching for.But before I tell you why, a little about me.My name is Matt Furey and I have won both national and world titles in various forms of wrestling and martial arts. In order to do so, I had to do something that almost all wrestlers instantly understand. It’s called weight cutting.Back in college it was not uncommon for me to drop 10 pounds (or more) of water weight within 24 hours of competition. In fact, in 1985, when ESPN filmed my national championship match and broadcast it live on television, the announcers commented on how much I had to drop to make weight for the finals. Matt Furey “After”.”And can you believe that Matt Furey had to drop 11 pounds to make the weight for this final,” one announcer said.”Oh, he must have let those fluids get a little bit high,” said the second commentator”Well, all I can say is that you have to be in tremendous shape to drop that kind of weight and still come out here to compete with the intensity level that Matt Furey obviously has,” the first announcer said.Nowadays the weight cutting routine I used to drop those last 11 pounds is frowned upon by high school and collegiate wrestling authorities, so I won’t go into detail here – and I’m not recommending you do it – although I do cover it for “posterity’s sake” in my special report on my “rapid weight loss without losing strength” progam..”The Smarter, Easier Approach”Yes, there is an easier way to drop the excess poundage that you is keeping you from the weight you need to be at. Instead of waiting until the last minute – you can follow a diet so simple, so natural and so easy – you’ll feel like you’re cheating. Yet, the weight will literally fly off of you.I first wrote about this diet, which I call The Furey Fat Loss Program, back in 1995. At the time I made it available only to my personal training clients in my gym in California. And they loved it. Everyone who followed the program couldn’t believe how fast the weight disappeared – and how it did so in spite of how they felt like they were “cheating.””Passing the Ultimate Test in China”Then, in the late fall of 1997, the Chinese government made a surprise invitation. Because I was the U.S. national champion in the ancient kung fu art of Shuai-chiao – I was asked to compete in the kung fu world championships, held in Beijing, China. Trouble was, when the invitation was made, I was not in peak condition.At the time of the announcement I was on a weight gain program, trying to see how big and strong I could get. I saw that I would be competing at 90 kg – or 198 pounds, so I got on the scale and saw that I weighed 225 pounds. This meant I had to drop almost 30 pounds in six weeks time. And still be strong. My quick weight loss diet was being put to the ultimate test.No problem, I thought.Six weeks later I weighed in at a lean, mean, kick-butt 194.5 pounds. And I had not lost an ounce of strength. I was ready to tear the head off my competition – and for all intents and purposes, did just that. I came home from China as the first and only American to ever win a gold medal in a world kung fu tournament held in China.”A 100% success rate for my clients – and a world title for myself”The good news is that I’ve finally put together all the components of my fat burning program for you. The first component is a copy of the tape from a live 90 minute teleseminar called The Furey Fat Loss Diet.In this teleseminar I help you eliminate all the guess work and tedious reading of diet books. Instead of pouring over tomes of thick books replete with dozens of case studies and stories – I will take you right to the heart of the matter and give you what works. Almost as soon as you begin to apply the secrets I reveal – you will begin to feel different. You won’t be so bloated after a meal. You’ll feel lighter – and within a few days you’ll be lighter, too.”Each day you’ll see and feel the results”Applying the secrets I’ll be revealing on the Furey Fat Loss Program Teleseminar will save you years of aggravation, not to mention a lot of money.I have gone to great lengths to sift through my knowledge and experience and I will give you ONLY what works. And hear this: What I have to tell you works so well that you’ll get up each day, look in the mirror and step on the scale and be in absolute awe of how quickly you are seeing and feeling results. Your clothes will drop down in size. Your waistline will reduce and your energy level will skyrocket.Some of the things you’ll discover from this teleseminar, especially those in regard to the truth about carbs (should you or shouldn’t you eat them?), may come as a refreshing surprise to you. Without a doubt, you will see that I do not simply memorize what some “expert” writes in a book and repeat it back to you. I am a scientist with my own body and have tested everything I have written about. And my approach positively works!Be sure to order the Furey Fat Loss Program Teleseminar by July 18, 2014, and you’ll get it for the incredibly low amount of $69 (normally $79) plus $6 S&H and we’ll also include a free copy of my special 44-page report on Losing Weight Without Losing Strength – a $29.95 value.Be sure to act now. Just click the button below and you’ll be set.Sincerely,P.S. Before I learned these quick weight loss secrets, I always lost so much strength when I lost weight. Not anymore. No matter how much excess fat or weight you have to lose – I assure you that your strength will be as good, if not better than it is right now.Furey Fat Los Systemorder now”Hi Matt!”I subscribed to your diet teleseminar on Tuesday evening and I must say that I was very impressed. It was so much better to hear from experienced ‘dieters’ and weight cutters than someone’s scientific view on the subject. Experience goes a heck of a long way in my book! Much better than reading information from a book – written by a so-called expert that has probably never even tried to cut fat or much less excercise!”Casey SmithDes Moines, IAMatt,”You have literally changed my life. I have tried every diet out there. Unlike the rest of the diets I have tried, your nutrition program is a real life plan that I can follow for the rest of my life. This is the first diet I have ever tried that I can actually make a lifestyle. Grapefruit diets, Slim Fast, Jenny Craig etc. are all short term fixes and not solutions. I really believed that this program would only work for men, but now when I look back and see the progress I have made over the past couple of months I just can’t believe the difference. I am ‘keeping score and taking action. Thanks a million.”Jo CavanaughSan Antonio, TX”I’ve been following the “Furey Fat Loss Program” since being on the teleseminar in January, and I’ve lost about 25 pounds. When combined with a Combat Conditioning program, this “diet” produces results! Thanks, Matt!”Rich EcklesCombat Cardio Teleseminar Copy “How To Drop Your Resting Heart Rate By 24 Beats Per Minute, Quadruple Your Endurance, Build Super Strength, Shift Your metabolism Into Overdrive and Blowtorch Excess Fat From Your Body … Even If You’re Over 40 Years Old”Now You Can Have Tri-athlete Endurance, at any Age, Without Running Yourself Into the Ground. Yes, it’s Yours For the Taking in a Fraction of the Time”Important Message: Get Combat Cardio as well as over $250 worth of Matt Furey Products Absolutely FREE! Click HereAn incredibly effective combination of combat cardiovascular exercise and Chinese chi kung breathing secrets will…    Turn Back the Time Clock to Become an Anti-Aging Machine!    Increase Lean Muscle Mass!    Burn Fat at Lightning Speed!    Reduce Resting Heart Rate!    Reduce or Eliminate High Blood Pressure!    Improve Digestion!    Gain Mastery Over Self!    Skyrocket Your Career!    Boost Sex Drive!    Maximize Your metabolism!    Put A Perennial Spring In Your Step!Dear Friend,I have a confession to make and it may save your life. Especially if you’re anywhere near (or past) the age of 40.Here goes: My most recent trip to China was one big party. Everywhere I went food was shoved in my face – and tossing discipline to the wind (big mistake) – I indulged. I felt it was more important to please the company I was with than it was to simply say no.And I paid a heavy price for this behavior.Even though I know and teach others what to do, “yours truly” is no different than you. I need regular repetition of the basics – which includes regular reminders about following the right path to superior health: proper diet, proper thinking and the smartest, most result-producing exercise. Without regular repetition, like anyone else, I can become victim to what the dumb masses think and do. Matt Furey mixing deep breathing chi-kung and walkingMatt Furey mixing deep breathing chi-kung and walking.How Chest Pain Got My AttentionAnyway, after returning from China I didn’t put the lid on my indulging. Sure, I trained each day so this kept me looking good physically – but I was making mistakes with food, doing things I knew NOT to do – and although I still looked great on the outside, I was in trouble. I was literally killing myself.Why do I say this? Strong language, huh?Well, I say this because upon my return to the States, I had frequent and recurring chest pain, especially after eating yet another starchy meal. Not only that, but when I checked my resting pulse it registered in the 80’s!!! This was something I HAD NEVER EXPEREINCED BEFORE AND IT TERRIFIED ME.Additionally, because I knew I would turn 40 in May, I was hyper-sensitive to the fact that an ever-increasing number of people at my age literally drop dead from heart attacks. Even those who look and feel fine. In fact, one of my good friends died several years ago at the age of 29.It is not an understatement to say that I don’t want that to happen to me – or to you!My Oldest Brother Got the Warning, TooAbout five years ago, my oldest brother, who is ten years ahead of me, was diagnosed with adult onset diabetes. Based upon my chest pain and elevated heart rate, I appeared to be heading in the same direction. Needless to say, I didn’t want that to happen to me.The scariest thing about the whole ordeal was when I discovered that most heart attack victims are undiagnosed diabetics. Even worse was when I found out that many of the victims, for all intents and purposes, appear to be in fantastic physical condition.Not wanting to be a negative statistic, I started to do more research. As I did so I instantly changed my diet to a permanent lifestyle, added a different chi kung deep breathing system that my wife forwarded to me from China, and added some additional training that I now call Combat Cardio.One Week Later…My Resting Pulse Had Dropped 24 Beats Per Minute – Now It’s Time to Teach This Method To YouHere are some of the most amazing facts about the positive benefits I experienced with my regimen:    My resting pulse dropped from 82 beats per minute to 58, and that was in only one week!    Every last stitch of chest pain vanished!    When I worked out, my endurance was double what it used to be. And that’s saying a lot.    I had greater ability to focus and concentrate.    I learned the fastest methods of improving endurance and cardio known to man.    I figured out an even faster way to improve my personal power and magnetism through the new chi kung program I started using. It is mega-dynamic and the results have improved every area of my life, including my career, family and so on.    I developed greater peace of mind around this whole issue of health … and the fear of losing it.    I never have to worry about gaining weight again – because the dietary changes I made are now a lifestyle… and they guarantee a lean, mean, kick-butt machine physique.    How You Can Learn My Method, Too    Some people who I told this story to over the last month were so impressed that they begged me to do a seminar on this very topic. At the same time, they want the information NOW and don’t want to wait until I can schedule the event. Right now, it would be several months before I could hold the event in person because my travel schedule is booked solid through December.    But, there is a way I CAN do this seminar right away and have you participate, no matter where you live – and still gain all the benefits that I have attained through this ordeal.    What I’m talking about is a live tele-conference call in which I teach you precisely how to duplicate the benefits I have achieved. From the telephone consulting I have done over the last few years – my clients know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the best modern-day way to learn. You don’t have to travel anywhere. There’s no airplane fees, no hotel costs, no lost time.    And so, with all of the other expenses out of the way, not to mention lost travel time – you still get all the information you want. Information that will change your life for the better.    A One-Time Only Event    My Combat Cardio teleseminar was a one-time only event, never to be held again.    If I were to give this seminar to you again, in person, it would be at least $297 per head – plus your travel costs. But right now, as a special promotion, if you order before July 18, 2014, I’m going to let you have it for only $39 plus S&H – a HUGE savings.    To recap, I am going to teach you the following:        The exact dietary changes I made to drop my resting pulse 24 beats per minute!        The precise new deep breathing (chi kung) exercises I follow!        10 different cardio routines that will melt fat off your body like butter on a hot stove!        How to mix Combat Conditioning exercises with your cardio for maximum leverage of time and results!        plus, space for you to ask your most pressing questions and get immediate answers.    I imagine that all of the above are things you recognize as important things you know deep inside that you really want.    So order today and change your health for the better.    Best,    P.S. My Combat Cardio tele-seminar was a one-time only event. If I were to teach it live, in person, it would be at least $297 per person – but if you place your order by July 18, 2014, you can hear the same seminar for only $39.00. With the recording in hand, you can listen anytime you want, in your car, home or office. The more often you listen to this life-changing message, the quicker and easier it will be for you to transform your health and fitness to record levels.


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