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Carla Detchon – Inner Diva Revolution 2014

Inner Diva Revolution
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                                       Inner Diva Revolution                                                                  hosted by Carla DetchonHeart-Centered Teachers. Powerful Healers. Spiritual Visionaries.All Gathered for FREE to Help YOU Live from your TRUE ESSENCE.           Are you tired of stuffing down your TRUE EMOTIONS?  Do you want to feel more       CONFIDENT, SELF LOVING and ACCEPTING of yourself?   Do you long to CONNECT               to your HIGHER PURPOSE?  Then you are definitely in the RIGHT PLACE —                                                Welcome to the Revolution, Sister!Darling Diva!Chances are if you’ve arrived here, you’re SEEKING something. Perhaps you’ve been feeling disempowered and unfulfilled. Or you know you’re not being PAID WHAT YOU’RE WORTH.  Maybe you’re LONGING for a BETTER LIFE for you and your family. Or perhaps your DEEPEST DESIRE is for a LOVING, HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP. No matter what it is that’s calling you, I can tell you one, sure way to have it all—and that’s to tune in and listen to the deep wisdom of your HIGHER SELF, your TRUE VOICE, your CORE ESSENCE—what I call your INNER DIVA.Your First Step? Join our FREE Interactive Speaker Series.On these calls, our amazing teachers, powerful healers and spiritual guides will help you:    • HEAL past trauma and connect to your INNATE HAPPINESS, JOY, LOVE and PROSPERITY    • SHIFT the BLOCKS keeping you from manifesting your DIVINE PURPOSE.    • EVOLVE the way you think and do things so you can tap into a HIGHER ENERGY FREQUENCY.    • Close the gap between where you are now and your UNLIMITED POTENTIAL.    • STEP INTO the MORE that your HEART is craving with LIVE PROCESSES, ACTIVATIONS and COACHING.    • IMMERSE yourself in HIGH ENERGY VIBRATIONS on every INTERACTIVE call.Inner Diva ManifestoSweet Soul Sisters,Your higher self called—she said it’s time to wake up. Oh, I know you would prefer to hit the snooze button on your life just once more, but it’s time to own that delicious, diva-ine, determined part of you that knows exactly how to rock your world. It’s time to turn up your intuition so you can really listen to your powerful inner guidance. It’s time to bring your spiritual gifts out to play and share them with others so we can all shine. It’s time to build your self worth and self confidence so you can truly know and live your value. It’s time to start manifesting the reason you came down to this world (oh yes, dear sister—you had a reason). It’s time to rock your relationships and to raise conscious, awake, loving children. It’s time to be healthy in all ways. It’s time to put away your excuses and be heard and seen. It’s time to raise your vibration, raise your consciousness, and while you’re at it, why not go ahead and raise a little hell. The time of the wallflower is past, girlie girl. It’s time to live from your essence, and your essence knows just how powerful you truly are, so why are you still pretending that you’re not? It’s time to play and grow and learn in a community of soul-centered sisters. It’s time to learn how to deeply trust yourself, because when you can do that, you’ll always have your back. After all, nobody is going to hand you the perfect life on a silver platter except you! Your revolution starts now—will you join it?  You are WORTHY of LOVE, ABUNDANCE, SUCCESS, HAPPINESS, FULFILLMENT!The Inner Diva Revolution Is for you IF…    • You’re tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed or unappreciated.    • You’re fed up with playing the “Good Girl” and being treated like a doormat.    • You’re sick of ignoring and stuffing down what’s wrong in your life.    • You’re ready to put away the excuses that keep you playing small.    • You’re longing to connect to your deep, inner truth.    • You want to claim your brilliance, your power and your economic value.    • You’re exhausted from doing it all on your own, and you’re willing to ask for help.Are you starting to feel your “Yes?”  Then you’re ready for your revolution!How to Shift Everything — Powerfully, Quickly and LovinglyHow do I know THIS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE? Because I’m living proof that it works. Over a decade ago, I was lying on my couch depressed and crying non-stop, knowing I needed to change everything, yet uncertain of how to make that shift. I was longing for a life partner but couldn’t get a date to save my life. I knew on a core level that the work I was doing was empty and meaningless, but I didn’t have any other options lined up. And while my job had been providing me with good money, I just couldn’t make myself do it anymore, so I was facing a personal economic meltdown. But here’s the thing—that mess of a mid-life crisis was THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME. Why? Because it led me on a spiritual journey where I learned to rely on my inner wisdom and guidance–the same kind of guidance that our speakers will help you to discover for yourself. And that’s how I found the life and love I had been longing for.Why a Revolution?Because Changing Your Life Can Be A Revolutionary Act.The dictionary describes a revolution as “a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something.” You may be looking for this kind of change in your own life but have hit too many roadblocks, setbacks or detours to keep the search going. But let me ask you something…How would your life be different if:    • You let your divine goddess self be your ultimate guide?    • Your bank account reflected your TRUE SELF WORTH?    • You knew deep inside that you’re more than just your weight or your body image?    • You weren’t sitting in the back seat of your life?    • You were truly seen and heard in a way that lets YOUR INNER RADIANCE shine?    • You were ENERGIZED and INSPIRED to leap out of bed every morning?Can I Ask You to Trust Me for a Second?I know you don’t really know me yet, but I’d like you to trust me on something: You know that negative voice inside your head? The one that beats you up and says things like, “You can’t do that,” “You’re not good enough,” “Who do you think you are, missy” or any other combination of negative self talk? I’m pretty sure you know what I’m talking about.  So here’s the thing I’m going to ask you to trust me on: Those voices aren’t doing anyone any service—especially you. I mean, if you’re going to have voices in your head—and we all do—why not learn to REPLACE the NEGATIVE ones with positive, uplifting, inspiring voices?  I’m talking about the voices of respected teachers, loving guides and powerful healers who have already expanded, already achieved, already accomplished what it is you are longing for? Doesn’t that just make sense?You Do Have a Choice Here.Every day you make thousands of decision, and here’s one that really matters. If you’re not happy with your daily inner dialogue, then kick it out! Replace it with voices who teach LOVING KINDNESS, EXPANSION, how to live at a HIGHER VIBRATION, how to have HEALTHIER RELATIONSHIPS and how to be MORE ABUNDANT, HAPPY and HEALTHY.Those Are the Kinds of Voices You’ll Find on Inner Diva Revolution.When you IMMERSE YOURSELF IN LOVING, POSITIVE, HEALING VOICES, you’ll find that your own inner dialogue begins to shift, and you’ll find yourself with a NEW LEVEL OF SELF LOVE AND INCREASED SELF RESPECT.  And when that starts to happen—ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  I know that whenever women gather to speak their truth, listen to their bodies, invoke spirit and tell their stories, that not only do we heal our own wounds, we heal the wounds of the planet. And best of all, nobody has to do it alone. Join me, and let’s get this revolution started so we can ALL SHINE.Carla DetchonFounder and HostThis Revolutionary Gathering of Experts Is Absolutely FREE!Our awesome speakers are gifting their time and talents because they believe—as I do—that it’s time for the women of the world to heal, transform and to step into their full, luscious power. To take advantage of their amazing tools and techniques, all you need is a phone or a computer to participate from anywhere in the world. And if you can’t make a live call, recordings will be available so you don’t have to miss out.Meet the Inner Diva Revolution SpeakersJeneth Blackert7 Secret Clearing Codes to Money Energy and Your Money Vibe!What are we doing in our energetic system that stops us from living the life we want?  What frequencies are contributing to our perceived lack of choices and possibilities?  When it comes to money, even people we perceive themselves as ‘successful’ top earners and high performers — can still be trapped by their limited beliefs about money.  What will it take to create greater freedom in this area?  Here’s why we aren’t free of these lies and limitations!Money touches all aspects of our lives, so shouldn’t you know how to:    • Enjoy having an uncontrolled sexy relationship with money    • Stop your addictive behaviors to lack – once and for all    • Clear your unconscious feelings of blame, shame, and regret around money    • Turn “emotional money gunk” into a real way of being.    • Change your polar and emotional charges around money and wealth creationKristen WebsterFrom Darkness to Delight: Finding and Falling in Love with YOU!Transformational Energy Coach and Radio Show Host Kristen Webster dove into the deep end of the pool with us today. She talked about despair, her wreck of a life and how she had no idea how to fix it, until she got desperate and quiet enough to listen to her inner voice, which baby step by baby step showed her the shiny, sparkling path of joy and success she embodies today. Learn how she did it, and listen to how we turned the energy of mistakes into Consciousness Expansion Opportunities!Today Kristen shares:    • Discover the profound impact of having a Personal Power Statement that guides your path in the world.    • Get a yummylicious taste of the power of energy tools to move you from fear to fabulous.    • Understand the root causes of your pain, suffering, stuckness, despair and overwhelm and learn how to connect inward      to find the baby steps needed to break free and transform.    • Learn how to strip away the lies you’ve been told or that you told yourself that don’t match up to who you truly are.Lee HoldenLove, Laughter and Happily Ever After: Unearth the Sexy Inner Beauty Within to Realizeyour Full Potential for Joy, Fulfillment and Vitality.Today we dive into the body—you know that place that so many of us ignore, complain about, don’t listen to and generally abuse (this is where I mention my secret stash of Halloween candy in the cupboard even though we never ever get trick or treaters!).But what would it be like to partner with your body so you could:    • Boost your physical energy and get an energetic jumpstart anytime (without caffeine!).    • Calm your body and mind for deeper rest at night.    • Detoxify and clear internal tension.    • Plug into your personal “power place” in the Universe.    • Master the flow of your own life energy.    • Align with the consciousness of the cosmos and cultivate the seeds of your highest potential.    • Experience an orgasm in your whole body (I’ve got your attention, now!).Lisa BarnettThe Akashic Record – Clear old Karma and Empower Your Inner GoddessToday we ask for Divine Guidance from the Akashic Record Masters. What’s that you say? You don’t know about the Akashic Record? Well, sister, the Record definitely knows ALL about you, so you’re going to want to tune in and listen to Akashic Record Sage, Lisa Barnett, as she explains how to access this all-knowing Book of Life, why you would want to and what you need to do to enter this sacred space yourself and receive answers to everything you’ve always wanted to know!Discover how this Ancient Wisdom can help you learn:    • How to access your Soul’s Library to heal issues, break through blocks, clear pain and fear so you can create the life      your heart and soul desire.    • How to easily clear Karma and get un-stuck from past energies and contracts that might be blocking your present-day success.    • What Soul Contracts you have with people, how we make them and how to know when they’re complete.    • Why you may have chosen your family of origin.    • How to reclaim past life information to help align you with your current life’s Soul Purpose.Carol LookTapping into Your Inner Power and AbundanceToday, I am so honored to have EFT Master, Carol Look, joining us. She’s combining two of my favorite topics: Accessing and Living from Your Inner Power and Busting Through Your Abundance Blocks. I’ll tell you a secret—the two are intrinsically related!Here’s what you’ll learn from today’s call:    • A simple energy technique to quickly change your emotional and energetic state    • How to quickly identify the energetic patterns that have been keeping you from tapping into your “Inner Power”    • How to clear the fear of “rocking the boat” with other people in your life    • How to tap into the vibration of abundance    • How to access “your next yes” for a life of success and abundanceMary Beth VanderlindenTurning Your Miracle Ignition Switch OnI’m terming Energy Healer Mary Beth Vanderlinden the Energizer Bunny, because she has survived and THRIVED 18 severe accidents, and yet she keeps on going, healing herself and jumping back into life as normal within days!  Listen to her compelling story and then relax and get grounded with her beautiful grounding meditation. All the healings and clearing she did live today will still work for YOU on the replay, so dive in, Diva!  Mary Beth Vanderlinden gets you grounded like nobody’s business, and then takes you on a healing journey of chakras, crystals and Divine Source Energy.  Mary Beth Vanderlinden is one of just 26 energy healers in the world to be trained in the 111 Activation and the Universal Sphere process, providing a profound boost to her honored titles of Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Medical Intuitive and Certified Level III Reconnective Healing Practitioner.Chief Robert and Terri TallTreeThe Three Arrows of Power ~ Ancient Wisdom for Conscious ManifestationI’ve always been enthralled with Native American culture, which is just one of the many reasons I’m excited to host today’s guests, Chief Robert and Terri TallTree. The TallTrees are best-selling authors, peace advocates and world-renown recording artists who have been teaching Native American cultural programs for more than 30 years, and who have appeared on PBS, the BBC, Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel.  The first time I heard them speak, I was struck by their clear, wise and grounded perspectives. Their life purpose, is to help you find YOUR life purpose. They know that when you align your Mind, Body and Spirit, you release yourself from suffering, you make miracles happen, and manifestation becomes easy.Here’s what you’ll learn from Chief Robert and Terri TallTree:    • The 7 Sacred Principles to Self-Mastery    • How You Can Expand Your “Spiritual Intelligence”    • How to Find YOUR Unique Life Purpose    • How to Clear Resistance and Remove Obstacles to Wealth and Abundance    • What Is a Medicine Wheel and How it Can Be Used as a Diagnostic Tool    • How to turn on ancient energy for conscious manifestation    • Embody the Three Arrows of Power, so you can begin to direct your inner power into outer results    • Listen to the healing power of Robert’s flute while Terri describes the 7 Sacred Principles to Self-MasteryLisa Jaya WatersMaximize Your Frequency Any Time You Desire by Inviting Your Divine Beingnessinto Your Daily LifeMy guest today, Lisa Jaya Waters, can make that happen for you today—live. She can raise your vibrational frequency to such a high level that your dense, energetic and emotional blocks melt away! Negative emotions, body pain, worries and anxieties dissipate through her process, leaving you mentally and emotionally lighter. Lisa will begin working on our group frequency as soon as the call begins, so jump on the call live today to download the most powerful frequencies in person.On today’s call, you will learn:    • What these “Beings of Light” your very own “Light Team” are here to teach you and how to access their help anytime—anywhere.    • Why most approaches to transformation struggle and fail, leaving you feeling worse than when you started.    • Learn the massive shift between the words, “To,” “By,” “With” and “Through.”    • How to shift out of victimhood and into your place of power—Moving from “why me?” to “why not me?” to “of course me!”    • How to melt away pain, emotional blocks and illness and live your life in a state of POSITIVITY and HAPPINESS    • How to become STRONG, CENTERED and GROUNDED no matter what happens and how to take control of every situation    • Why YOU ARE an INFINITE DIVINE BEING having a human experience (and why it matters)    • How to move through the FOUR STAGE OF CONSCIOUSNESS to keep your frequency elevated and your life inspired.Michelle Manning-KoglerCreate Great Money Karma — Say Yes to Money NowHow a Spiritual Technology Can Create New Neural Pathways for Success by Rebooting Your Limiting Beliefs — It’s Easier Than It Sounds!?  So what the heck, you might be asking, is a “Spiritual Technology?” My guest today, Michelle Manning-Kogler, describes her Quantum Soul Clearing process as a “Spiritual Technology” that’s the equivalent of reprogramming your inner “personal computer,” to make you more aligned, connected and capable of almost instant manifestation. She does this by eliminating the energetic charge that stands between you and your deepest desires.On today’s call, you’ll:    • Learn how to open up your affluence channel directly from Spirit    • Learn how to recognize your unconscious negative money Karma programming    • Find out how clearing up your money karma changes not just your financial circumstances, but your whole life    • Experience the power of a group clearing, as we take live callers and answer questions!    • Understand how and why the Quantum Soul Clearing Process is so different than other healing modalitiesKari Grady GrossmanHow a Decision on Mt. Everest Changed the Lives of Thousands of CambodianGirls and Women?I want you to meet my friend, Kari Grady Grossman. I met Kari 17 years ago in Wyoming. One night in a bar, she said to me, “If I was rich, I would be a really cool rich person.” For whatever reason, that sentence and the ensuing conversation has stuck with me through the years. And here’s the thing: In America, Kari isn’t considered rich. She’s middle class. She and her husband are doing fine, but they still struggle to make it all happen. But in Cambodia, where she does her revolutionary work, Kari is stupendously rich by comparison.  And true to her word, Kari is a very cool rich person, and she is having a life-changing impact on hundreds of girls and women there. You’re going to want to hear about how one woman heard her inner call and listened, even when it was hard, even when nothing seemed to go right, even when she wanted to give u p. And as a result, hundreds of young girls and women in Cambodia are living radically different lives with an untold ripple effect. Come listen to this Revolutionary Diva’s story, and be inspired by her heartfelt devotion to a faraway country that she ended up unexpectedly adopting along with her son over 12 years ago.Along the way, she learned a few Universal truths that she shares to help you follow your own soul’s calling like:    • How she grew a simple desire to give back into an international nonprofit using love, gratitude and inner listening.    • How to follow your calling into something bigger and more fulfilling without getting knocked off by fear, resistance      and lack of self worth.    • What to do when you achieve your stated life’s goal—and it’s not at all what you want.    • How she overcame overwhelm, I’m not worthy, I can’t ask people for money and a host of other plagues in order to be      the Revolutionary Diva she came here to be!    • And how you can do the same in your life!Michelle Manning-KoglerExplosion of Joy — Gratitude, Appreciation and AbundanceToday’s gift comes from Quantum Soul Clearing Expert Michelle Manning-Kogler, and it’s a 20-minute audio—what she calls An Explosion of Joy — and it’s all about the energies of Gratitude, Appreciation and Abundance.  Michelle breaks the old frequencies and addictions that keep us from being truly grateful and awake to all we truly are and have. You can download and keep this audio as Michelle’s gift. I recommend listening to it over and over to really allow the quantum shifts to sink in.Debra PonemanHow to Live Your Life Without Struggle in the Flow of Divine GraceHave you ever wished you could sit at the feet of some of the early pioneers in the personal growth world and hear their stories and ask them firsthand how you can apply what they’ve learned in your own life? Consider me your Diva Godmother today, cause I’m granting that wish!  Meet Debra Poneman — Pioneering Spiritual Growth Leader.  Debra spent the ‘70’s studying with some of the greatest Masters of the East, and in the ‘80’s, she researched the teachings of the Masters of Western metaphysical thought as well as the lives of people who had amassed material fame and fortune.  She took everything she learned and created the wildly successful Yes to Success Seminars. Some of Debra’s students went on to become millionaires, billionaires and even household names – all because of the secrets to happiness, fulfillment and inner and outer success they learned from Debra.This is what you will learn on today’s call:    • What research done at Harvard University revealed about what brings happiness and what doesn’t.    • What the Beings of Light on the other side have to say about creating true success.    • The shift you need to make to ensure success in any relationship or endeavor if you want to be in the flow of divine grace.    • Why obstacles, challenges, setbacks and seeming failures may be our greatest gifts on the road to success and self-realization.    • Is living an Enlightened state something one can “work” and do practices to achieve or is it obtained by grace alone?    • How a Near Death Experience proved to her the amazing energetic power of words and confirmed what she had been teaching      for decades about manifestation.    • How a simple “As If” manifestation technique catapulted a young girl to the American Idol Top 10.Eric AltmanIlluminating Your Inner BrillianceClear Out What Isn’t Yours, Make Space for New Abundance to Come in, and Heal Your Heart, Mind and Body.  We’ve got a man in the house, today, Divas! My guest is Eric Altman, energy healer, heart transmitter and all-around lovely, heart-centered, playful guy. What else do you need to know? Drop everything, and be on this call live, ladies, cause Eric does some major-powerful-woo-woo-mojo-magical group energy healing, and I am not just blowing smoke up your skirt! We’ll run the gamut from developing self worth to taking command of who you are and how you’re seen to how to bring more joy, fun, playfulness and joie de vivre to your life. Be there live—your entire energetic field will thank you for it.On today’s call, you’ll learn:    • How to project yourself out into the world in a powerful, safe way so that you are seen, heard and well received.    • How to develop your own innate intuitive capabilities so you can make better decisions.    • How to feel more grounded and empowered so you can kick some ass in the world!    • How to develop your self worth so you can show up as the gorgeous Diva-ine woman your truly are!Morgana RaeMake Money Fall in Love with YOUDoes Money Love You? Or Is Your Relationship with Money a Mess??  We’ve got money royalty visiting us today, Divas! The Money Magnet Queen, Morgana Rae, is here in the nick of time to make sure we have a loving, healthy relationship with money. Let’s not make the same mistakes as in the past — wouldn’t it be amazing to look at your bank account in a few months and celebrate instead of cringe? Make some time to listen in today or catch the replay, cause Morgana is going to introduce you to your Money Honey, and trust me, this is one love relationship you are going to cherish forever!  International wealth coach Morgana Rae teaches 6 simple—yet powerful—steps to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. According to Morgana, “Your financial situation reflects your inner Relationship with Money. If you don’t like your finances, something has to change in your relationship. And when you change your relationship with Money, you change your relationship with EVERYTHING!”Here’s what Morgana taught us on today’s show:    • It’s your subconscious beliefs and feelings about money that are running the show—and why you’ve got to tackle those      (what she calls your Money Monster) first!    • The fastest, most surefire way to relieve money anxiety in an instant.    • How to fall in love with Money (what she calls your Money Honey) and have your Money Honey love you right back      for lifelong, life-changing results.    • A Revolutionary system you can use the rest of your life to have a loving, healthy, prosperous relationship with money      that you can also pass on to your children.Elizabeth LoveReal Women… Real Bodies… Real LifeWhen was the last time you felt good and strong and beautiful in your body? If it’s been a while, take the time today to tune in and listen to Elizabeth Love. She knows what it’s like to hate your body and to abuse your relationship with food. She’s been down that path, AND she discovered a different, more loving, more healthy, more healing path for herself and for YOU!  Whether you have an issue with food or not, Elizabeth teaches a powerful way to get real with your body and to fall head over heels in love with it—and that’s worth the price of admission—which is FREE by the way, so call in live and connect with Elizabeth one-on-one today. Because without question, your relationship with your body is THE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP you will ever have.On today’s call, you’ll learn:    • How to turn destructive patterns into your most powerful and loving teachers    • How to break the cycle of acting out/shame/more acting out    • How to tap into what your body—and you—are really hungry for but aren’t getting    • How to shift into self love and self compassion—because darling Diva, you deserve it!Allana PrattYou’re Sexy as Hell, Woman! ~ It’s Time to Own It!Today we celebrate the letter “S” as in S-exy, S-ucculent, S-assy, S-ensuous and S-uper Psyched (okay, that last one was a fake out) to have Allana Pratt with us today. What does it all mean? It means this interview is a wild card, and it could end up going to the far, exotic reaches of the world, or we might just stay in our jammies and drink hot chocolate. You’ll have to tune in to find out—one thing is for sure, though—it will be worth tuning in for, because with Allana, nothing is taboo or off limits!On today’s call, you’ll learn:    • How to feel totally honored being YOU!    • Steps you can take to live in your full delectable, sensual power—with no apologies!    • What it is you truly desire for 2014—and how to begin to magnetize it towards you.    • Hell—we have no idea, yet—so tune in and find out where the Universe guides us!Lori SpagnaHealing the Divine Feminine in YOU!Today, we’re exploring and healing the infinite being of love, light and joy that is YOUR gorgeous Divine Feminine with Lori Spagna.Lori started with a dream to be of service to animals and the people in their world. She asked the Universe to come up with a plan for her, and within a year and a half of that request, Lori had:    • Completely rid herself of all pharmaceutical drugs, tobacco and alcohol (and she was excessively using these products!)    • Completely transformed her food diet into almost exclusively all natural, mostly organic, mostly raw, vegetarian-based eating.    • Let go of 65 pounds of weight which she was carrying around, (and she kept it off, too)!    • Eliminated over $100,000 in bad debt.    • Removed herself from the unhealthy relationships of her past and established new, healthy and fulfilling relationships.    • Radically transformed her thoughts, beliefs, ideologies and knowing, essentially re-programming her brain and body      for a new and higher level of experience.    • Started a new and prospering business with no money whatsoever.Angela Gower-JohnsonOpening Up to IntuitionWhat’s the most important transformational tool in your personal toolbox? It’s your intuition! Yet, sadly, many of us tune out this critical resource. We ignore that little Diva-ine voice inside us and rely instead on our minds, believing that we can think our way through our lives. But when you open and expand your awareness and intuition, that’s when you step into the flow and start creating the life of your dreams.  According to our guest today, Angela Gower-Johnson, when you acknowledge your intuition you create freedom for yourself, you learn how to let go of negativity quickly and easily, you get rid of doubt, you tap into more happiness and you lessen the negative brain chatter. Sounds pretty good to me! So give the kids a video to watch, skip out of that work meeting, do whatever you have to do to listen to this call today!On today’s call, you’ll learn:    • A simple, yet powerful, tool to help you release the energy from anything from feeling blue to getting rid of a toothache.    • The first step in really knowing and owning how intuitive you really are so you can access more freedom      and less negativity in your life.    • How to open to infinite possibilities, while replacing limiting beliefs.    • How asking a simple question healed a dying weasel—that’s right a weasel!Amethyst Wyldfyre5 Sacred Acts for Coming into Right Relationship with MoneyI’m thrilled to have Amethyst Wyldfyre as one of our final calls. Amethyst believes that when women feel safe speaking their truth, powerfully asking for money and prepared internally to be seen and heard, then the world will naturally change for the better.  So many of us let money—or the lack of money—get in our way and hold us back from being the powerful messengers we came here to be. Either we don’t have the money we think we need to move forward, or we doubt that we’ll ever be able to make money by sharing our message out into the world. Amethyst Wyldfyre is here today to call you on those false assumptions and to teach you how to step up and claim the money that is rightfully waiting for you when you begin to share your soul’s message.On This Call, Amethyst Taught Us…    • Why Clarity is the First Place to Start on Your Transformational Money Journey.    • Why the Law of Attraction Won’t Work for You If You’re Missing This One Key Ingredient.    • How Past Life Agreements and Familial Contracts Might Be the Cause of Your Money Woes —      and What You Need to Do to Clear Them.    • Why Ceremony and Ritual Need to Be Essential Components of Your Money Management.    • Why it’s Important to Handle, Count and Tally Your Money in Order to Stay in Right Relationship With it.    • How to Overcome Any Doubts and Insecurities that Might Be Keeping You from Bringing Your Soul’s Message to the World.    • Why Abundance May NOT Be the Frequency You Want to Tune Into—And What Frequency IS the Right One.Carla DetchonCelebrating Your Inner Diva!Today is the final day of the first ever Inner Diva Revolution, and I’m in the mood to celebrate. It’s not the end I want to celebrate, though—it’s YOU! I want to celebrate the shifts you made, the expansion and awareness you achieved and the inner light you let shine. So come join us live, and let me celebrate you with the gift of my energy coaching. I’m here for you, and I’d love to hear your bright, shiny voice on today’s call.  Come play, share, stretch, grow, laugh and learn about yourself and that wild and wonderful creature within I call your Inner Diva. Join your sisters live as we discover and celebrate our divine femininity, our inner voices, our core essence, and our beautiful, sassy selves!  I shared one of my favorite energy clearing processes, taught to me by my inner guides. It’s my gift to you, but you need to receive it, so make time to listen as soon as possible. I promise it will make your life less stressful, more peaceful and filled with more inner strength, core power and inner wisdom. You deserve this shift, darling Diva, because you are an incredible, gorgeous, amazing goddess, and it’s time to kick some booty out in the world!Meet the Diva Carla Detchon, Founder and HostI created Inner Diva out of the desire to live the biggest, fullest, most fun, most outrageous life I possibly can while helping other women do the same thing. To me, that’s living life like a diva.  I received my coaching training in 2002 through The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) in San Rafael, California, an internationally recognized organization, and I completed The Center for Right Relationship’s advanced training in Relationship Systems Coaching in 2004. I am also a graduate of CTI’s experiential, ten-month Leadership Program, where I trained to be a workshop and program leader, and I have been certified by the International Coach Federation.  In addition to my coaching training, I’ve gained expertise over the last 13 years in the areas of shamanic visioning, divination and channeling with two world-renowned leaders of transformation and consciousness, Ralph Metzner and Michael Harner. I’ve also studied the arts of sensuality, body awareness, sexuality and relationships through a series of workshops and programs with Morehouse, Body Electric and HAI.  I have a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from the Advertising and English Schools, and my background encompasses over 20 years as a marketing and advertising writer, including running my own successful freelance business for nearly a decade.  I currently live, coach and play in our little piece of paradise on Mt. Tamalpais in Mill Valley, California with my fabulous husband, Tim, our dog, Mojo, and cat, Layla.  If you’re ready to claim your big, fulfilled, totally amazing life, call me and let’s play together.


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