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Gabrielle Moore – The G-Spot Code (7 ebooks – Pdf’s)

Gabrielle Moore – The G-Spot Code


Description the bonuses are already here () and I love to overdeliver I’ve added 3 rare reports (30 Days Of Intense Sexual Pleasure,Foreplay Forbidden Secrets and Secrets To The Greatest Sex Ever) to compensate.Enjoy!!————————————————————– One Time Offer!For A Limited Time Only: 50% OFF IF you dare… take this journey into the highly-erotic and deeply-mysterious world of the female G-spot with me…  Find, Touch, Arouse, Explore… and Control “Take The G-Spot Expedition, And In A Few Minutes Discover the Secrets to Inducing Mind-Blowing, Toe-Currrling, Endless Cascading Orgasms for Her Each Time You Have Sex As If On Command… Guaranteed!”From: The Erotic Desk of Gabrielle MooreDate: August 16, 2014 October 13, 2010 April 20, 2010Dearest Passionate Husband / Lover, Can you remember the last time the two of you truly had mind-blowing sex? It was probably like this in the beginning… You meet each other, date awhile (or maybe even skipped this part?), and then your lust for each other simply can’t be kept back anymore! You’re so damn hungry for her and she for you. And so you rush back to your place (or hers) and throw each other against the wall / floor / couch / bed / refrigerator(?) and you proceed to have steaming sex! You reach your gut-wrenching, back-arching orgasm and she lets out a scream that seems to have come out of some primal animal. SEX IS GRRR-E-A-T! You move on to the next stage of your ‘hot relationship’ and move in together (who knows, maybe you two even got married). SEX IS STILL GREAT.After some months, SEX IS GOOD but… Something’s off! For the first time, you notice that she hardly ever reaches an orgasm during sex. Still, you’re one of the lucky ones. You read somewhere that… “70% of women are completely unable to reach an orgasm during intercourse alone”. At least, your girlfriend / wife / lover still reaches an orgasm, right?Even if it is only now and then. “An Orgasm ‘Now And Then’ Is Not Enough If You Want to Keep Your Woman!” Think about it. Would YOU be interested in sex if YOU reached an orgasm only ‘now and then’? Of course not! You would want better sex!!! Well guess what, so does she! A woman who hardly reaches an orgasm would… ·         Start to lose interest in the sexual act itself;·         Begin to turn to ‘pleasure toys’;·         ‘Fake It’ just so the whole ‘making love’ routine ends;·         Start to masturbate and ‘get off’… without you;·         Slowly draw away from intimacy with you;·         Slowly draw towards other men for sexual gratification. And what about you?It must be so frustrating for you too! On one hand, you don’t want to feel that you’re ‘letting her down’ or that you’re ‘lacking something between the sheets’. On another hand, you absolutely HATE the pressure of always NEEDING to bring her to her climax… which seems to take FOREVER if it occurs at all!Here Are Some Of My Client´s Concerns:(I literally “copy and pasted” them!)”I have been married for seven wonderful years and the sex has always been great. Lately, I noticed that my wife wasn’t achieving orgasm the way she had in the earlier years and I wanted to learn more. After reading your material I did a self check and realized that I already knew a few things, but there was SO much new techniques to learn!.””Gabrielle, my wife can´t seem to give herself an orgasm manually so what hope have I got? In 2 1/2 years of marriage she thinks she had an orgasm once. Often she describes the fact that she climbs some hills but not mountain peaks. I dont know what else to do I stimute her clitoris, massage her for over an hour and she still can´t get there. I think that maybe that there is something medically wrong.””I am divorced, and never really had great sex while I was married. When I met my new girlfriend, I learned she was WAAAY more expirenced than I was. Before we had sex I went online to find some sort of guide to making love, just so I could educate myself in the hopes of keeping up with her,,, or at least not dis-appoint her. I found and ordered your guide. [and we both have been extremely satisfied]!””Well I was looking for help on how to improve my sex life and how to orgasm more. Well I guess you could say that I have not had the best of luck with sex. Here’s the sad thing I have been with my boyfriend for a year and I have only had an orgasm twice! I don’t know how that happenens but it does. What should I do I really love him but I can’t take this for much longer.””I want to learn the best possible way to please my woman, and make her never want or wonder whats out there ( I am her first, in all categories.) I am confident about my techniques, but i am always looking for new ways to make her SCREAM!!!!!. I love to give, more than i like to recieve so i love knowing what i am giving is making her feel AMAZING.””You Don’t Want Any of the Pressure or Frustration, THIS Is What You Want to Happen…”*       You want her to ‘come’ each and every single time you touch her.*       You want her to reach a level of sexual gratification with you that she’ll NEVER get from any ‘vibrating toy’.*       You want her to experience an orgasm not just once, twice, thrice… but countless times through the night!*       You want her to be so ‘giddy’ at the mere prospect of you making love to her that she can’t wait till you start your ‘sweet torture’.*       You want her to be so sexually satisfied that she will NEVER think of being in the arms of another man. In fact, she will most probably be the envy of every woman on the block!*       You want her to experience an orgasm that she NEVER thought was possible in this lifetime.*       You want her to come so hard and so often that she won’t know where her body began and where it ended!And you want to be The One to bring her to all this sexual euphoria…BUT HOW? “You’ve Heard of a Centuries-Old, Fool-Proof & Mysterious Sex Technique Before But You Don’t Know If It’s Real… or Just a Myth…”  It’s NOT a myth.For thousands of years, many have ‘heard’ of a sexual technique that’s literally capable of bringing women to endless, cascading orgasms. However… FEW have been lucky enough to even get their hands on something that tells them about it.EVEN FEWER have been successful in learning how to master this technique. Actually, this is NOT surprising. For centuries, people have been trying constantly to keep the truth away from you. Even the most revered psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud have tried their best and used their influence to ‘downplay’ and ‘conceal’ this path to sexual nirvana. Well, you will not be misled nor be deprived any longer…”Gabrielle Should Be Awarded a Nobel Prize For Her Works.””Gabrielle’s work is the most informative I have ever read. It contains detailed information on every page. It is almost an encyclopedia on the subject of sex. It should be available in all languages to help bring peace on earth. Her teachings are reaching far beyond the subject of sex. Mainly, it teaches techniques to learn the practice of understanding, which brings good sex because it makes people feel better about each other. When someone feels good he does not think about making wars: he wants to share the feeling with others. Gabrielle should be awarded a Nobel Prize for her works. A Nobel Prize would bring the needed seriousness to the philosophy of her techniques, therefore making everybody on earth wishing to read her books. Thank you, Gabrielle.”Bernard Nagy,  Montreal, Canada”Thank you Gabrielle for your advice about how to make a woman have the big G Spot “O” when going down on her and while penetrating her. My girlfriend LOVED it!! She had such an intense orgasm that she was begging me to stop… She could not catch her breath!! Ha! Thanks Again!”Tony S.Korea”Gabrielle is an eye opener concerning loving sexual behavior. It is real sexual liberation. Every human being needs one or more of the information available in Gabrielle’s books and courses. I am convinced that we will live in a much more peaceful and productive world with less stress when more people will practice Gabrielle’s precious revelations.”Bernard Nagy, Montreal, Canada”Only one day after reading your course I had one of the best sexual experiences that I’ve ever had with my wife. She had multiple g-spot orgasms and orgasms were never easy for her. I think it changed the way she thinks of me, for the better of course. Knowing that I can please her everytime she wants it is a great feeling. Thanks Gabrielle”Greg, Simi Valley, CA”TODAY… The Mystery Is Exposed! This Elusive, Highly-Controversial, Almost Taboo Technique Will Be Revealed To You…”I warn you now.This can change the way your partner looks at love-making and sexual pleasure forever. Once you know this mysterious technique, a ‘basic orgasm’ will NOT be enough for her. Ready? This ancient, sexual technique of bringing her to almost non-stop writhing pleasure is called the G-Spot orgasm. “G-Spot Orgasms Are The Most Body-Rocking, Soul-Searing, Mind-Numbing Orgasms Anyone Can Humanly Experience… And You Almost DIDN’T Know About It!” For the longest time, the best ‘teachers’ from almost every discipline have tried to drill into you that G-spot orgasms do not exist. But for me, the most damning part is that even for those who have heard about G-spot orgasms, it seems that these ‘teachers’ have succeeded in making it seem that they are impossible to achieve. As if you need some kind of ‘special powers’ to find the female G-spot and use it to bring your partner to a euphoric climax. This way of thinking is pure garbage!!! Well, enough of that!It is with great professional, personal and sexual pride that I bring to you my special online course… “THE G-SPOT CODE – by Gabrielle Moore Unlock the Secrets of the Most Intense Female Orgasm” The G-Spot Code is the most exhaustive program that covers EVERYTHING you need to know about the female G-spot and how you can literally control a woman’s body by inducing a G-spot orgasm. Yes, as if on command! No more frustrations, no more agonized waiting, and no more lukewarm orgasms for your partner! With the techniques I outlined in The G-Spot Code, she will climax not just ALL THE TIME, but WHEN you want to, making sex an agonizing, almost sinful pleasure for her. And the benefits for you? *       No more pressure on your part to ‘perform better’!*       No more complaints that she’s not satisfied in bed.*       No more fears that she’ll leave in search of more sexually-gratifying pastures.*       No more ‘between-the-sheets’ comparisons with ex-lovers.*       No more feelings of helplessness; HER orgasms are something YOU control!*       AND THE BEST PART OF ALL: Do you have ANY idea at all how a truly sexually-satisfied woman thanks her partner? YOU will experience sex that you’ve never experienced before as well my friend… guaranteed! I Can’t Wait! PLEASE Give Me Private Access NOW to These Unbelievable Carnal Benefits! And I want to be clear too that The G-Spot Code method applies to all types of sexual relationships. There are no age-limits, no potions, no special qualifications nor ‘special powers’ are needed to fully experience the orgasmic benefits of The G-Spot Code. The one and only thing you need to ask yourself is this: do you want to bring your sex life to an all-new ecstatic high?YES!!! PLEASE Give Me Private Access NOW to Achieve New Sexual Highs! “I Know What You’re Thinking: Why Should I Listen To Gabrielle Moore?…”I Strengthen Relationships One Orgasm at a Time…I’m Gabrielle Moore. I’m a married bisexual woman and for years I’ve been working one-on-one with single men, single women, and couples to improve their sex lives. I take them beyond ‘simple releases’ to truly ‘earth-shattering orgasms’ that – believe me – have saved many relationships all over the globe. My published e-book: The Female Orgasm Revealed (FOR) has gained worldwide recognition and thousands of clients have raved and thanked me for my step-by-step, take-you-by-the-hand, no B.S. approach to sexuality. Today, over 100,000 subscribers read my invaluable sex tips and advice everyday. Gabrielle Moore dominates the female orgasm scene online!But something totally unexpected happened…  Thousands of my male subscribers were so blown away by the results of FOR and the radical improvements in their sex lives that they wanted to take the sexual experience of their partners ‘to a more advanced level’.  One by one, the questions came in but the request was the same… my clients wanted to know if G-spot orgasms were REAL or just urban legends.So I made a decision. I decided that it’s time to ‘blow the whistle’ and share the sexual joy that only few others before you have ever really experienced. So are you ready now for the deepest – and wildest – pleasure rides of your and your partner’s sexual lives?Click Here to Begin Your Journey to Sexual Nirvana! “The Absolute Nearest Thing to a LIVE Sex Therapy Session!” …but without the couch, without the embarrassment, and without the cost…What It Is…The G-Spot Code is a four-part downloadable course (it just takes seconds to download to your computer!).It takes you by the hand and teaches you – in a nutshell – how to locate the female G-spot and how to stimulate and titillate this highly sensitive area to bring your partner to endless cascading orgasms.All this is done in an ambiance of complete self-awareness – mind, body and spirit. The G-Spot Code covers all the levels of lovemaking from foreplay, to orgasmic breathing, to reaching higher, more erotic states of orgasm.The e-course is bursting with: *       ‘All You Need To Know’ information (to help you progress from one stage of arousal to the next)*       Discussion material (to help you and your partner reach your own NEW conclusions about this previously forbidden type of orgasm)*       Step-by-step physical How To’s (to help you begin to understand each other’s bodies and when you should hold back, proceed, or go ‘full throttle’)*       Sex positions (to help you ‘use a hundred sexual means to reach your orgasmic destination’)*       Sex techniques (to help you achieve maximum carnal pleasure)And you achieve all of this WITHOUT the use of any gadgets, any pills, or any medication. I assure you: The G-Spot Code promotes only 100% NATURAL methods – as natural as sex itself! You need only the program, yourself, your lover, and your newly freed sexual imagination to achieve the greatest of all sexual pleasures. What It’s Not…The G-Spot Code is NOT an e-book but it IS downloadable.What does this mean? It means you get more value for your money! With e-books, you get a few pages of basic information that, frankly, could’ve been written by just anybody. With the G-Spot Code, you get 350+ pages of pure, professional, uncensored, step-by-step, fool-proof, rock-me-to-the-core,G-spot orgasmic content! “So How Exactly Does “The G-Spot Code” Course Enable Me to Bring Her to Twisting Orgasms Again, and Again… and A-G-A-I-N?” Hold your breath… following is just a snapshot of what you’ll discover inside The G-Spot Code…   *       People have been talking about the existence of the G-spot as early as Roman times. Yet today, many people (including women!) don’t know exactly where it is. Know where the G-spot is – EXACTLY – in your partner’s body and she’ll be shocked – and pleased – with your expertise! *       Is she really ready to ‘come’ or is she subconsciously suppressing climax? The Ejaculation Readiness Checklist will get to the bottom of this. *       You find the G-spot and begin to stimulate her… but nothing happens. Find out EXACTLY what to do next… *       UNLEARN all the negative associations that society in general has been trying to instill in you about sex and begin to enjoy your body – and hers – to the limit.  *       Learn how to prepare her body for ‘sexual tidal waves’. Trust me, she’ll need this. *       You often hear “it’s not the size, it’s the performance”. Is this true? Find out how the location of the G-spot settles this debate once and for all. *       How to turn a few seconds of sexual release to hour after hour of ecstatic orgasmic vibrations. *       The 4 sexually erotic positions you can use to finally reach the G-spot and experience the highest and purest of physical pleasures. *       How to master the ‘4 cornerstones’ that is the basis of every rocking orgasm. *       Discover the muscle in your bodies that is responsible for ejaculation and how you can strengthen this muscle to prolong reaching orgasm. (The longer you both delay, the more exquisite the climax!) *       Discover how you can bring her to orgasmic ecstasy with the slightest of touches. Yes, it IS possible! *       Learn about the mysterious “O-Zone” (Orgasm Zone) in all it’s glory. I guarantee that when you reach it… “you’ll float continuously with intense, multiple, and extended full-body mind-blowing orgasms”. *       Don’t just ‘aim for the kill’, make her beg for it! The Erotic Massage section of the e-course is just what you need to keep her ‘hanging in suspense’… until YOU want her to come. *       The 10 steps you can put into practice to create a ‘special erotic place’ for you and your partner. *       Darn! The NUMBER ONE TURN-ON for women just happens to be the very thing most men are uncomfortable with. Find out how you can overcome this so that she’s hot and ready for you when you want to initiate steaming sex. *       The BEST ways you can penetrate your partner for full-impact G-spot stimulation and full-throttle orgasmic pleasure! *       Use the step-by-step method that encourages her – and you! – to finally reveal your deepest, darkest, and dirtiest, sexual desires ever! If you guys follow these steps, no one will be saying no to the other’s ‘requests’! *       Discover the difference between clit orgasms and G-spot orgasms and how any one of them can rock her to the core. *       Learn the difference between full-body orgasms, multiple orgasms, and extended orgasms… and how YOU can induce them all in your lover! *       Titillate and control her largest sex organ yet! And no, it’s NOT her clit and it’s NOT her brain either. *       The one and only method that will ensure that you ‘perform well’, and give and derive sexual pleasure even if you feel that you’re too old, too tired or too stressed out! It’s just like flipping an internal sex switch! *       The BEST sexual positions she can adopt to give you unadulterated access to her G-spot.Click Here and Get Your Private Copy of The G-Spot Code NOW! Of course, The G-Spot Code will not be complete if it doesn’t come with Kama Sutra techniques. Here’s a short preview. *       Take boredom out of the bedroom. Discover 29 ultra-erotic Kama Sutra sex positions specially designed to trigger explosive pleasure while making love. *       Find out the best way you can use Kama Sutra licking to bring her to out-of-body ecstasy. *       Kama Sutra kissing! Tongues are not just for French kissing or deep throating you know… *       Will she like it or will she not? You won’t know until you try Kama Sutra biting… *       Don’t be shocked if a little pain turns both of you on… especially if you try it the ‘Kama Sutra sucking and squeezing’ way. Click Here and Surprise Her With Your ‘Kama Sutra’ Moves Tonight “PLUS… Dozens Of Proven TANTRIC Sex Techniques And Positions…”Here’s a short preview. *       Rockstar Sting and his wife Trudie styler claim to practice Tantric S.E.X. to experience wonderful “five or six or seven hours of lovemaking”. Find out how you can bring this 7,000-year-old Indian tradition into your lives (and discover what that S.E.X. acronym is all about). *       The definition of Tantra and why it’s the MOST IMPORTANT part to achieving ‘supreme sexual bliss’. *       How to use Tantra practices to enable you to completely block out – from head to toe – the stresses of everyday life so your bodies become ‘pleasure-focused’. *       Tantric followers believe in the art of practice, Practice, PRACTICE! Find out exactly what you should ‘practice’ to achieve higher sexual gratification from each other’s bodies.  *       Experience a Tantric Orgasm for the first time in your lives tonight! The full-bodied, out-of-control vibrations you’ll experience will leave you shaken to the very core! *       Find out the ONE THING that the Kama Sutra does NOT really encourage you to do… but Tantric Sex does! Click Here and Dive Head-On Into These Tantric Sex Secrets Whew! You’re probably burning in anticipation right now and can hardly wait to get your hands on The G-Spot Code and begin your sexual awakening so I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. You’re investment in uncovering the mysteries of the female G-spot, discovering the sexual nirvana it brings, and the opportunity to deepen and strengthen your relationship is just $597, $397, $197! Why such an economical price Gabrielle? I sincerely want to help spread the word about G-spot orgasms so that partners all over the world can benefit too from this wonderful, natural, yet often misunderstood sexual gift. Click Here to Finally Uncover the Greatest Sexual Mystery Ever! “You Can Check Out the Life-Altering, Sexually Gratifying The G-Spot Code E-Course For FREE, If You Choose To…”That’s because The G-Spot Code is 100% covered by my iron-clad, no-hassle, no-questions-asked, 60 DAY money-back-in-your-pocket guarantee!       You Are Fully Protected By My100% Money-Back Guarantee!I really want you to be 100% satisfied with “The G Spot Code”, and I’m completely confident you will. So let me remove any doubt from your mind…Download your copy today and try my advanced techniques and positions. And if you are not thoroughly convinced that the “The Female Orgasm Revealed”  is worth every single penny of the price you paid, just let me know and I will refund 100% of your money immediately!PLUS… all bonuses are yours to keep, no matter what, just as my way to thank you for giving “The Female Orgasm Revealed” a chance!Click Here For Your Zero-Risk Investment In The Best Sex Ever…     “And… As If Unearthing the Secrets to Toe-Currrling, Endless Cascading G-Spot Orgasms for Her Were Not Enough, You’ll Also Receive at ABSOLUTELY NO Additional Cost…”TWO private, never-before published, erotic bonuses that are guaranteed to immediately further your and your partner’s intense sexual nirvana! “You’ll Also Receive at ABSOLUTELY NO Additional Cost These 3 Never-Before Published Bonus Gifts”FREE Bonus 1 – “The Female Ejaculation Mastery” eBookDownloadable within 30 seconds to your hard drive. A Guaranteed ‘Gushing’ Experience for Her!Discover how to break free from old-world prejudices against ‘coming with gusto’ to learning to appreciate the cascading wonders of female ejaculation. Bookshelf Value: $47.00 If The Suspense Is Too Much… Click Here to Get G-Spot Ready Now. FREE Bonus 2  – “The Male G-Spot Mystery” eBookDownloadable within 30 seconds to your hard drive.An Electrifying, Knock-Your-Balls Out Treat for HIM…And you thought only females have a G-Spot?!? You’re so wrong!Males have a G-Spot too and they can experience the same blinding sexual euphoria as women can. It’s like applying the whole The G-Spot Code program on HIM!        Bookshelf Value: $47.00 These bonuses are downloadable the minute you place your confidential order and are yours to keep forever. That’s right; no matter what happens, you keep these $94 worth of super useful sexual e-books! These two bonuses alone will keep the two of you VERY busy! FREE Bonus 3  – “AUDIO Program: Daring Sexual Positions”Downloadable within 30 seconds to your hard drive.Get Ready To Learn DOZENS Of Radical Sex Positions…Do you want to choose a different sex position every single night?Let Gabrielle Moore guide you in this AUDIO program… She will share with you her most ADVANCED and RADICAL sex positions!     Bookshelf Value: $47.00 These bonuses are downloadable the minute you place your confidential order and are yours to keep forever. That’s right; no matter what happens, you keep these $141 worth of super useful sexual e-books! These two bonuses alone will keep the two of you VERY busy!


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