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Brad Gouthro – Live Lean Sprint (7 ebooks – Pdf’s – 1 Video – Mp4)

Brad Gouthro – Live Lean Sprint

Description Here’s Your SHORTCUT To Turn On Your Internal Fat Burning SwitchTRIPLE Your Fat Loss & Build Lean Muscle in 3X LESS TIME With No-Equipment.If You’re Looking To Demolish Body Fat, Build Lean Athletic Muscle, and Look Younger Than Ever, Ask Yourself This Question:Do you even sprint?Hey, I’m Brad Gouthro. You may have seen me in:Brad MediaBrad GouthroAs the #1 expert on living lean 365 days a year, to date my live lean philosophies have helped thousands of “Live Leaners” from all over the world burn fat and build muscle faster and most importantly…MAINTAIN A LEAN AND HEALTHY BODY 365 days a year, FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!How do my Live Leaners do it? For starters, they focus their time on doing the RIGHT TYPES OF WORKOUTS. Right types of workouts? Trust me, I understand your confusion and frustration over getting slower results (if any). A lot of the information many fitness experts, the media, and the government are putting out there is WRONG and keeping you from getting the results you deserve for all your hard work.Take it from me. I live lean 365 days a year and it’s my mission and my duty on this earth to inspire and educate others of the CORRECT ways to be healthy and Live Lean.Screen Shot 2013-10-30 at 2.22.41 PMSprint Interval CardioIf You Want FASTER RESULTS – START Doing Sprint Intervals!!Studies show you can lose up to 12.4% of your body fat (and in some cases more) in  less than 1 hour of TOTAL SPRINTING over a 6 week period?    That’s just 3 minutes of actual sprint intervals per workout    3 times per week    For a total of 6 weeks.    In total, that equals just 54 minutes of work to lose up to 12.4% body fat or more.Compare those results with what you’re probably doing now…Slow & Steady CardioIf You Want FASTER RESULTS – STOP Doing Slow & Steady Cardio!!The same study showed people doing 60 MINUTES of your typical slow and steady jog at 65% max heart rate, only lost 5.8% body fat over the same 6 week period.    That’s 60 MINUTES of actual work per session (compared to the 3 minutes of actual sprint intervals discussed earlier)    3 times per week    For a total of 6 weeks.    In total, that equals OVER 13.5 HOURS work to lose just 5.8% body fat (compared to just 54 MINUTES of total actual work for the sprint group which lost 12.4%)!!Screen Shot 2013-10-31 at 9.41.19 AMTHE #1 PROBLEM STOPPING YOUR ONGOING FAT LOSS RESULTS?The reason you’re not experiencing DRAMATIC and FAST ongoing results with your workouts, even if you feel like you’re working out hard, is because you’re NOT following the RIGHT TYPES OF WORKOUTS. Did you know…certain types of workouts could actually being making you look and feel worse? In reality, you’re simply wasting your precious time and could be causing hormonal issues in your body that are actually making you STORE BODY FAT.Did you know…most people’s long (and boring) workouts are actually having negative effects on the body including an increase in oxidative stress in the body that can create cancer causing free radicals in the body? Imagine spending your precious time and effort in the gym only to cause more harm than good to your body!Did you know…that you can burn 3 times more fat and build lean aesthetic muscle in less time (and less damage to your body) in just 20 minutes (which could be as little as 3 minutes of actual work), 2-3 times a week? Now I know this may be hard to believe that a 20 minute workout can better much more beneficial than your typical 60-90 minute jog, but I’m here to set the record straight that 20 minutes of my unique style high intensity sprint intervals are the easiest, fastest, and most effective way to drastically change your body composition from loose and flabby fat to lean, tight, toned, and aesthetically pleasing muscle.These progressive unique style of workouts are all backed by science. Here’s a great analogy:Which body is more healthy looking:A sprinter or a marathon runner? Screen Shot 2013-10-30 at 3.17.37 PMI’m not a mind reader, but I’d be willing to bet you answered a sprinter.But here’s a little shocking secret…Professional SPRINTERS do very little (if any) continuous aerobic cardio training.So why do Sprinters not doing any aerobic training? Simple answer is, it does NOT help them get leaner, stronger, or more powerful.Besides not being an effective weight loss tool. Excessive forms of aerobic cardio can actually SLOW your progress and CAUSE health problems!Don’t believe me? Check this out…6 Rarely Discussed Reasons Why You’ve STOPPED Burning Fat And How To Get Your Fastest Fat Burning Results Yet.These 6 reasons reveal why conventional AEROBIC TRAINING IS STOPING YOUR FAT LOSS PROGRESS:#1. AEROBIC TRAINING LEADS TO FAT LOSS PLATEAUS!Doing the same aerobic cardio workout after 8 weeks is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE! The main cause of fat loss plateaus is doing the same style workout over and over and over again.Your body is a very smart machine. Your body’s goal is NOT to make you lean. Its goal is to find the most efficient way possible to complete the required work. In other words, when you body is faced with continuous and repeated efforts your body will adapt to make the work less difficult for the body to complete. Unfortunately this adaptation is NOT going to help you accomplish your goal of living lean. In fact, research has concluded that it takes your body only 8 weeks to adapt to the same style of aerobic work. In other words, fat loss stops.Any continuous aerobic style training after 8 weeks can actually be counterproductive and therefore is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.JessTrackRunning.jpgGirls that sprint are SEXY!#2. EXCESSIVE AEROBIC TRAINING INCREASES OXIDATIVE STRESS IN THE BODY WHICH CAN SPEED UP AGING!Oxidation is a process that creates cancer causing free radicals in the body. With a proper diet and controlled exercise, the body can neutralize these free radicals with substances known as antioxidants. However, excessive forms of aerobic training also creates EXCESSIVE amounts of free radicals that the body cannot neutralize. This can cause changes to your metabolism and speed up the aging process and slow your fat loss.#3. EXCESSIVE AEROBIC TRAINING INCREASES ADRENAL STRESS MAKING YOUR STORE MORE BELLY FAT!Too much aerobic training can over-stress the adrenal glands, thus affecting your body’s fat burning and fat storing hormones. Adrenal fatigue is associated with feeling overly tired, burned out, and most importantly weight gain and the inability to burn fat.brad gouthro sprintSPRINT TO LOSE FAT FASTER!!#4. EXCESSIVE AEROBIC TRAINING ADDS ADDITIONAL STRESS TO YOUR BODY, LEADING TO INCREASES IN BODY FAT!Most people already live a stressful lifestyle. Traffic, work deadlines, kids, demands, bills, and the list goes on. Excessive forms of continuous aerobic training actually add even more stress to your body. This excess stress just leads to more body fat and making it harder to lose body fat.#5. EXCESSIVE AEROBIC CARDIO DECREASES THE TESTOSTERONE/CORTISOL RATIO, THUS DECREASING YOUR BODY’S ABILITY TO INCREASE metaBOLICCALY ACTIVE LEAN FAT BURNING MUSCLE TISSUE.When your ratio of testosterone to cortisol is out of balance, your body will not have the hormonal capacity to optimally build lean muscle. Lean muscle (for both men and women) is the key to burning more calories and increasing your metabolism for life.#6. EXCESSIVE AEROBIC TRAINING DECREASES POWER, BURNS INTO MUSCLE, AND WILL MAKE YOU SLOWER.Research shows that excessive aerobic training can actually make you a less powerful, thus slower version of your former self. For example, too much lower body aerobic can actually decreases power in your legs thus affecting your vertical jump. Not to mention, it can eat away ate your hard earned muscle.Do My Workout & Nutrition Philosophies Work? Don’t Just Take My Word For It…Just check out what my other clients think of my teaching methods and philosophies on living lean.“I lost 5 kg in 2 months & now live lean…”Robin B., GermanyRobin B social med“I am currently at 16% body fat and loving it….”Khrystal., CanadaKhrystal SS“Your advice and motivation has made such a difference in my pursuit of living lean…”Ben H., UKBen H SS“I have lost 70 lbs…”Jason H., USJason H SS“I was able to cut 30 pounds in less than 3 months!…”Andrew S., CanadaAndrew S SS“I was 210 lbs, I’m now 178 lbs…”Blaise S., USBlaise Sardanelli SS“30 days after committing to Live Lean…”Stephane J., CanadaStephane J SS“It’s amazing the things you can achieve…”Detrick C., USDetrick C SS“I have gone from a 42/44 waist down to a 34…”Hector F., USHector F SS“I just turned 60 and still have a 4 pack…”Joe K., USJoe K SS“I made myself a promise to change…”Johan B., DenmarkJohan B SS“Now after my 45th birthday my fitness progression continues…”Lisa M., CanadaLisa McMaster SS“I’ve dropped 180 pounds in the last year and absolutely loving this lifestyle man…”Rick W., USRick W SS“It is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying life…”Michela L., CanadaMichaela SS“I have dropped 10kgs and I am now at less than 12% body fat. This would not have been possible without Brad…”Dave P., UKDave P SS“I lost a total of 43 lbs since May 29th (2.5 months) and I am still losing…”Helen-Marie, USHelen-Marie Rivera SS“…have to say it has truly changed my life…”Sam I., MalaysiaSam I SS“I was 195 lbs, I’m now 166 lbs…”Otto S., Costa RicaOtto SSTHE #1 SOLUTION TO YOUR FASTEST FAT BURNING RESULTS EVER:The Complete 7 Component Live Lean Sprint System:sprintComponent #1: The Live Lean Sprint Training ManualThis complete workout manual includes the specifics of how and why the workout program design principles used in Live Lean Sprint is scientifically proven to help you burn WAY MORE calories, burn WAY MORE fat, in WAY LESS time (including up to 48 hours after your workout).For a specific and detailed 18 week workout plan like this from me, I would typically bill out clients at least $97.  So when I say I’m giving you a $97 value, well, that’s what you’re getting.sprintComponent #2: The Live Lean Sprint Exclusive Program VideoThis 15 minute Live Lean Sprint Exclusive Program Video takes you with me to the track to see one of my sprint workouts. I also detail a lot of the details of the program and tips to help you get more out of your sprint interval workouts.SprintComponent #3: The Live Lean Sprint Phase 1a & 1b Workout Log SheetsKeeping track of your workouts is critical. How else will you know if you’re progressing and making improvements with your lifts? Unfortunately, this can often be a pain in the butt and time consuming.Not anymore. I’ve designed user friendly workout log sheets that you can simply print off and take with you. No more guess work as every workout sheet tells you the rest periods, sets, and gives you a place to record your Heart Rate if you like.Just print it off and bring it with you. Beauty!sprintComponent #4: The Live Lean Sprint Phase 2 Workout Log SheetsThis is a progressive sprinting program.This means there are multiple phases to the program that each build on the previous phase.This will stop all plateaus and allow people of any fitness level to put this workout program to work.Here are the printable workout log sheets for Phase 2 of the Live Lean Sprint Program. Once again, simply print off and take them with you to record your progress.sprintComponent #5: The Live Lean Sprint Phase 3 Workout Log SheetsHere are the printable workout log sheets for the most advanced portion of the Live Lean Sprint Program.Phase 3.Once again, simply print off and take them with you to record your progress.sprintComponent #6: The Live Lean Sprint/Afterburn Hybrid Workout ScheduleLive Lean Sprint was designed to be a complimentary workout program to a weight lifting program like Live Lean Afterburn. Although you could just do Live Lean Sprint and get great results, to supercharge your results, you can’t beat weight training complimented with sprints. Based on this, I’ve designed a workout schedule that combines both the Live Lean Afterburn workouts with the Live Lean Sprint workouts.All you have to do is follow the schedule and GET LEAN!sprintComponent #7: The Live Lean Sprint Diet PlanFollowing a proper diet is critical to living lean and getting FAST results.Simply follow the diet calculations to learn how many calories, protein, carbs, and fat you need, then customize the follow along sample meal plan provided to your needs.Hello results!Warning: Live Lean Sprint is not a quick fix or magic pill to lose weight. If you are not ready to work for your results, please do not buy this program.What If Live Lean Sprint Doesn’t Work For Me?I know these workouts provide results. My body and all my client’s body’s are real life examples that this program works…if you put in the effort.Since I’m so confident that Live Lean Sprint works, I’m putting a 60 day money back guarantee behind my offer.No hassles.No questions asked.


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