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Entheos Academy – How to Practice Energetic Hygiene with Michael Brabant

How to Practice Energetic Hygiene.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Your ProfessorMichael Brabant is a teacher, dreamer and pragmatist. He doesn’t believe in staying stuck, and instead believes in limitless possibilities and miraculous healing. Michael deeply embodies his teachings.Class OverviewJust because we cannot see the energy fields of emotions or places, doesn’t mean that they don’t adversely (or positively) affect us. We’ll discuss our energetic hygiene and it’s effects.How to Practice Energetic HygieneWe all (hopefully) brush our teeth on the regular as well as wash our bods. However, there is not much information out there to stay energetically clean. What do I mean by this? Have you ever met someone that was a bit creepy and just felt gross after hanging out with them? Have you ever been in a room of people and once you leave felt totally drained, depressed, or angry?As if our world, and what we have to navigate, wasn’t challenging enough, we are also affected by the energy of others, food, environments, and our own emotions. However, most people do not give us the download on our energetic hygiene and there certainly isn’t an energetic doctor we have to go to every 6 months for a cleaning.Just because we cannot see the energy fields of emotions or places, doesn’t mean that they don’t adversely (or positively) affect us. The more sensitive among us know exactly what I am talking about. As a very sensitive being myself, I spent the majority of my life at the whim of people’s emotions and other energetic gunk, not knowing how to handle being so open and sensitive.Through much trial and error and learning the hard way, I’ve learned how to better manage my own energetic boundaries and stay awake amidst a whole lot of intensity that comes our way in a complex world. May these big ideas serve your clarity, sanity and energy.The Top 10 Big Ideas    1    What You Can’t See, Can Hurt You    To the majority of people in the world, energy is invisible. When someone is pissed off, they don’t have steam coming out of their ears like they do in cartoons. However, if you are paying attention, it is clear that someone is irate. If someone is flowing with emotion, they are certainly radiating that emotion off of their bodies several feet and sometimes further. If we are not cognizant of the effect that radiation has on us, we may get depleted, internalize some of that anger, or feel like our own circuits are fried by the intensity.    We are all like antennas for energy and some are more sensitive (or porous) than others. It is essential that we recognize how we feel around certain people, certain places, and through certain reactions that we have throughout the day. Most people get seriously depleted in their life force simply because they don’t attune to the fact that our energy is malleable and affected by so many internal and external factors.    2    Energy Fields 101     The integrity of our aura or energy field is based on several factors.    One is emotional reactivity. Think of every micro or macro reaction like a small or large hole that gets created in our field. The more reactive we are, the more susceptible we are to taking on the energies of others around us. Another factor is our unconscious patterns. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we are reacting or don’t feel like we have a choice. Its so important to be able to work with our shadow (link to a future class of mine) material in order to be in full clarity of who is driving our ship and stay cool under the collar in support of a solid energy field.    3    De-Charging Everyday    You can think of all of the reactions, judgments, and emotional triggers we experience through the day like us shuffling our sock-coated feet along a carpet. We accumulate an energetic charge throughout our day and it can seriously impact how we perceive the world and our inner reality. Think of yourself as tired, hungry and in need of shower, you are not the most popular person in the room at that point because you are most likely a bit cranky. If our soul is depleted, we’ve taken on other people’s emotions, and are clouded by a fog of our emotional reactions throughout the day, we are not going to be happy campers.    In the class, I will give you some really simple techniques that you can do at the end of the day and during the day to support you to de-charge the static and come back to your center.    4    The Earth is Your Home and the Gravitas of Gravity    The earth is like a magnet for intense energy and our rubber souled concrete jungle world has placed a few barriers between this natural healer and our bodies that need its medicine. We even have a company (which I highly recommend) that has mats and sheets and other goodies to support us to receive the benefit of being on the earth to support our energetic clarity and grounding.    For those that have weather-permitting environments, I would invite you to take off those socks and frolic a bit on the green stuff. It is a powerful de-charging practice to connect with the earth on our bare skin.    Gravity is also a helpful force that when we allow it, can help release some dense gunk off our bodies. In the class I will lead you in a short meditation to learn how to do this with ease on the daily.    5    Find Your Home Base Vibration Amidst the Calm    It is essential in nurturing energetic hygiene that you learn to experience what your energetic signature or “home base” feels like independent of your own emotional reactivity and the energy of others. Once you can rest in your native vibration, it becomes quite clear when you have unwittingly taken on someone else’s “stuff” or if a certain environment is adversely affecting you. It takes some practice and some subtle discernment to really align with what this feels like for you.    If emotional reactivity affects your energetic solidity, then emotional calm is the balm for your soul. It is in an emotionally calm state that you are both energetically contained and able to discern your home base vibration. I’ll be giving you some quick tips and guidance on how to feel into this crucial aspect to who you are and learn to feel when you are out of it.    6    There Is No Such Thing as Energetic Vampires    Its easy to blame other people’s intensity or neediness for your own sense of feeling drained. However, this does not empower you to be clear and aware in every moment and in all situations. If anyone has “drained” you, it is because you have allowed it on a conscious or subconscious level. The key is to dispel this bogus knowledge and claim your sovereignty. If you feel drained consistently after hanging out or speaking with a certain person in your life, it is time for you to start paying closer attention! If you hold certain agendas, have a strong attraction, or a strong aversion to someone, chances are you are putting yourself in a position to get drained. You might need to untangle yourself from this person in your life in order to find clarity, but this person is certainly a teacher for you to come into calm and learn some underlying lesson. I’ll show you ways you can detach from this person and bring your mojo to optimal.    7    Exit Points and the Body’s Wisdom     Our bodies are wellsprings of knowledge. If we are willing to listen the body is way more simple and reliable than our mind when it comes to maintaining energetic hygiene. For everyone ounce of energetic static we have, there are also ways that the body knows how to metabolize and release that static. When we can come into compassionate and attuned relationship with our body, it will begin to show us “exit points” via sensations, pain, or intuitive knowing. As we stay grounded in the body, we are able to navigate the intensity of the energetic pools we swim in and find an intuitive road map back to our home base vibration.    8    Ho’oponopono: Re-Writing Erroneous Beliefs     This Hawaiian neo-shamanic tradition helps us re-write painful stories born from the conditioning of living this human life. Think of your body-mind like a website. All of those negative self-beliefs and self-talk are like “buggy” code. When we click on your picture, the link is broken or when we want to click on a link, it says “404 not found.” Ho’oponopono is a way to non-linearly (read: without the mind needing to figure it out) begin to shift and re-write our “buggy code” in service of deeper ease, self-confidence, and energetic clarity. Healing our deepest wounds does not have to be super complex and Ho’oponopono gives us simple tools to begin opening to the wisdom of each moment and cleans up our “buggy code.”    9    Those 5 Little Words: Thank You, I Love You    You can think of our negative self-talk and emotional reactions like a tantrumming child. A sure fire way to feed the tantrum is to either totally ignore the reaction (think denial, repression, avoidance) or reaction to the reaction (think believing the negative thought, try to fight against it with over-achievement, substance abuse, or some other compensation). What a child really wants when its tantrumming is not be ignored or reacted to, it is to be attuned to the deeper need that it is expressing.    A super simple tool from Ho’oponopono is to simple state internally, “thank you, I love you” to whatever harsh internal voice is emerging in that moment. The good thing is that you don’t actually have to be grateful nor actually love the negative thought that you are speaking this to. This phrase can be considered a “cleaning tool” that helps you re-wire how you relate to these internal voices and begin to bring healing and clarity to them. It also becomes a way to work with any sort of intense situation or reaction in another person. You don’t need to just stew in the intensity, by breathing deeply and saying “thank you, I love you” like a mantra, you enable the intensity to be more readily worked through without resistance. This keeps you more calm and keeps the energy flowing rather than stuck in your body.    10    Clean Up Your Intake    Finally, it is important to clean up what you take in as you clearing how what is already inside. Just like you don’t go eat a pizza and ice cream after you work out, you don’t want to take in intense energetic stimuli as you are working on your energetic hygiene. Begin to notice what sort of activities drain you and over time, you will become more and more sensitive to what is in your highest good.    Take a look at what sort of news, TV, people, “leisure” activities, food, and environments you find yourself engaging on a regular basis. Do they serve your emotional/energetic clarity and calm or hinder it?    You might need to make some challenging choices here and I assure you, the more you align your life with what is in your highest good, the less stress and more fulfillment will come your way.


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