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RSD Alexander – youtube clips in mp3 format

rsd alex
[66 mp3s]



I think this is all of RSD Alexander youtube clips in mp3 format, he has removed all clips from his youtube channel. He has one more channel named AlexTNI previously called Alexander freetour these are not clips from that channel, just to mention that. clip names:- Active Thinker Versus Passive Thinker. You’re Either A Cold Approach Legend, Or You Have No Hope- Advanced Newbie Tips; Key Instructor Level Tips For Mastering The Basics Of Picking Up Girls- Alex Catches Up With Fellow Brisbane Kid Adrian Van Oyen- Alexander from Real Social Dynamics in Stockholm- Alexander Interview with Sports Illustrated Journalist PART 1- Alexander Interview with Sports Illustrated Journalist PART 2- Alexander Interview with Sports Illustrated Journalist PART 3- Alexander Interview with Sports Illustrated Journalist PART 4- Alexander Interviews Natural Tim Part 1- Alexander Interviews Natural Tim Part 2- Alexander Interviews Natural Tim Part 3- Alexander Interviews Natural Tim Part 4- Alexander Interviews Natural Tim Part 5- Alex’s New Years Resolutions 2014!- Amidst disaster remember the bigger picture- Amuse Yourself – How To Be Attractive By Having Fun- Are You All Alone_ No One Notices You. No One Cares That You Exist- Arouse Girls_ Use Deliberate Illogicality, Express Yourself Like A Professional Pick Up Artist- Be Attractive – What It Means To Be Attractive When Cold-Approaching- Be Attractive From The Start – How To Make The Right First Impression With Girls. Categorisation- Be Natural – The Natural Instinct Method. How To Get More Results By Running A Process- Create An Emotional Connection – The Romantic Revolution- Diplomacy In Pick Up. Create abundance and make girls in your social circle want you- Direct Or Indirect. GET THE BEST OF BOTH WITH ALEXANDER- Don’t Be The Loser Who Analyses, Be The Legend Who Creates Initiative- Don’t Drink Coffee In Seattle- Don’t Go Direct In Day Game – German Vibes- Exercise Personal Boundaries_ How To Get A Woman. Alexander in Israel Tel Aviv- Expert Tips To Get A One Night Stand – Don’t Be A Creep, Enjoy Yourself- Express Emotions To Pickup Hot Portugese Girls. Self Improvement For Men. Pickup Lisbon Lisboa- Group Dynamics; Critical Events That Are Costing You Countless Interactions- Have More Fun – STOP Leaving Sets, Talk Shit And Forget _Right Or Wrong_..- How To Be An Alpha Male_ Pickup Oslo Girls Using The King frame; AlexanderRSD In Norway- How To Get A Second Date_- How To Get Out Of The Matrix. Social Conditioning Theory Pick Up Johannesburg Girls RSD South Africa- How To Overcome Loser Thinking – Difference Between Winners And Losers- How To Pickup Girls With Natural Confidence- How To Talk To Women And Pick Up Your Dream Girl. Alexander RSD In Amsterdam- How To Talk To Women. Express A Range of Emotions To Keep Girl Aroused- If You’re Not Picky You’ll Get The Hottest Girls, If You Are Picky… You’ll Get None- LOOKS MATTER For Cold Approach Pick Up! Not That Much Though- MAKE OPENING EASIER! Use Nice Expressions, Motivate Yourself To ‘Play To Win’- Make Time To Waste Time_ Don’t Be Heartless And Lonely- OBNOXIOUS VOICE POWERS! Train Your Voice To Be Powerful In Clubs!- Physical Rapport, Not Hardcore Escalation – How To Make Her Feel Physically Comfortable With You- Reality Check! Accept Imperfections To Stop Destroying Your Own Pick Ups!- Relax Yourself And Be In The Moment – How To Improve Your Performance By Letting Things Flow- Relaxation is the Holy Grail To Pickup Hot Australian Girls. Self Help For Men. Pickup Sydney- Self Development For Men. Pickup Hot Scottish Girls. Develop Individual Passions. Edinburgh- Social Speculation is DEATH! Understanding Women. Alexander RSD speaking from Auckland- Statement of Empathy To Get Better Results From The Game – Alexander RSD- Take Responsability! — How To Lead Girls Through The Interaction- The Attraction Equation for Picking Up Girls From Cold Approach. A_ = HV + [±]E∞- The Blasé Mindset Of The Guy Who Is Enough. Inside The Complicated Mindset Of People With Abundance- The Decision Between Momentum And Unwinding When Picking Up Girls From Cold Approach- The Keys To Control The Situation. How To Have A Better Time In The Bar- The Ten Hour Rule- Unconsciously attract girls, use Psychological Deep Inner Game Programming Part 1- Unconsciously attract girls, use Psychological Deep Inner Game Programming Part 2- Use Empathy To Create Attraction When Picking Up Girls- Use Relaxed Arousal – How Not To Be Dependent On Energy- Use The Powers Of Patience And Endurance To Access Personal Inspiration And Pick Up Gorgeous- Use Your Finances Aggressively When You’re Young! Be Resourceful. Invest In Yourself!- You Are An Idiot. Sorry- Your Sense Of Consistency And Ability InThe Game- Youtube.com_AlexanderFreeTour!


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