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Chris Dufey’s Stubborn Fat Fix – (18 ebooks – pdf’s)

Chris Dufey’s Stubborn Fat Fix

Description I love to OVERDELIVER I’ve added not only the upsells but also 6 extra reports/recipes focusing on fat loss “JUST FOR WOMEN”…Enjoy Ladies!!!Be fantastic in 2015!!Discover The 4 Strategies Every Women NEEDS To Lose Stubborn Fat In 28 DaysExclusive Analysis by Chris DufeyFat Loss SpecialistIf you’re feeling frustrated with hard to lose fat, and no matter what you do, you can’t lose it. You need to use these 4 strategies that are specific to the female bodyImagine always being confident with your body and never suffering through another dietAfter so many attempts at exercising and dieting, you get fed up and scared that you might never be able to burn this stubborn fat off.But what if you could see your hard to lose areas shrink in just 28 days?Thanks to the female fat loss keys revealed below, this is for women with at least 10 pounds to lose, and, are looking for the slim body that has you confident no matter where you are.Have you ever been feeling upset with yourself? Not knowing why your hips, stomach or thighs just can’t get any smaller?Then you see one of those girls walk past that is trim and toned, eating what ever she wants with no worries of ever getting fat. And you think to yourself-“What am I doing wrong that she isn’t?”Well, today you’re going to finally discover the secret. Something so important it has been called the ‘Female Fat Loss Keys’.Stubborn Fat Fix Is Completely Safe    NO starvation dieting.    NO silly exercises.    NO restrictive cardio.    NO over-hyped supplements.    You won’t be counting calories, or refusing yourself from your favorite foods.We both know that when it comes to weight loss, women have it harder to burn fat.I will show you how to trick the body into using fat for energy each and everyday.Do you know what the one simple secret every woman that is toned knows?Losing fat is about knowing things that most people just don’t know.You could think of them as secrets, as no one uses them.The only people that do use them have an awesome body.A few of these people are probably even friends of yours, they are trim and toned, never embarrassed to be in their bikini.The truth is…You don’t look like them, because you don’t eat like them. And not knowing how to eat and even train properly can keep you suffering with stubborn fatForeverTake a moment to turn on your imagination…What would your life be like if…    You walked down the street, oozing in confidence. Clothes sitting on your trim body, revealing all the right curves.    You stopped hiding your body away, being embarrassed, but rather only focused on having fun and doing what you want with no care in the world.    You feel loved, if your wanting to find, or keep that special someone by your side. You always know they are interested in you, never having their eyes wander.    You have a lean, sexy body, having other’s envious of your shape without spending hours in the gym or starving yourself with diets.Here are These 4 Secrets You MUST use to burn stubborn fat everydaysecret #1Turn ON Your Fat Burning HormonesYou have not lost the weight because all the fat loss plans did not address your hormonal environment, leaving you ZERO chance of getting and keeping your dream body.The Journal of Clinical Investigation in a paper shows just one example of how important managing hormones are for fat loss with nutrition.Another study, “Effect of Cortisol and Growth Hormone on Lipolysis in Human Adipose Tissue”. Is showing the effects of the two very important hormones that Stubborn Fat Fix focuses on to have a powerful, scientific way of burning fat.Using the ‘nutrient combining’ tricks as I will show you below, ignites fat loss with hormones that not only burns fat for fuel, but also……Turns Your Fat Storage OFFIf you think that you need to starve yourself, and go through jaw clenching cravings, let me tell you, there is no need.Following the wrong diet will have you FAT FOREVER.By making your brain want to STORE FAT on your body, with the wrong nutrient intake.The great news is, you can have fat fall off, whilst eating regularly all day, avoiding the hunger pangs and cravings that haunt you when wanting to lose weight.Meet Jen, she totally re-shaped her body as you can see, all with avoiding hunger, cravings, any loss of energy and never feeling like she was ‘on a diet’jen_before_afterSofia is ecstatic with her body through following the exact same meal plans and diet as given here. Best of all, I had her eating chocolate every night (yes that’s right) as a part of the fat loss plan.sofia_ammorYou can burn the fat off when you could never before just by eating the right foods at the right times.Let me tell you another Female Fat Loss Secret…The first half of a females menstrual cycle being the Luteal Phase, has the hormonal environment to allow eating of more carbs, and actually having them speed up fat loss. But, the exact opposite is with the Follicle Phase and how when your eating is all wrong, this is when you crave the chocolate.Now it gets even better for you.secret #2Avoid “The Fat Gaining Combination”The right blend of foods can switch fat burning on.The wrong combination of foods switches ON fat storage.This is my wife and gorgeous daughter. My wife, Lauren, took this photo of herself only 7 months after giving birth.loz_body_afterShe has transformed her body to be in better shape than before she fell pregnant.All from eating the right combination of foods.The great news is, it’s easy for you do as well with small changes of food choice.And the best part is, just like my wife, you can hear each day people comment on“How AMAZING you look!”If you think that sounds good, you will love this…secret #3Eat Carbs & Burn More FatWant to enjoy eating carbs and still burn fat when you could never before?You will be eating carbs at the right time to boost metabolism and in turn, burn more fat.Sounds to good to be true? Here’s the science that proves it.This study shows that there was 3x more abdominal weight loss with the similar nutrition plan as used in Stubborn Fat Fix. ”Comparison of energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women”. JS Volek, Nutrition & metabolism (London), 2004.While everyone else is depriving themselves of carbs at all costs, you can be enjoying the foods you want, and watching the weight fall off.Better yet, I can show you how to speed up fat loss by enjoying carbs.And this is what all my female clients love.secret #4Eat Your Favorite FoodsI’m not mad, this works, and it works really well!You are able to eat ice-cream, pancakes, burgers and pizzas (not all of them at once of course).And lose fat off your belly, hips and thighs.This is Zoe, and her 6 week progress shot. All with this plan, and still including her fav foods, timed at the right times to fast track fat loss.zoe_before_afterAnd this is howThe Cheat Meal Guide, shows how you can be eating your favorite foods, and still losing body fat. In fact, you will burn MORE body fat.I can give you the step-by-step guide that will have you easily burning stubborn fat, all packaged in an easy to follow 28-day plan.Start Today With    Finally melting stubborn fat with the plan designed to lose 10-20 pounds.    Avoid frustration with the easy to follow meal plan.    Lose fat with no starvation, this Diet Manual & Meal Plan is designed to nourish your body.    Flatten your stomach with the targeted nutrients for this exact effect.    Eat your favorite foods, boost fat loss ands still get in great shape with the Cheat Meal Guide.    Don’t slave for hours in the gym, do only what’s needed to get the body you want.Being known world wide as “The Fat Loss Pro”, and also locally where I now live being “Dubai’s Fat Loss Specialist”, I have successfully trained 100’s of women to get in better shape, and get rid of the hard to lose areas.Stomach, thighs, butt and arm fat, that has been annoying you for so long, can be a thing of the past.Get your ‘skinny’ clothes back out, and be confident not just out and about, but even at the beach or in the bedroom.The secret to being able to re-shape your female figure with hard to lose fat is nourishing your body with the right foods; and, the fat melting training that you don’t find in your magazines or main stream media.This you will LOVEI’ve created the plan to burn stubborn fat and packaged it in a easy to use 28-day plan.Why 28-days?You only need 28 days to see jaw-dropping results. I know this because I’ve guided so many women through this exact plan.By having a short plan, that is super effective, you can use this right now to start shaping the body you want, but also have it for an upcoming holiday, wedding or special event you want to turn heads at.Don’t take my word for it, look at the incredible results that my clients achieve Complete 28-Day Stubborn Fat Fix includes:    The Fat Loss Manual ($150 Value)    Melt Fat Meal Plan ($50 Value)    The Supplement Guide ($30 Value)    Fast Start Checklist Guide ($50 Value)    Inner Circle Membership ($50 Value)Best thing of all…You will finally achieve the weight loss, whilst shrinking your thighs and waistline.Suits Any Busy ScheduleThis plan is made for the real women, with a busy calendar, needing fast results.Meet Nicola, a lovely client of mine. She has a crazy work schedule with a full social life. Being able to use the right plan that fit her lifestyle was very important.And look at the great results she achieved in 6 weeks using this plan. A total transformationnicol_before_afterAny One Can Easily FollowThe entire plan is given to you in a step-by-step guide. You get exclusive membership to the Fat Loss Fix Inner Circle for any questions to be answered, get all up to date info, chat with people fixing the same issues your having and be guided along with me the ‘fat loss pro’.If you are a beginner, or has years of training experience, this will suit you perfectly.From mid 20’s to early 50’s wanting to lose a minimum of 10 pounds. I give you the true solution.Stop Being FrustratedYou have tried the countless diets, fads, celebrity endorsements, and magazine workouts.Its time to finally shrink the stubborn fat, with what’s proven to work.Every one of my clients came to me complaining that they have done it all before, and are unhappy and fed up with their bodies.See and feel your body change week to week, and hear everyone telling you how your body is becoming slimmer and more toned, all when you thought it could never happen.You’ll never be confused and you’ll always be inspired to stick with the program. You’’ have my personal coaching to help you succeed, plus the Inner Circle membership where many other women just like you are shaping new bodies.Shape Your Ultimate BodyYou and I both know, that you cant magically get the body you want, in a blink of an eye. But I’ve got the next best thing. The simple system, that you keep using until you have the body you want.After Just A Few Days, Your Body Starts To Make These Fat Burning Changes… It Doesn’t Take Weeks To Start Feeling The Effects.Here’s How To Get StartedAccess to Stubborn Fat Fix normally costs $109 and frankly, it’s a bargain at that price.Get the Guaranteed 28-Day Plan To Finally Shape The Body You Want For More Than HALF OFFNow Only $109 $37!A lot of people have told me to charge more for this, so this discount is not going to last for long. And as you can see this entire package is worth over hundreds of dollars.Plus receive the following 3 Bonus’s that are sold for over $200…FREE !    Fat Loss Cheat Sheet    Cheat Meal Guide For Faster Fat Loss    In & Out Shopping ListRemember, your complete access includes:    The Diet Manual ($150 Value) so you can quickly and easily maximize eating for fat loss    Melt Fat Meal Plan ($50 Value) so you know how each day can look to fast track stubborn fat loss    The Supplement Guide ($30 Value) so you save $100’s of dollars, and only use the proven fat loss nutrients    Fast Start Checklist Guide ($50 Value) so you can start burning fat today    Stubborn Fat Loss Audio Interview ($30 Value) where I walk you through everything you need to know, as a guarantee to fat loss    Inner Circle Monthly Membership ($50 Value) where you will have full access to the membership site to get even more fat busting information, with the private forum for you to ask any questions you want, and be helped by myself and other women shaping new bodies.This is for you if you want the proven guide used by many women before you, that have trimmed stubborn weight off their bodiesWarning:If you are lazy, and looking for a magic potion to get your dream body, whilst not doing anything – This is not for you.I want to make this a no-brainer for you.And I know this is going to trim your body, and I back it 100%.I understand that you may still be skeptical, and want to do everything I can to make this a no-brainer, risk free decision for you.And for that reason I will offer you a 60 day Money Back GuaranteeSimply, if you follow the Stubborn Fat Loss Solution exactly as I have easily planned for you, and if your not satisfied with the results, contact me and I will refund your money. Its that simple.I stand behind and believe in my product, but if for some strange reason it doesn’t yield the results for you, you get your money back.I am jumping out of my skin waiting to hear about your incredible results in just a few weeks from now. Its my goal to positively change the lives of people, and you are one.This entire package is worth over $500, and as I have been advised to charge more, I will only keep this price for a limited time.P.S. Get all the FREE bonus’s for the reward of acting now and starting to burn stubborn fat. Click HERE to Get Your FREE Bonus’s NOWP.P.S. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again when it doesn’t work. So if you keep doing what you’re doing now, you’ll have the same body next yearP.P.P.S. Remember the Risk Free Guarantee. Grab It RISK FREE HereGet the Guaranteed 28-Day Plan To Finally Shape The Body You Want For More Than HALF OFFNow Only $109 $37!Still Have Questions?Q. What Is the Stubborn Fat Loss Fix & How Does it Work?The Stubborn Fat Fix is a cutting-edge program that combines all the proper methods to literally burn fat. Control hormones, eat the right foods, and boost your metabolism with the fat-incinerating workouts. The entire 28 day plan is created to burn stubborn fat.The right methods in the right sequence will unlock the results your looking for.Q. If I am a beginner, can I still use the system?Yes, absolutely. The program is designed for the beginner to get the same jaw dropping results as anyone else.Q. Will I have to starve my way through?No, absolutely not. This isn’t about depriving your body, only leaving you rebounding to gain more weight. Stubborn Fat Fix protects and up regulates your metabolism.You even get to eat your favorite foods in Cheat Meals that will also speed up fat loss.Q. I want to start now, do I have to wait for shipping?No. The entire program will immediately be available to via download after your purchase. No Shipping Fees or waiting.Q. What if it doesn’t work for me?Then its ALL FREEI know this system works, and so do all my clients and past users who have experienced the rapid fat loss first hand.I understand that you may still be skeptical, and want to do everything I can to make this a no-brainer, risk free decision for you.And for that reason I will offer you a 60 day Money Back GuaranteeSimply, if you follow the Stubborn Fat Loss Solution exactly as I have easily planned for you, and if your not satisfied with the results, contact me and I will refund your money. Its that simple.Get the Guaranteed 28-Day Plan To Finally Shape The Body You Want For More Than HALF OFFNow Only $109 $37!


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