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Lyle McDonald – Flexible Dieting Product Bundle

Lyle McDonald – Flexible Dieting Product Bundle
[5 PDFs, 13 FLVs]


New Rapid Fat Loss Flexible Dieting Book PackageOk, I know, I owe everybody Part 3 of the Two-A-Day Training for the Weight Room series.  Well…too bad.  For reasons of little importance, it’s now time for me to launch a ‘new’ project.  Ok, it’s not really new.  Rather it’s just a bundle of two books that I’ve routinely seen people order together, wanted to make easier to buy, and wanted to give a little value-added.If you hadn’t guessed by the title, those two books are The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook and my Guide to Flexible Dieting.  The combination of the two provides a one-two punch to first take off the weight quickly (which research shows that, if done properly, is actually superior to slower approaches) and then keep it off.Of course, Rapid Fat Loss always incorporated Flexible Dieting principles but the information in Rapid Fat Loss was expanded greatly in A Guide to Flexible Dieting.  Here are some pretty pictures and more about the products.The Rapid Fat Loss HandbookThe Rapid Fat Loss Handbook – This is the core diet and exercise program manual detailing the background diet along with everything you need do know to implement it. The book is packed with information on general nutrition and fat loss along with complete instructions on how to follow the diet, when to take breaks, how to move to maintenance when the diet is over along with many other topics.RFL CalculatorAn Online Calculator (w/instructional PDF): This calculator will take your current stats and generate a sample diet along with some sample meals automatically. This makes setting up the Rapid Fat Loss diet a breeze. It can also be used to set up the Extreme Rapid Fat Loss approach (described below)Home Exercise HandbookThe Home Exercise Handbook – Showing you basic exercises that can be done at home with no equipment (at most you’ll need two empty milk jugs filled with water or sand). The book discusses the basics of exercise and gives sample programs along with exercises ranging from beginner to intermediate to advanced.Sumi SinghThe Home Exercise Handbook Videos – A complete set of videos of the exercises from the Home Exercise Handbook demonstrated by fitness model, personal trainer and good friend Sumi Singh. Every video is first demonstrated and explained and then a full set is shown so that you can simply follow along as you do your workout.A Guide to Flexible DietingA Guide to Flexible Dieting – This is the complete second book I described above and details how the body regulated weight and fat (how and why it fights back) and expands on the information in the main Rapid Fat Loss Handbook to provide you with everything you need to maintain your weight loss in the long-term. This book could be sold by itself but I’m giving it to you for FREE to help ensure that you not only lose the weight but KEEP IT OFF.Extreme Rapid Fat Loss HandbookThe Extreme Rapid Fat Loss Manual – A brand new booklet outlining an even more extreme 4-day cycle, based on current cutting edge research, that can strip up to 2.5-3kg (5-6.6 pounds) of fat off in only 4 days. For when even the Rapid Fat Loss handbook won’t get you to your goal fast enough.…


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