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James Paris and Norman J. Stone – Square Foot Gardening – How To Grow Healthy Organic Vegetables

James Paris and Norman J. Stone – Square Foot Gardening – How To Grow Healthy Organic Vegetables [Epub, Pdf]
[Epub, Pdf]


If you are looking for a good introduction to small space, no-dig gardening, then this is the book for you! Best-Selling authors James Paris and Norman J Stone combine their knowledge of self-sufficiency and growing organic vegetables to present this book on square foot gardening.This method of growing vegetables in small spaces, combines Raised Bed Gardening with the concept of providing a good range of organically grown vegetables within the smallest of areas. Through the combined use of the ideal growing compost for best nutrition, and Companion Planting methods for nutrition and pest/disease control; SFG is the gardening method of choice for millions of ‘switched on’ gardeners today.Along with Raised Bed and container planting methods, SFG is another way that individuals can take back control of their food needs from the big corporations – and benefit from fresh organically produced vegetables – by growing their own easily and with minimum fuss!What You Will Find In This Book >>>1. An introduction to SFG – What it is all about.2. How to construct your own Square Foot Garden3. How to make your own ‘special mix’ of compost for infilling.5. Guidelines for planting out your SFG.6. Introducing Companion Planting – Good and Bad companions for your veggies.7. Beneficial herbs and Organic pest control.8. Instructions on plant support and growing methods.9. A list of popular vegetables and herbs to grow in your SFG, including planting, plant care and harvesting/storing your vegetables.


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