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Sinn – Sexual Mind Control

Jon Sinn
[19 MP4, 4 MP3, 4 PDF, 5 PPT]



**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers, please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Sinn – Sexual Mind Control GBThis GB is CLOSEDSinn – Sexual Mind ControlWebsite: HereHow To Mindf*ck Practically ANY Woman Into Bed… And Make Her Your Loyal Sex Slave… Guaranteed!”MODULE #1: The Mind Control Mind SetIn First, we’re going to install rock solid self-confidence in you. This is not going to be that “surface” kind of confidence that you might have experienced before… it’s going to be real deal confidence that comes from within.Imagine if you felt deep down that spending a night with you was literally the best possible thing that could happen to a woman?How would things be different?You’re soon going to feel this way and it’s going to have a BIG impact on your sexual scoreboard!In this module, we’re also going to eradicate any feelings you may have that Sexual Mind Control is somehow “wrong” or “cheating.” In fact in some way it’s the most honest, authentic way of sharing yourself with a woman!MODULE #2: Pushing Her Sexual ButtonsYou’re going to get in depth training on some of the most “devious” and manipulative tactics ever devised for getting women into bed. We’ll cover:The #1 best button to push for making girls chase you…How to get a woman to sleep with you just to “spite” you (this one is fun)…The right way to push her emotional buttons to get her horny for you…The “the Sexual Reaction” technique that works especially well if you’re an average or below average looking guy trying to get a girl who is out of your league…And MUCH More!MODULE #3: The Addiction EffectNow that you’re able to easily get women into bed, it’s time to get her addicted to you so you have TOTAL control of the relationship. Discover:How to get women obsessing over you when you’re not around…How to get her to fall in love with you 21 days or less…My #1 most powerful technique for getting women addicted to you (I’ve never taught this one is public before because I don’t want it to get into the wrong hands)…How to always have the upper hand in the relationshipafter you two have slept together…Secrets of “girlfriend training”… I’m going to show you to train her to be the perfect girlfriend you’ve always wanted…Secrets of relationship management. This will be especially handy if you want to maintain control of the relationship and still have fun with other girls on the side…And More!MODULE #4: Sex Slave On DemandIn this module, you’re going to discover how to transform a woman from “girlfriend” to “sex slave.” WARNING: these techniques are not for everyone. They’re only for you if you want total power and domination in the relationship. Highlights include:How to fulfill your most “out there” sexual fantasies…How to get your woman to CRAVE giving you head…Discover how to get threesomes (even foursomes!)…Find out how sleep with other women without having to lie about it…How to get your woman to actually bring you other women to have sex with…And a LOT more!MODULE #5: Putting It All Together – The New YouIn the final module we’re going to put everything together so you can enjoy lasting success and the life you’ve always wanted. We’re going to make the changes you’ve made so far permanent and you’ll learn advanced secrets I typically only teach to my private coaching students.By the end of the program you are literally going to be a new man. Gone are the days of lacking confidence and feeling powerless when it comes to women.Instead, you’re going to be getting laid as much as you want with the woman YOU want … and you’re always going to be in control of the situation… you’re going to have ALL the power.Sinn – Sexual TriggersWebsite: HereSexual attraction is what seduction is all about. You’ve got to bypass her conscious, ration brain and work on a deeper level if you really want your seduction strategies to work. Here are some tips to attract women using 5 sexual triggers that work behind the scenes to get you the girl. I hope you learn from it and make you successful in attracting women.Social Dominance. Clinical studies have shown that social dominance is a huge factor in sexual attraction. Speak in a loud, clear voice. When you talk, people listen. Guide the conversation and keep the focus of everyone on you. Self-confidence and self-assurance are also things that help to show social dominance.Sexual Stereotype. Think about the kind of guy that most women would be sexually attracted to. Take this as your model and become that person. It’s not just about what you wear, but the way you talk and act. Target the exact kind of girl you’re after because each type has its own sexual stereotype.Social Proof. This is a sales term, but in the world if seduction it basically means that lots of people think that you’re cool. Social proof is pre-selection; she’s already been told that you’re cool by a bunch of other people.Sexual Confidence. This means getting rid of all of your sexual anxiety so that you’re comfortable and confident when things go to that sexual level. If you can talk about sex in a way that’s not horny or needy, it helps her to talk about sex in a normal way. Now, sex is just a topic of conversation. It just takes a few steps to turn it into something more.Arousal. Arousal happens at the purely unconscious level. It’s all in the body and not the conscious mind. There are lots of things that you can do both verbally and non-verbally to create arousal. They include dirty talk, eye contact, touching and lots of other things. Use physical communication to get her emotionally and sexually ready for what will come later.If you use these 5 triggers along with all the seduction techniques you’ve learned, you’ll get the girl every time. Remember that you’ve got to work on her body and her subconscious, and then her rational, thinking mind will follow. Use these tips to attract women and work them in to your overall seduction game plan. These are the sure-fire techniques that the pick-up pros use.


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