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Subliminal Shop – Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility Ver. 3.2 A (5.5g Type A/B/D Hybrid Test Release)

Subliminal Shop – DMSI_3.2_A
[Webrip – 05 FLAC’s, 05 MP3’s & 1 TXT]



**** Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!After  lot of EFFORTS this exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Subliminal Shop – Develop An Aura Of Sexual Irresistibility GBThis GB is CLOSED – Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2 AProduct Description Please note that for DMSI 3.2, B-side only is being publicly released for the first month for testing purposes.  After that, A side will also be made available to you.  You are paying for both, and you will get both, but for the first month of testing I need to know specifically what B side does for everyone using it, since some users refuse to run any but thing but A side.By purchasing, downloading or using ANY PART of this program, you are legally signaling that you have fully read and understood the following legal disclaimer, and your agreement to be bound by the following legal disclaimer:This program is designed to do adult things that require personal responsibility and maturity.  If you purchase it, download any part of it or use any part of it, you agree to accept full personal responsibility for having chosen to do so, and any and all responsibility for any and all direct and indirect consequences thereof.This program’s design goal is specifically to cause people who are of the gender you find sexually attractive to be irresistibly attracted to you and aroused by you sexually to the degree that they actually and repeatedly try to initiate and have as much physical sex with you as you allow them to.  It is therefore not suitable for use by, on or around any person under the legal age of sexual majority, and they should not be exposed to it.  Do not use this program if you are under the age of 18 years old, as it may interfere with, interrupt or alter your normal development.  It is also not suitable for use by people who are currently involved in a committed relationship they wish to keep, as this tends to result in either breaking the established rules of your relationship or refusing to allow yourself to execute the script, and therefore getting little to no benefit from the program.  If the program does overcome such resistance (which it is designed to do with enough usage), the user’s choices and actions are the responsibility of the user only. Neither Indigo Mind Labs, nor any member of the Indigo Mind Labs staff, including the program creator, accepts any responsibility for what happens to you, or what you choose to do, as a result of using or having used this program. By using it, you agree to hold Indigo Mind Labs, the program creator and all members of the Indigo Mind Labs staff completely harmless, regardless of jurisdiction. This program contains a variety of highly advanced subliminal technologies and, while it is safe for you to use, is extremely powerful.  Due to the sometimes extreme effects it may have on you and/or others, you are warned to purchase and use it at your own risk.Not for use by epileptics, persons with any form of neurological disorder related to epilepsy, anyone who has had seizures, or anyone who has a heart condition, or who is not healthy enough to have sex. Do not expose any such person to this program.This program may cause a deeply altered state of awareness.  DO NOT use this program while driving, and do not drive while you are noticeably in an altered state of awareness caused by this program!Listen to this program ALONE. DO NOT expose anyone else to this audio program while you are listening to it.  It is designed to be used by ONE person at a time, and cause that one person to project high levels of energy that affect those around them.  Multiple simultaneous people projecting this level of energy and affecting one another thereby at the same time may cause some people to experience overload of the nervous system and this may result in serious health problems.Do not expose persons under the legal age of majority to this program, or allow them to use it.  Do not use this program if you are under the legal age of majority.  Avoid persons under the age of majority while using or under the influence of this program, as they may respond inappropriately.  You and you alone are responsible for what your maximized sexual irresistibility causes to happen, and the choices you make and actions you take while under the influence of this program.You are responsible for protecting yourself from any risk of pregnancy and STDs as a result of having used this program.This program is currently in TESTING status.  It therefore is not eligible for a refund under ANY circumstances.  If you purchase this program, you are eligible for free upgrades until we achieve the goals of the program.  Please bear this in mind when deciding whether or not to purchase this program.End of DisclaimerThis program uses the latest build techniques and technologies, including:    The Naturalizer: Allows the changes taking place to be accepted much more readily, and proceed naturally so that the change is as easy as possible. The 6G version, which is in use here, is significantly more advanced than the 5G version used previously.    HyperSpeed Technology: (HST) Vastly increases the speed and efficiency of information processing of subliminal input.    Self-Optimizing scripting: (SOS) Allows HST to instantly, constantly and automatically adjust itself to the brain state of the listener, so HST is always tuned for perfect performance, even if multiple people are being exposed simultaneously.    The Optimus Engine [Version 4.0]: (OE4) A specialized script and technology set that generates an intense focus on achieving the goal and finding creative and effective ways to do so that utilizes the full scope of your subconscious knowledge.    MaxSpeed: (MS) Allows certain types of programs to produce initial results in between 4 minutes and 45 minutes, depending on the specific goal, person and type of goal.    In-The-Moment State Shifting: (ITM-SS) Seeks to change the state of your awareness very quickly and while you listen to the program to better fit the achievement of the goal of the program.    Self Optimizing Amplifier: (SOA) Designed to amplify the effects and effectiveness of the program to exactly what is most useful and helpful, while remaining safe. The 6G version of the SOA, which is used here at about 50% of it’s full power potential in 6G, is still significantly more powerful than the 5G version.    Audio to Silence Ratio Balancer: (ASRB) This 6G back port technology allows Extremely Massive Data Input and Processing (EMDIP) scripting to run at maximum efficiency in real time without exhausting the brain. Provides much better experience and much smoother program execution.    HyperCompression Technology #1: (HCT1) This backport 6G technology allows the program to achieve word-per-minute rates that average about 650% of standard 5G, meaning each hour of listening is the equivalent of listening to about 6.5 hours of a standard 5G program.    HyperCompression Technology #2: (HCT2) This backport 6G technology, when combined with HCT#1, allows the program to achieve word-per-minute rates that average about 1,600% of standard 5G, meaning each hour of listening is the equivalent of listening to about 16 hours of a standard 5G program.    Advanced Conscious/Subconscious Mind Alignment: (ACSRB) This 6G backport technology causes the conscious and subconscious minds to align with one another to achieve the exact same goal, such that there is little to no possibility of subconscious self sabotage or resistance.  It therefore actually reduces the amount of energy required as you use it more, and allows a much faster and smoother achievement of the goal.    Extremely Massive Data Input & Processing scripting: (EMDIP) scripting designed to allow for 2+ times the data input limits of standard 5G program scripting. This technology encompasses HCT1 and 2, but also allows for the subconscious mind to comprehend the data input at such high levels of density.    AGN: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    IR5: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    RG: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    KNX: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET. It allows your subconscious mind to approach the goal in a way that dissolves and bypasses a great deal of resistance that it might otherwise respond with.    Energy Flooding: 6G backport technology designed to cause you to safely source, absorb, use, program and project an aura of the right kind of energy that will most help you achieve the goals of the program. You may or may not noticeably “feel” flooded with energy. Version 2.2 and later of this program sources this energy from “safe, effective, useful, appropriate and optimal” physical and non-physical sources, which your own subconscious mind chooses for you.    EMFS: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    PPVS: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    ATMX: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    PNIA: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    SATT: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    NTRR: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    MAWS: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    WNCA: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    APSX: 6G backport technology.  Currently classified TOP SECRET.    SEBAM: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    MAFE: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    RIFX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    MIIX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    P3: A 6G backport technology that accomplishes 3 different things, one of which is that it effectively takes the number of words per minute to their natural limit.  The others remain classified TOP SECRET.    P4: A 6G backport technology that modifies P3 to increase its power and effectiveness by optimizing its effects.    P5: A 6G backport technology that modifies P3 and P4 to significantly increase their power and effectiveness.    EPSS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    AUTBFS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    TAPRFR: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    SIIX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    KWTSS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    ARSTF: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    RANS: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    AIVOA: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    TRRM: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    APSX: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    NFLGH: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    NSRPWF: Natural Seduction (User Side). Causes the user to achieve a state that results in the natural sexual seduction of those they wish to have sex with.    SCHMP: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    FOAGP: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    KNXP: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    MCMT: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    CHIORR: 6G backport technology. Currently classified TOP SECRET.    Further additions listed in the changelogs at the end, starting with 3.1.Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility is designed to work equally well for both men and women, regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual preference.  It is designed to cause you to do exactly what the name says.  Yes, ladies, you can benefit from this one just as much as the guys can, if you’re looking to increase the amount of attention you’re getting and sex you’re having.3.2-A is built with all of the healing and clearing scripting enabled, but will not be available for download for the first month after release as a means of testing 3.2-B.  3.2-B is built with all healing and clearing scripting disabled.  Based on the original Develop an Aura of Sexiness program, with the entire (adjusted) script of Become Irresistibly Attractive Sexually now included, and then advanced, adjusted and refined into the 5.5G build format, the design goals are now:    Goal #1: Develop, project and communicate to others, through body language, vocalization, actions, choices and especially the personal energy field (“Aura”), the maximum possible sexual irresistibility.  Simple, obvious, to the point.  We want you to generate, develop, express and project a personal presence that is extremely obvious, magnetically attractive and absolutely sexually irresistible to people of the gender(s) you find sexually attractive.  The aim of this goal is to get them to automatically notice you and automatically be magnetically and irresistibly attracted to you sexually, and then (to whatever degree you allow) have them act on that attraction by initiating and having physical sex with you (repeatedly, as of V2.0 and later). Regardless of what you happen to be doing, wearing, look like, etc. etc.  This of course is limited by what you are willing to do in response to their interest and efforts to initiate and have sex with you.    Goal #2: To support goal #1, we have to develop, enhance and improve your self esteem, self respect, sense of self worth, self liking, self love, self validation, deservingness, self support, self confidence, self image, overcome fear, guilt and shame (yes, it has the entire script of E2’s OGSF and self validation modules in it [V2.0 and later], although it is modified to not disrupt the goals of this program) and so forth. These are the goals that will make you congruent with the effects you get from Goal #1, which is required for maximum success. Now much more heavily, aggressively and specifically focused on the achieving the goals of the program. This goal is only active in 3.2-A.    Goal #3: To get you to notice, act on and take advantage of all of the opportunities this program presents you with, and guide you to help create these opportunities by being in the right place at the right time, and doing the right things.  Among other things, this may result in a phenomenon known as “autopiloting”, during which you may find yourself naturally doing things on full or nearly full autopilot that you would or could not have done otherwise, which directly lead to or result in achieving the goals of the program. 3.0 introduced Natural Seduction (User Side), and 3.1 introduces Natural Seduction (Affected Side). “Meet them half way” programming is turned off in 3.2, but the Natural Seduction is still in play and will encourage you to sexually seduce anyone you want to have sex with.    Goal #4: To get you past any and all self sabotage and resistance to fully accepting, acting on, acting out and experiencing the goals of this program.  This program uses a number of very advanced methods to achieve this goal, but there is no guarantee that you can not still self sabotage or resist it if you have enough conscious or subconscious fear of achieving the goals for some reason.  However, the program is designed to overcome fear based self sabotage and resistance over time and transform it into acceptance and success achieving the goals of the program.  If you self sabotage or resist out of fear, observe your progress every month for 3 months before deciding whether or not you believe this program is getting past any resistance you may have. As of V2.2, this now includes self healing,  self regenerating, self forgiveness, forgiveness of others, and letting go of and overcoming past traumas that would otherwise prevent success in A side. As of V2.4, much more heavily, aggressively and specifically focused on the achieving the goals of the program. As of V2.5, made even more effective against most types of resistance. As of 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2, made significantly more effective against resistance and self sabotage.Please note that this program is designed to achieve some of it’s goals in part by creating a massive influx of, processing of and outflow of energy.  While the program attempts to source all the energy it needs, this may be very taxing on the system, so please make sure that you eat enough calories while you are using it (quality food, not junk) – some people may find that they need to as much as double their normal caloric intake; take a good multi-vitamin of some kind; keep yourself properly hydrated; and get all the uninterrupted sleep you want and need.  It is best to listen to this program while you are awake in order to achieve maximum rest and energy rejuvenation while you sleep, as well as for achieving best results from the program.  If the only time you have to listen is while you sleep, please plan for getting an extra 2-3 hours of sleep each night.Others will likely respond to you and your increase in sexual irresistibility along the following general guidelines, so keep your eyes open for any of the following.  This list is not guaranteed to happen, but is intended to give you ideas of what to watch for in responders.Those people who respond positively and sexually to your sexual irresistibility will very likely:    Put themselves physically close to, or significantly closer to, you and may hover around you and invent excuses or “reasons” to be near you.    Stare at you, with or without smiling.    Smile at you, and smile in ways that are exaggerated to make it clear that they are interested.    Initiate conversations with you.    Talk about sex or sexual body parts with you.    Tell you when and/or why they are unable to conceive (tubes tied, hysterectomy, vasectomy, etc.) as a way of telling you they are capable of giving you bareback sex without the risk of pregnancy. THIS MAY NOT BE TRUE!    Touch you when they otherwise would not, more frequently than normal, in ways that are unusual, in ways that linger and/or in sexual, erotic or arousing ways.    Kiss you or ask/invite you to kiss them.    Create opportunities for you to kiss, touch, and initiate sex with them which are as obvious as possible for the circumstances.    Display very sexual and inviting body language, including aiming themselves at you, spreading their legs at and to you, giving you foot, chest, crotch and butt presentations, touching themselves erotically or sensually, biting their lower lip while looking at you, and so forth.    Show or flash their sex organs or breasts to you, or give you “accidental” views of them, possibly repeatedly, even in public.    Sit on your lap, put you in a sitting position on their lap, or ask/invite you to sit on their lap.    Invite you to sit with them, ask if they can sit with you, or just sit down with you.    Start laughing or giggling while you are near in order to get your attention.    Compliment you, which they do more than once or in ways that imply or directly express sexual interest and/or desire.    Give you unexpected gifts, discounts, favors and/or opportunities that you would not normally get.    Directly ask for sex, invite you to have sex with them or suggest having sex.    Achieve pleasure and orgasm much more easily and more frequently during sex.    Suggest spending time alone with you and/or find or invent ways to get you alone.    Try to get you to go somewhere with them. Especially somewhere private enough for them to feel comfortable with making sex happen.    Attempt to boldly touch your sex organs (or breasts or butt) in sex initiating ways, or give you oral stimulation of your sex organs, nipples  or other erogenous zones in an effort to initiate sex.    And other ways that they may find to attempt to initiate or enable sex between themselves and you.Please keep in mind that it is as yet not entirely known or understood how far away from you this programs effects extend for affecting those around you.  As a tester, this is one of the things we need to discover.  Please give feedback on this.Please note that it is uncertain how and how quickly the effects of this program on others make themselves known to the people being affected.  As a tester, this is one of the things we need to discover. Please give feedback on this.This program is designed to affect those people of the gender(s) you find sexually attractive.  The goal scripting has not changed in 3.2.  You will very likely have to deal with and reject inappropriate attention from others on your own as a natural consequence of making yourself significantly more attractive.Because this program is using so many advanced technologies, including state shifting, it cannot be used alongside other subliminals, NLP, hypnosis, brainwave entrainment or mind programming.  They will conflict and create unpredictable and likely undesirable results. Meditation is not recommended while using DMSI.Avoid using alcohol or any other recreational drug that alters your state of awareness while using DMSI, as this will disrupt the automatic in the moment state shifting effects of DMSI and disrupt the success of the program.  Please be aware that any prescription drug designed to alter your state of awareness or brain chemistry or activity may damage the automatic in the moment state shifting effects of DMSI and disrupt the success of the program.  If you are using any such prescription drug, please consult your doctor before altering your use of any prescribed medication and always follow your doctor’s advice.The program has an odd audio length, caused by the Audio to Silence Ratio Balancer technology, so we refer to amounts of usage by the number of loops of exposure, not the number of hours of exposure.    The optimal number of loops to listen to per day for Version 3.2-B is:    For Version 3.2-A, all tracks: currently not calculated.    For Version 3.2-B, all tracks: 1 loop per day.This is how many loops per day you should listen to back to back and without interruption every day while you are using this program.In DMSI 3.2, the power of the program is such that a secondary ASRB value must be introduced to prevent exhaustion.  That value is:3.2-A: Currently not calculated.3.2-B: Use it 14 days straight, and then take 1 day off. (14:1)Please also be aware that energy flooding is a relatively new technology, and the energy sourcing script is still being modified and adjusted.  This is therefore a test release of this program.  By purchasing this program, you become, and agree to be, a tester for this program.  Your feedback on the forums will help us improve and/or adjust it if that is necessary.  Don’t be a Hidey Harrold. Report! And if it doesn’t work the way it’s designed to, don’t complain.  It’s an experimental release, and we are in the process of gathering data to learn how to make it work.This program uses In-The-Moment State Shifting to put you into the ideal state of awareness in which to be able to achieve the goals of the program, and to maximize the program’s effects.  It also uses energy flooding.  These two technologies may have the effect of inducing a state of high sexual focus and/or arousal in some users and at some times.  If this is true for you, it is suggested that you observe how the arousal state affects your choices, actions and reactions while it is in effect before you interact with others.This program – if you cooperate with and execute the scripted instruction set subconsciously – will get you interest and attention from those who fit the description of the goal.  It may also get you interest and attention from people outside the range of the goal.  All such attention, and what you do with it, is your responsibility.  Please be careful.This program uses a special technology known as “The Sniper”.  In 3.2, there are now four two different sniper modules. Sniper #1 is the Standard Sniper.  It will magnify the aura of irresistibility and focus it on all persons of sexual interest to you within your line of sight, according to how much you are cooperating with and executing the script, and how much that person fits what is most sexually attractive to you.  This can affect multiple people simultaneously. Sniper #2 is the Long Range Sniper (LRS). It will select the most sexually and reproductively attractive person you have ever encountered, and snipe them at 100% power, 24 hours a day, for as long as you are using the program. This sniper has been turned off in 3.2 in order to save energy for other modules and show what effects it had in 3.1.Sniper #3 is the Short Range Sniper (SRS).  It will select the most sexually attractive person within 200 feet/61 meters, who rates at least 70% of maximum possible sexual attractiveness to you, and snipe them at 100% power for as long as you are using this program, and they remain within 200 feet or 61 meters of you.Sniper #4 is the Anti-Sniper Module (ASM).  This is designed to reverse and nullify the effects of the sniper to the degree that a person who would otherwise be sniped is:    Unacceptably crazy.    Unacceptably violent.    Unacceptably addicted to drugs or recreationally uses drugs.    Infected with one or more sexually transmitted infections that you consider unacceptable.    Otherwise unacceptably unhappiness causing.For example, let’s say you encounter a stunningly beautiful woman who would normally trigger the Standard and Short Range Sniper modules, but she is absolutely insane, and therefore physically violent, and she has herpes.  If her insanity would make you unhappy, and her violence would make you unhappy, and/or you don’t want to contract herpes, then the snipers would try to fire up, but the anti-sniper would throw the kill switch, and she would either not be sniped or would be sniped to a greatly reduced degree.  The ASM is designed to protect you from people who would make you unhappy or cause you problems.The Anti-Sniper is turned off completely in 3.2 to show the users of 3.1 what it was doing and verify its usefulness.Version 3.0.1 introduced a User-Side Natural Seduction module aimed at causing you to respond to the people you want to have sex with by putting yourself in a natural state that leads to you sexually seducing them into having sex with you.  Version 3.1 introduces an Affected Side Natural Seduction, which is designed to cause those affected by your aura of sexual irresistibility to attempt to seduce you into having sex with themselves. While the program is not designed to affect persons under the legal age of sexual consent, please be aware of these modules and take all appropriate precautions to prevent illegal sexual activity with persons under the legal age of sexual consent if you use this program.Insecure people will make themselves known as such as you rapidly increase in obvious sexiness.  If you are in a relationship, please keep in mind that this may bring out your partner’s insecurities as you suddenly increase significantly in social and sexual value to those around you. You may find yourself suddenly shifting in your thoughts and point of view about your relationship and sexual fidelity within that relationship.  It is your choice whether or not to act on the opportunities presented to you by this program, but be aware that it is designed to get you to sexually seduce everyone you want to have sex with.  It is therefore NOT recommended for people who are already involved in any type of committed or monogamous relationship unless you are willing to accept the consequences of such actions and choices.This program uses multiple active manifestation statements, working in concert.Manifestation Statement #1 is aimed at making the program achieve it’s goals.Manifestation Statement #2 is aimed at maximizing the number of people you encounter who are affected by, responsive to and interested by the effects this program has on you.  This statement will likely help you create experiences in the present and future by guiding you to interact in various ways with people you find sexually attractive who you already know, as well as those you do not.Manifestation Statement #3 is aimed at enhancing Manifestation statement #2.Manifestation statement #4 seeks to manifest, as much as possible, actual physical sex with as many of the people who fit the goal descriptions as possible.This program does include anti-piracy scripting.  More about that here. V2.0 Updates/Upgrades/Adjustments:    Upgraded IR5 technology module.    Upgraded AGN technology module.    Upgraded RG technology module.    Upgraded MGX technology module.    Corrected and upgraded RG technology module.    Added PPVS technology module.    Tweaked Optimus Engine.    Adjusted and improved energy work script.    Energy sourcing now prioritizes safe, appropriate non-physical sources of energy.    Tweaked OGSF scripting.    Additions to main script body.    Tweaked AOS scripting.    Tweaked primary and secondary active manifestation scripting.    Significantly improved EMFS technology module.    Added ATMX technology module; added to ATMX module; tweaked ATMX module.    Improved CSMA technology module, making it the full 6G ACSMA technology module.    Added PNIA technology module.    Many general scripting tweaks.    Added all of the OGSF module from E2    Added all of self validation from E2    Improved Core-A and Core-B from the Optimus Engine.    Added SATT Technology.    Added NTRR Technology.     Added MAWS technologyV2.1 Updates/Upgrades/Adjustments:    Adjusted, added to and optimized energy flooding module.    Added to MAWS technology module.    Added WNCA technology.    Tweaked AGN module.    Tweaked naturalizer.    Added APSX technology module.V2.2 Updates/Upgrades/Adjustments:    Adjusted the energy sourcing from purely non-physical sources to “all available physical and non-physical sources that are safe, appropriate, optimal, effective and useful for achieving the goals of this program”.    Adjusted the goal phrasing.  (Currently, I am keeping this secret to prevent placebo effect and see what it REALLY does).    Major upgrade to PPVS module.    Major upgrade to APSX module.    Several minor tweaks to the script in general.    Self forgiveness, and forgiveness of others, let go of the past and move on from it. This one is aimed at getting rid of any hate, anger, grudges, etc. you may have that is aimed at the people of the gender you are sexually attracted to in general, which would otherwise prevent you from achieving maximum possible success with the program.    Healing & Regenerating. This one is aimed at healing and regenerating yourself mentally, emotionally and sexually in all of the ways you need to heal and regenerate in order to get maximum success from the program. Basically aiming at clearing out past traumas that might otherwise prevent success.    Adjusted the energy flooding module to enhance it’s effects and effectiveness.V2.3 Adjustments:    Removed all healing modules to allow contrast testing against the results of V2.2, so we can observe what the healing modules were doing and if they were impeding any results.    Corrected a goal phrasing conflict in one of the 11 statements using the goal phrasing statement.    Made it impossible to have the goal phrasing conflict happen again.V2.4 Adjustments/Additions:    Many tweaks in many different areas of the script and modules.    Added and optimized SEBAM tech module.    Added and optimized MAFE tech module.    Added and optimized RIFX tech module.    Added added and optimized MIIX tech module.    Tripled the number of statements in the SATT module.    Enabled SVX and focused it on achieving the goals ofthe program.    Optimized ATMX module.    Enabled the OGSF module and all related sub-modules, and focused them on achieving the goals of the program.    Added the surprise. (This was P3.)    Heavily modified and optimized the goal phrasing.    Enabled clearing modules.    Heavily focused the clearing modules for achieving the goals of the program.V2.5 Adjustments/Additions    Many minor tweaks to the script.    Added Manifestation Statement #4, seeking to specifically manifest sex with those who fit the goal phrasing.    Adjusted the energy sourcing script to be multi-sourcing and multi-threading, and allow access to more powerful energy sources.    Disabled all of the clearing modules in order to see what the effects are without them present.    Tweaked the sniper script to be significantly better.  The specifics will remain secret until testing of 2.5 is finished so I can see how it performs without placebo effect.    Tweaked the RIFX module.    Tweaked toe EGBX module.    Implemented P4, which modifies, enhances and optimizes the effects of P3.    Made the anti-resistance technology “stiffer” and more challenging to resist.V3.0.1 Additions/Adjustments:1. Optimized BIAS module2. Optimized EGBX module3. Added to APSX module4. Optimized SVX module5. Optimized NTRR module6. Optimized and added to MAWS module7. Optimized WNCA module8. Optimized MIIX module9. Optimized RIFX module10. Optimized PPVS module11. Added and optimized a statement in the RIFX module.12. Added NFLGH module13. Optimized SCMHP module14. Added scripting to the AOSI to cause the affected to forgive and heal themselves in the ways that will result in sex with the user15. Added scripting to the AOSI to cause the affected to forgive the user in the ways that will result in sex with the user16. added statement to AOSI to cause affected to give themselves permission to initiate and have sex with the user17. Optimized the Optimus Engine (Now at V3.2)18. Optimized GFX module19. Optimized PPVS module20. Optimized RG module21. Optimized IR5 module22. Added/optimized Natural Seduction module (NSRPWF)23. Optimized DFX module24. Added SCMHP module25. Added statement to SATT module to train user to, and how to, respond to the effects and responses the program gets in the right ways to achieve the goals of the program26. Optimized SATT module27. Added EPSS module28. Added TAPRFR module29. Added SIIX module30. added AUTBFS module31. Added RANS module32. Added AIVOA module.33. Added TRRM module.34. Optimized KNXP module35. Optimized MCMT module36. Added/optimized FOAGP module.37. Adjusted AOSI tuning to trigger everything required in the affected to get them to initiate and have sex, and make it natural and expected that they have to initiate and have sex with the user38. Adjusted AOSI tuning to get affected to initiate conversations and use those conversations as an easy way to initiate and have sex with the user39. Adjusted AOSI tuning to cause the affected to focus themselves and their urges on having sex with the user40. Added statement to AOSI tuning which is designed to cause those affected to invalidate and ignore any and all reasons for doing anything other than having sex with the user.41. Added statement to AOSI tuning which is designed to cause those affected to change how they classify the user from whatever they now classify them as, to someone they need to initiate and have sex with repeatedly.42. Added statement to AOSI tuning which is designed to cause those affected to change how stunningly attractive they perceive the user to be.43. Added statement to AOSI tuning which is designed to cause those affected to change how high status and high value they perceive the user to be.44. Added statement to AOSI tuning which is designed to cause those affected to change how they perceive the user to being all of what they sexually desire45. Added statement to AOSI tuning which is designed to cause those affected to change how they perceive the user to being someone who is a vastly superior choice to anyone else for sex, and someone they can’t stop thinking and fantasizing about sexually.46. Added look, feel, smell, sound, speak, act sexually irresistible to the perception of the affected47. Added adjustments from 2.4→2.5 (energy sourcing, etc.)48. Added FOAGP module49. Added KNXP module50. Added MCMT51. Get the affected to focus themselves on achieving the goals of the program52. (This one is secret, too much trade secret information to be able to describe)53. Get user to choose to execute the script, cooperate, outgrow limitations54. Improved the energy drain prevention scripting55. Adjusted ACSMA56. (This one is secret, too much trade secret information to be able to describe)57. Added P458. Added/optimized P559. Added AZIF module60. Stiffened AP code considerably61. Added EMTAMT Module62. Removed AZIF as conflicting/inappropriate63. Various minor tweaks to random phrasing64. Optimized CORE-A and CORE-B modules65. Optimized SOS module66. Optimized SOA module67. Optimized MGX module68. Added CHIORR module69. Optimized ACSMA module70. project self into the future in which the outcome is already being achieved.71. Added to sniper72. Optimized sniper— ChangeLog: Changes From 3.0 to 3.1 —1. Added TATX module2. Added AYMBEAAG module3. Added MMLIATRW module4. Added ACPBBISRA module5. Added EFSX module6. Added KWFPUTTS module7. Added OYUTMTGH Module8. Added SITFCBP module9. Added HMMSRAIAI module10. Added IINTTAAGP module11. Added NAAPA module12. Added MIIISPG Module13. Added IAAW module14. Added UUYAG module15. Added DBRTTG module16. Added PFRB module17. Added UMMX module18. Added to RIFX module19. Adjusted resistance exhaustion scripting to only affect that part of you that is trying to resist20. Added LDSX module21. Adjusted energy sourcing module22. Added solar energy sourcing23. Added 2 modules for modulating the AOSI24. Improved GFX module25. Added MCPFBS module26. Added HCYM module27. Added PSPET module28. Added ICCAICTC module29. Added SLYBTL module30. Added ASMX module31. Added IHATSP module32. Added AYAISA module33. Added ICHSAIW module34. Added ARANNAD module35. Added Anti-Sniper Module36. Merged HLAPG and TCOL modules into HLAPG module due to identical goal37. Added AAPSAG module38. Added AOTIAM module39. Added SWGAU module40. Added CITBUI module41. Added SDSX module42. Added KRFTI module43. Added MTASL module44. Added ATERWAT module45. Added EPGAIAT module46. Added AUPERW module47. Improved sniper #1 module48. Added Sniper #2 (Long Range Sniper)49. Added Sniper #3 (Short Range Sniper50. Optimized ATMX module51. Added DAGP module52. Added TRPCC module53. Adjusted morphine drip/discomfort tag to only affect the parts of you doing the cooperating or resisting.54. Improved FOAGP module55. Added APSS module56. Added/optimized HLAPG module57. Added statement to EPSS module58. Significantly improved EPSS module59. Optimized ACSMA module60. Added ABAGIU module61. Optimized AGN module62. Optimized RG module63. Optimized MGX module64. Optimized KNX module65. Optimized P3 module66. Optimized P4 module67. Optimized OE from 3.2 to 4.068. Optimized energy work section69. Optimized NOGSF module70. Optimized WNCA module71. Optimized MIIX module72. Optimized SEBAM module73. Optimized P5 module74. Optimized TRRM module75. Optimized ARTSTF module76. Optimized SIIX module77. Optimized TAPRFR module78. Optimized AUTBFS module79. Optimized EPSS module80. Added UASARAPG module81. Upgraded/added to CHIORR module82. Optimized SCMHP module83. Optimized MPSX module84. Optimized NNX module85. Optimized G7 module86. Added to AUTBFS module– DMSI 3.2 Change Log –    Added to NFLGH module    Added TMN to MAWS    Added P6 module    Adjusted FOAGP module    Added to DBRTTG module    Added PTMX module    Added PARX module    Added TPMX module    Added TMNX module    Upgraded & Improved RANS module    Upgraded Optimus Engine from V 4.0 to v 5.0    Upgraded MGX module    Added MGXING module    Upgraded APGAP module    Optimized P6 module    Upgraded TRRM module    Upgraded UASARAPG module    Added ARAX module    Added DNSX module    Added PTPA module    Added SEMX module    Added MTMF module    Added XAWAT module    Added TWMX module    Added AWMM module    Added BCMX module    Added TLFUSE module    Optimized SEMX module    Added DTXM Module    Added ASWM Module    Adjusted DNSX module    Adjusted SEMX module    Optimized MTMF module    Optimized ASWM module    Optimized ASWM module again    Added AABM module    Added BONFL module    Upgraded Reality Bending to V5.0    Optimized the PARX module    Added ADSRE module    Optimized ADSRE module    Added FBMX module    Added BUSFPDV module    Added PSEIUI module    Added DMRPPF module    Added DMAE module    Optimized IR5 module    Optimized Magnus Engine Part I    Added OSPET module    Turned off LDS    Turned off ASMX module    Optimized ARAX module    Optimized DNSX module    Added submodule to ASWM module to prevent depression in response to having to face your fears and execute the scriptInstructions:Do not use this program around, or expose this program to anyone who has or is being treated or medicated for any mental illness, condition or disorder without proper and appropriate medical and/or psychological supervision.Do not use this program if you are under the age of 18.Do not expose any person under the age of 18 to this program.Do not expose any person under the age of 18 to the effects this program has on you without proper and appropriate parental and/or adult supervision.Do not use this program at all while using any other subliminal, NLP, Hypnosis or brainwave entrainment program or any other mind programming technique or program.  Allow any other subliminal state shifting programming to dissipate for 7 (seven) days before using this program.  Allow altered states of awareness caused by hypnosis or NLP programming to dissipate for at least 1 day before using this program.  Allow a minimum of 7 days before using this program after having used any other subliminal that uses state shifting.  Allow a minimum of 21 days before using this program after using any other subliminal that incorporates P3, P4, P5 or P6 technology.  Allow yourself 35 days of break after using this program before using any other subliminal, as this program will still be running in your head during that time and can create conflicts with new subliminals.Do not use this program while using any other subliminal program or mind programming method. Do not use this program within 5 hours of using any other programming that does not use state shifting or induce an altered state of awareness, and does not include P3 or P4, P5 or P6 technology.The effects this program has on you are designed to attract and interest as many people of the gender you are sexually attracted to as possible.  Therefore, avoid (or if this is not possible, exercise extreme vigilance, caution and self control around) persons under the sexual age of consent while this program is influencing you. You and you alone are solely responsible for what you choose to do with and in response to those people who respond to you while you are being influenced by this program, and you agree to and acknowledge this by your choice to use this program.To use this program, simply calibrate the volume and choose the track you wish to use.  Optimal usage will be 1 loop per day for any track from the 3.1-B set, and is currently not calculated for any track from the 3.1-A set.  Please note that you must do all loops contiguously (back to back) in order not to break the primary ASRB technology and seriously degrade the performance of the program! Please make sure to observe the secondary ASRB and take 1 day off for each 14 days you run DMSI 3.2-B.Please do not use this program more or less than the specified number of loops per day. Do not attempt to use tracks from A and B variants during the same week.  If you wish to alternate between A and B variants, use each for a minimum of one week at a time.  You should not need to take time off between the use of A and B variants, but don’t use them less than one week at a time.Due to the intense levels of energy usage and projection this program is trying to attain, you may find yourself becoming mentally, emotionally and/or physically exhausted as a result of using this program.  You may also find that this program requires you to significantly increase your food intake to power your body while it is in effect and may require a significant increase in the amount of rest and/or sleep you need while you are using it.This program was originally designed for extended use in increments of 3 months at a time.  The longer you use it, the more deeply it will work and the longer the effects will last.  Some people may need to take days off to rest with extended usage. Maximum results are likely to require at least 1 to 2 weeks of use to achieve.This program uses transparent In-The-Moment state shifting to direct your state of mind, body and emotions to the optimal state for accomplishing it’s intended objectives.  “Transparent” means you may be in an altered state of consciousness without necessarily being consciously aware of the fact that you are in an altered state of consciousness.  Therefore, do not perform any activity while this program is running, which requires your concentration for the activity to be or remain safe, such as driving, operating heavy machinery, flying a plane, using deadly weapons or the like.Please be advised that, as this program is currently in testing status, there is currently no refund option offered for it.  Instead, you are eligible for free upgrades until the program becomes stable and comes out of testing status.  Weblink :…


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