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David Tian – System Social Charm – Limitless GB

David Tian – System Social Charm
[Ebook – 1 PDF]



Limitless GB GB link: book contains all the social and dating knowledge you’ve NEVER had a chance to learn, organised into a system you can IMMEDIATELY integrate into your life.In other words, this book will even the odds between you and all the “dumb” men out there who are naturally good with women.LEVEL UP YOUR “DATING IQ”Yes, you’ve got that right. Take any random man and put this book in his hands. Let him read it thoroughly. At the end of it, he will have:    A Deeper Understanding of Women – Asian Women in particular. The “Code” will have been broken, and if you’ve ever given up trying to understand Asian women in the past, what you’ll learn here will shed new light and change the way you see them, and the way they treat you…forever.    A Deeper Understanding of Himself – in every area that pertains to attracting the opposite sex. Buy this, and you’ll understand where you’ve been doing it wrong, shooting yourself in the foot, ruining your own chances… This book will immediately repair false ideas and limiting beliefs, broken theories about dating and women. The TRUTH really will “Set you free.”    3 of my most powerful principles – that you can apply IMMEDIATELY after reading the book – that will give you the quickest and best start possible to getting a great girlfriend, in Asia or anywhere in the world. Techniques and “lines “can get old. But when you understand “why” they work, you will be able to harness the power of the principles behind them… spontaneously. I’ve done all I can to make it as simple and easy-to-apply as possible. The rest is up to you.On top of all these, a few of the other secrets you’ll discover include…    Understand the 5 powerful mindsets to have with women, and never shoot yourself in the foot again by saying or doing the wrong thing.    Have you ever noticed how much of the common teachings on dating are actually contradictory? Learn the right way to interpret all of them through the lenses of truth.    The REAL reason why most men will never become successful with women… and how to SMASH THROUGH and permanently eliminate this dangerous mental obstacle    Learn a simple step-by-step sequence you can IMMEDIATELY use to smoothly seduce a woman AND make her trust you by building a deep connection… all at the same time.    Ever been confused about why women sometimes SUDDENLY completely change how they treat you? I reveal a framework you can memorize in 30 seconds and use to analyze any situation with women – no matter how complex.    Understand how Asian culture has been secretly stopping you from getting good with women… and how it’s been happening since you were just a child.…and you will have more of this: a deeper, rock solid, and most importantly, ACTIONABLE understanding of women, dating, sexuality, and attraction than 95% of men regardless of looks, money, and social status.


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