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The Truth About Fat Loss Summit 2016 Audios & Transcripts

The Truth About Fat Loss 2016
[Webrip – 31 MP3, 34 PDF, 2 RTF]


                                              The Truth About Fat Loss Summit 2016     Is it easier to do your taxes than lose weight? Weight loss is a topic EVERYONE is interested in, but EVERYONE is confused about! Get the facts about fat loss! Learn from “Nutrition Myth Buster”™ Jonny Bowden and these 30+ experts — the most distinguished and diverse assemblage of world-class health thinkers ever gathered for one event!The Truth About Fat Loss Summit is online and FREE from April 25-May 2, 2016.Confused about the most effective ways to lose weight and keep it off? Want to understand the differences between dietary approaches to find what works best for you? The Truth About Fat Loss Summit gives you an opportunity to learn what the most heralded health experts in the world agree (and disagree) about, so you can determine what makes the most sense for your health!The Truth About Fat Loss will include the world’s top experts discussing:    Hormones Diets from A-Z The psychology of weight loss Gluten and other food sensitivities The role of stress The microbiome and what it means to your waistline Hidden factors in weight gain And more! Our diverse range of speakers, opinions and personalities will be invaluable. The goal of The Truth About Fat Loss is to introduce you to (at least) one expert who makes sense to you, motivates you and “speaks your language!” Join us! ScheduleDay 1: Monday, April 25    Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS    Why Everything You Learned About Weight Loss Is Wrong!    What You’ll Learn –        Why the calorie theory is out of date        The role of hormones in weight loss        Why eating fat is your best strategy for losing weight        Donna Gates, M.Ed, ABAAHP    The Body Ecology Program    What You’ll Learn –        The truth about food combining        How toxins in your gut make you fat (and what to do!)        Yeast infections (candida) and weight gain        Sara Gottfried, MD    Resetting Your Hormones    What You’ll Learn –        Insulin and estrogen dominance        Why very low-carb diets don’t work for women        Benefits of intermittent fasting for men and women        Jade Teta, ND    What to Do When Diet and Exercise Stop Working    What You’ll Learn –        Should you restrict carbs or calories?        Simple exercise to turbocharge weight loss        3 nutrients for men and women with low testosteroneDay 2: Tuesday, April 26    John Rowley    The Physiology of Success    What You’ll Learn –        Addiction and weight loss        The secret to overcoming challenges        Simple trick to 10x your results!        Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND    Why the L.A. Lakers Drink Bone Broth    What You’ll Learn –        Weight-loss resistance and leaky gut        The #1 thing to throw out of your kitchen!        Bone broth and the miracle of collagen    Anna Cabeca, MD    The Truth About Acid-Alkaline    What You’ll Learn –        The keto-alkaline solution        Intermittent Fasting: Why both sexes need it!        Why the paleo diet is NOT for women        Alan Christianson, NMD    Healing Your Adrenals    What You’ll Learn –        Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner?        Inflammation, insulin and the thyroid        The amazing benefits of light therapy        Drew Canole    From Fat to Fit    What You’ll Learn –        Habit-Stacking: The easiest way to change your life        How juicing can change your life (and your body!)        Lose fat while sleeping!Day 3: Wednesday, April 27    Barry Sears, PhD    The Hormonal Effect of Food    What You’ll Learn –        Do calories count? Yes, but…        The tryst between inflammation, insulin resistance and fat loss        2 main drivers of inflammation    Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS    Banishing the Fear of Fat Forever    What You’ll Learn –        Omega-7: The unknown omega that helps with weight loss        Help balance hormones with evening primrose oil        How to “flush Fat” with cran-water        Mira Calton, CN, FAAIM, DCCN, CMS, CPFC, BCIH and Jayson B. Calton, PhD, FAAIM, DCCN, CMS, CISSN, BCIH, ROHP    The Hidden Reason You Gain Weight: Micronutrient Deficiency    What You’ll Learn –        Toxins and micronutrients        The 2 types of hunger        How nutrient deficiencies interfere with weight loss        Tami Meraglia, MD    The Hormone Secret    What You’ll Learn –        Why testosterone matters to both sexes        The wrong solution: Exercising more and eating less        Learn the right way to detox (and why it matters!)Day 4: Thursday, April 28    Dan Kalish, DC    How Toxins Make You Gain Weight (And What to Do About It!)    What You’ll Learn –        3 things that make everybody fat        Toxins and weight gain        How toxins stimulate cravings        Susanne Bennett, DC    Energy, Weight Loss and the Mitochondria    What You’ll Learn –        Mitochondria: Essential for fat-burning and energy        Regenerating the mitochondria        Best supplements for energy        Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS    Hidden Causes of Weight-Loss Resistance    What You’ll Learn –        Fat-making bacteria (and what to do about them!)        How “ leaky gut” can make you fat        Can an inexpensive crock-pot change your life?        Sayer Ji    What Research Really Tells Us About Weight Loss    What You’ll Learn –        Artificial sweeteners, weight gain and Splenda        Do supplements work for fat loss?        How coconut burns fat and stimulates metabolismDay 5: Friday, April 29    Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD    The Psychology of Weight Loss    What You’ll Learn –        Simple trick to change your mood instantly        Stress and weight gain: A psychologist’s perspective        Never do these 2 things when stressed!        Marc David, MA    The Psychology of Eating    What You’ll Learn –        Excess weight and sexual abuse        Toxic nutritional beliefs        The truth about food addiction        Cynthia Pasquella    Transformational Nutrition    What You’ll Learn –        We know what to do, why don’t we do it?        2 main keys to lasting changes        Discover what you’re REALLY hungry for!        David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM    The Brain-Belly Connection    What You’ll Learn –        Is Alzheimer’s “Type 3 Diabetes?”        Does body fat create inflammation?        Gut health, grains and belly fat        Daniel Amen, MD    The Brain Warrior’s Way    What You’ll Learn –        Sex and the brain        Serotonin, mood and cravings        Artificial sweeteners and weight gainDay 6: Saturday, April 30    Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN    Gluten, Food Sensitivities, Hormones and Fat Loss    What You’ll Learn –        Food Sensitivities and weight gain        Single best exercise to balance your hormones        When staying in bed is better than exercising        Dietitian Cassie, Registered & Licensed Dietitian    The Unmaking of a Dietitian    What You’ll Learn –        Why eating more fat can change your life        The calorie myth        Hidden factors in weight gain        Brian Mowll, DC, CDE, IFMCP    Reversing Type II Diabetes    What You’ll Learn –        The functional medicine approach to diabetes        When low-carb diets aren’t enough        3 supplements that help with blood sugar        Pedram Shojai, OMD    Life Hacks for the 21st Century    What You’ll Learn –        Who’s burning the fat?        Waking up to food is waking up to life        Weight loss and the Urban MonkDay 7: Sunday, May 1    Eric Westman, MD MHS and Jimmy Moore    Weight Loss on a Ketogenic Diet    What You’ll Learn –        Busting myths about cholesterol and fat        How to stop being a sugar-burner and start being a fat-burner        Ketosis: Truly a weight-loss “miracle”        Steven Masley, MD, FAHA, FAAFP, FACN, CNS, CCD    The Smart Fat Program for Weight Loss    What You’ll Learn –        The problem with low-fat diets        A new definition of “good fat” and “bad fat”        Fiber and your waistline        Marcie Peters, Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach    Aging Backwards    What You’ll Learn –        The 8 levels of transformation        How to talk to your inner critic        Happiness is YOUR choice        Jimmy Smith, MS, CSCS    The Secret of Success    What You’ll Learn –        Single biggest key to weight-loss success        The easy way to build confidence        Where should you start?        Dave Asprey    A High-Fat Diet for a Low-Fat Body    What You’ll Learn –        Why coffee is a health food        Secrets of a world-class biohacker        Everything you know about low-fat diets is wrong!Day 8: Monday, May 2 : Encore DayMeet Your HostJonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, also known as “The Nutrition Myth Buster”™, is a nationally-known, board-certified nutritionist and expert on diet and weight loss. He has been interviewed on television more than one hundred times–including appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS–and has contributed to articles in The New York Times, Forbes, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair Online, Men’s Health, Prevention and dozens of other print and online publications.Dr. Jonny is a best-selling author of 15 books, including The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Living Low Carb (now in its 4th edition) and the controversial, #1 Amazon best-seller, The Great Cholesterol Myth (co-authored with cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD).His latest book, co-authored with Steven Masley, MD, is Smart Fat: Eat More Fat, Lose More Weight, Get Healthy Now (Harper One, 2016). You can connect with Dr. Jonny at by adishonerv69. Almost all links were figured out by NeilStrauss here: only uploaded this for those too lazy to work the links, as I appreciate the information presented during this summit as very important, potentially life-changing. At least guys listen to Eric Westman and gals to Sara Gottfried…


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