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Energy Enhancement Course : Initiation 1

Energy Enhancement
[1 DVD – 5 MP4, 4 pdf]


Description…Single systems traditionally fail.A Synthesis offers the most advanced set of meditational tools give the best, most ancient and effective meditational systems available.The Synthesis of Advanced and Effective techniques of meditation like, amongst many others – Meditation, Shaktipat, Energy Circulation, The Kundalini Kriyas, The Five Elemental Paths Of The Chi Of Chinese Alchemical Taoism, The Grounding Of Negative Energies, V.I.T.R.I.O.L and The Art Card Of The Thoth Tarot, Access To Kundalini Energy, Strong Psychic Protection, Learn The Merkaba, Pyramid Protection, Power Tower Protection, Create The Antahkarana, Soul Fusion, Monadic Infusion, Logos Infusion.Through Higher Energies, the use of many Ancient and Effective Meditations give techniques in advance of all the single meditational systems available on this planet, speeding up your process towards enlightenment through learning how to stop the mind, gain meditational energy, remove energy blockages which are the cause of a badly functioning mind, remove negative emotions like anger, sadness, depression and fear, and the Mastery of fantastic relationships.The use of many types of meditation, a Synthesis of Meditation techniques give access to Kundalini Energy and the use of Tantra and Tantric Methods towards enlightenment and the overcoming of negative magic and its practitioners.ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION COURSE  LEVEL ONE, Initiation One…It  is an Initiation in Energy Enhancement Meditation -LEVEL 1 GAIN MASSIVE ENERGY, LEVEL 2 – ELIMINATE ENERGY BLOCKAGES AND TRAUMA, LEVEL 3 – CLEAR ANCIENT KARMA, LEVEL 4 – MASTER RELATIONSHIPS,  LEVEL 5 – HEAL THE WORLDENERGY ENHANCEMENT LEVEL ONE – THE GAINING OF ENERGYMEDITATION, SHAKTIPAT, ENERGY CIRCULATION, THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS, THE FIVE ELEMENTAL PATHS OF CHI OF CHINESE ALCHEMICAL TAOISM, THE GROUNDING OF NEGATIVE ENERGIES, ACCESS TO KUNDALINI ENERGY, ENERGY PROJECTION, CHECK OUT FOOD FOR POISONS, REMOVE ENERGY BLOCKAGES, STRONG PSYCHIC PROTECTION, LEARN THE MERKABA, PYRAMID PROTECTION, POWER TOWER PROTECTION, INVISIBILITY, THE BUDDHAFIELD, CREATE THE ANTAHKARANA, SOUL FUSION, MONADIC INFUSION, LOGOS INFUSION, SIRIAN INFUSION, THE AVATAR OF SYNTHESIS!!!”LINDA, THE RESIDENTIAL TRAINEE HERE IN SPAIN, FOUND TREMENDOUS BLOCKAGES, ALL THE WAY DOWN HER SPINE, WHICH SHE REMOVED USING THIS INITIATION SIX TECHNIQUE.” Phillip Chester Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSE REPORT FROM JEAN”I have experience of many forms of meditation and practices for self improvement including: Transcendental meditation (TM) 12 years, Kriya Yoga 9 years, Sushila Buddhi Dharma (SUBUD) 7 years, and more recently the Sedona Method and the Course in Miracles. The Energy Enhancement programme encapsulates and expands all of these systems, it is complete and no questions are left unanswered.”Jean, NUCLEAR ENGINEER, FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2005 The Techniques of Energy Enhancement.Finding the Central Energy Flow in Energy Enhancement MeditationKundalini Energy flows between the Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth connected to the Base Chakra, and The Chakras above the Head – Energy in the Center of the Universe, Central Spiritual Sun, God, Atman, Shiva. When we get our spines into alignment in the Energy Enhancement Initiation of Meditation, then we immediately get the experience of Kundalini Energy. The Chakras above the head are infinite and connect with God but the first 5 are the Soul Chakra, Monad, Logos, Sirius and the Avatar of Synthesis.APPRENTICE LEVEL 1. Initiation 1MeditationENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSE The distinction of man from beast, is most simply illustrated by the fact that only mankind uses fire as an instrument of the creative powers specific to the human individual in society. In the earliest known instances of relevant archaeological relics, the very existence of mankind, as distinct from the beasts, is evidence of man’s use of fire, from shrubbery to nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion.Now, like the modern Prometheus, Energy Enhancement brings you the intensity of Kundalini Energy to give your life a boost. The higher the level of Kundalini Energy the more the reults. Energy Enhancement give the highest levels of Kundalini Energy available on this planet What Kundalini Energy Does for the people practising Energy Enhancement is to exponentially increase your access to higher levels of energy..Health BenefitsThe Grounding of PollutionThe Grounding of Negative EnergiesAccess to the Spiritual Energies in the Center of the UniverseMind Clarity and SpeedSpeed UP!!Higher Mental IQHigher Cultural IQHigher Emotional IQHigher Spiritual IQIn the End all we need to do is to Access our Infinite Peace which is the promise of the Christ, the Buddha and Energy Enhancement for You and all HumanityAs we rush pell mell towards 2012. As Humanity gain access to the energies in the center of the Galactic Core. So also Energy Enhancement has been sent to help in the process removing Negativity, Grounding Negative Energies and Access to the Spiritual Energies in the Center of the Universe, thus mentoring and facilitating the process of entering into the World Golden Age of plenty, abundance, infinite fusion energy and Spiritual Alignment with the ALL. People with all this Energy generally increase their incomes more quickly as with Energy Enhancement Student Jean who doubled his income within the Nuclear Engineering Industry within one year of the Energy Enhancement Course in Spain.


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