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Jordan B Peterson – Personality Power

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Harness the power of personality to get what you want without losing yourself. This is teach you how your personality has been built so you can improve yourself and understand the kind of personalities you may want to attract to yourself.1. Introduction and Overview (Part 1)2. Introduction and Overview (Part 2)3. The stories we tell and act out have characters. Those characters are archetypal — hyper-real, in a sense. Archetypal characters have archetypal adventures. The prime adventure (excluding romance) is the initiatory voyage.4. How does a baby build itself a personality? How does that built personality integrate itself into the social world? No one answered these questions better than Jean Piaget.5. This lecture discusses the Piagetian ideas of assimilation, accommodation and stage transition, as well as providing an introduction to Jung and the archetypes of the collective unconscious.6. Freud aggregated and synthesized centuries of speculation about the hidden realms of the human mind. For him, the individual was a collection of relatively integrated subpersonalities, some of which were centered around habits, others around memories, and the remainder around fundamental motivations and emotions. The pathway to psychological health meant furthering that integration.7. Carl Rogers was a Christian seminarian, a scientist, and a clinician. He combined all of these facets of his experience into a phenomenological theory of being and becoming. Rogers regarded all of human experience as equally real, as he saw the necessity of overcoming what he saw as the insufficiently comprehensive doctrine of subjective perceiver and objective reality. He believed that truth and care for his clients, along with careful listening, couldd help orient them towards self-actualization — the key to mental health.8. When Nietzsche announced the death of God, he was announcing the collapse of Western Civilization’s belief in itself. This has had dire sociological, political and psychological consequences. It wasn’t just that God died. Christ was the symbol of the perfect Western man. What died was that ideal, taking with it direction, purpose and meaning. What emerged was rational nihilism and the predilection towards resentment and authoritarian revenge.9. Phenomenology: Heidegger, Binswanger, Boss10. Although the Big Five were discovered, or identified, statistically, they map well onto certain neurological circuits. Extraversion is positive emotion, roughly speaking, as Neuroticism is negative emotion (particularly anxiety and pain). Both of those emotions operate within a context provided by motivation, whose primal foundations are based in the hypothalamus.11. The interplay between the structure of the brain, considered in functional terms, and the primary personality traits of extraversion and neuroticism are further described in this lecture.12. Conscientiousness is the best predictor of long-term life success across multiple domains (including academic and managerial/administrative performance). It breaks down into two aspects: industriousness and orderliness. Industrious people are hard-working, attentive and focused. Orderly people like things where they belong, and are concerned with preserving the integrity of the borders between things. We don’t know much about the psychological basis of industriousness. Orderliness, however, appears to be associated with disgust sensitivity, with the “behavioral immune system,” and is in all probability elevated in geographical locales where infectious disease is prevalent. It is also a good predictor of political conservatism. When disgust sensitivity gets out of hand, too much cleansing (ethnic and otherwise) becomes increasingly possible.13. Openness to Experience is the final Big Five trait to be discussed in this series of lectures. It has two aspects: Openness (creativity and aesthetic sensibility) and Intellect. People high in aspect openness tend to be interested in art, literature and other experiences of beauty and creativity. People high in intellect tend to be interested in ideas. Openness is the trait most highly associated with IQ, with some presuming that intellect, in particular, is merely a reflection of general cognitive ability, which is in turn an excellent predictor of many elements of life success.Plays fine with vlc


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