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Karen Kan – Ascension Tolpakan Healing

Karen Kan – Ascension
[Webrip – 4 MP4 4 MP3s 5 PDF]



Elma Mayer Enhance Your Senses and Intuition GBGB thread: 1 – Clearing and Protection This program contains multi-dimensional layers of infused healing frequencies that clear negative energies and enable protection on multiple levels.  You just play the program and focus your attention on your target and the program does the heavy lifting for you. Using the combined power of the archangels called TOLPAKAN™ healing, this energy-infused product is used to release and removeharmful energies from whatever or whomever you target, addressing issues from past, present, future, multiple dimensions and universes.  It is called All-in-One because it addresses every conceivable imbalance currently known and is energetically upgraded weekly as new frequencies become available with each Ascension event. Here is a partial list of what Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection does.  It removes and transmutes:  All darkness and all that is non-beneficial (including all memories) into being Light and beneficial All low vibrational entities, hidden or apparent, including monkey demons and Dark Watchers, Lower Realm, disembodied spirits, soul fragments, Dark Angels, demons, attached to, influencing any sentient or non-sentient being, place (including astral realms), object, molecule, atom, subatomic particle, wave or smaller be cleansed and healed in all directions of time  All hidden and apparent curses, hexes, implants, booby traps, post-hypnotic suggestions, cords, funnels, filaments, energy suckers, negative filters, vortexes, deflector shields, reverse shields, saboteurs, dimensional rifts, hidden or apparent, be dissolved, uncreated in all directions of time  All hidden and apparent toxins including physical toxins, energetic toxins, spiritual toxins, emotional toxins, mental toxins, hidden or apparent, be released, dissolved and uncreated in all directions of time  All hidden and apparent non-beneficial energetic imbalances including emotions, emotional resonances, heart walls, psychic traumas, Miasms, idea allergies, physical allergies, intolerances, physical blows, emotional blows, negative effects of mass consciousness be dissolved and uncreated in all directions of time  All hidden and apparent non-beneficial energies causing the Assemblage beam, Hara Line, and Chakras and their connections to be unhappy or preventing it from being perfectly happy, be healed, removed, uncreated in all directions of time  All non-beneficial Consciousnesses controlling or influencing target or Oversoul overlap be removed and the auric shield modulated to neutralize any other foreign consciousness.  All hidden and apparent non-beneficial extraterrestrial interferences including projected thought forms, frequencies, infections, devices, implants be removed, transmuted and healed in all directions in time.  All infections, hidden and apparent, earthly or off-earthly, be transmuted, healed, in all dimensions and directions in time without detoxification symptoms.   All hidden and apparent harmful, non-beneficial thought forms including psychic attacks, leading energies, hidden and apparent be dissolved and uncreated in all directions of time  All non-beneficial or harmful morphic fields preventing optimal health and happiness be removed, dissolved and uncreated All hidden and apparent non-beneficial vows, contracts, broadcast messages, memory fields, images, despair anchors, negative programs be dissolved, transmuted and uncreated in all directions of time All hidden and apparent noxious energies EMF frequencies, microwaves, HAARP, geoengineering, military and ET frequencies be dissolved and uncreated in all directions of time Any other hidden or apparent non-beneficial energies not already  mentioned whether it be from the past, present or future, be removed, transmuted, and uncreated All holes or hidden holes from the removal of non-beneficial energies be filled with the highest vibration of Love and Light and anything preventing the holes from being filled be immediately healed in all directions of time A self-erecting, self-evolving, self-modulating, self-repairing Light shield be placed that only allows positive beneficial energy in and deflects all non-beneficial energies with Love.  This shield can immediately detect hidden or apparent nonbeneficial energies and can immediately respond with the Highest Love and Light. And the auric, astral, oversoul, photonic shields all be fortified to100% intact Anything preventing connection with Source 24/7 be cleared and healed in all dimensions and directions of time and all healing infused with and amplified with Unconditional Love. Ascension 2 – Healing & Integration This program is a multilayered infusion of healing frequencies that work like a magic wand to download and activate positive healing frequencies and to assist in integrating your Ascension into higher dimensions.  You just play the program and focus your attention on your target and the program does the heavy lifting for you.  Using the combined power of the archangels, called TOLPAKAN™ healing, this product is infused with powerful beneficial energies and Morphic fields that shift your reality to a higher state of health, joy and well-being.  It will benefit whatever or whomever you target.  It is called All-in-One because it supports healing in all lives (past, present, future), all dimensions, and all Universes and is energetically updated weekly as new information is available with each Ascension upgrade. Here is a partial list of what Ascension 2 heals and optimizes:   Immediate integration, grounding and even energetic distribution of the Ascension physically, mentally, spiritually, energetically and emotionally   All energetic body systems All spiritual body systems All mental body systems All emotional body systems All physical body systems Assemblage beam/point and its healthy Morphic field and canceling out any counteracting negative field Hara line and Hara line connections including those with Source, Earth, Chakras, Assemblage point/beam Chakras including the newer ones you develop as you evolve Aura – all layers known and unknown, astral shield, Oversoul shield, astral tether and connections Changes Aura color to the optimal high vibrational wavelength that makes one invisible to entities Electromagnetic field All organs, glands, bodily systems including the lymphatic vessels and fat All communication within body, mind, soul including Brain messages and Heart messages. All boundaries including physical, mental, spiritual, energetic, emotional, relational, sexual, with every person, object, thing, substance, food, place, idea, work, mass consciousness, ETs, entities, with past lives and future lives while awake and while asleep  All conflict shocks and any underlying imbalances causing them to track or not to heal fully, easily and quickly Energy production and storage, enzyme and mineral balance, Hydration abilities Hormonal balance including anything causing hormonal resistance, Immune system including anything causing autoimmunity, Fascia and fascia connections Spiritual immune system including auric shield, spiritual helmet, Aura cleansing, Astral connection grounding All DNA, RNA, particles, subatomic particles, wave forms, in the body or affecting the Self Heart to heart connection with mother earth Connection with Source, Higher self, Connection with Earth and Christ Consciousness grid and grid of the Universe All beneficial morphic fields of the Archangels, Ascended masters, Emissaries  Positive morphic fields for all nature frequencies, be they light, colors, essential oils, gems, stones, star and sun codes Positive morphic fields for all positive emotions including joy, love, peace, forgiveness, oneness, acceptance, self-love, self-confidence, self-forgiveness, self-worth, self-trust, self-esteem and trust in the Divine Morphic fields to optimally connected to and communicate with Source and Higher Self Morphic fields for optimal relationships with Self, Couples, Family, Mother Earth, galaxy and rest of the Universe All hidden and apparent non-supportive beliefs in any level and any direction of time, replacing them with supportive empowering beliefs that are fully embodied in every cell, molecule and every aspect of life in all dimensions and directions in time  Energies imbedded in this audio can be upgraded immediately at any time by Karen Kan just through thought and intention All healing infused with Universal Love and Light  Detoxifying and Rejuvenating Your Energy Body – Webinar class MP4 Video In this pivotal class, you’ll learn how to do energy healing on yourself to shore up your auric shield, ground your energies, clean and manage the size of your aura, close your astral connection to prevent psychic attacks and cut unhealthy cords. By doing these quick exercises daily, you’ll maintain your peace of mind, calmness and centeredness and be less likely to absorb other people’s negative energy. With consistent practice, you’ll know what it feels like to become impervious to negative energy.


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