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Christie Marie Sheldon – Perfect Love Life for You

Perfect Love Life for You
[ 12 mp3 , 6 PDF ]



                     ❄❄❄❄❄ Exclusive ❄❄❄❄❄      Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.        Out of respect for the original authors and publishers, please do not make this product available outside of our community. ***This is NOT “Love or Above” program***Quote:I’m Christie Marie Sheldon, Author & Intuitive Life Coach. About Christie;…Quote:I have an interesting talent that can help you in your life. I can look at the Field of Energy that surrounds you and tell you whether you’re going to get your Ideal Life, or not. I have literally over a thousand testimonials on file from people just like you, who were tired of struggling against their blocks and chose to invest in clearing them for good. I’ve been on top 10 radio shows and been influential in creating transformation for people in all walks of life world-wide, including Business leaders, Authors and Celebrities.If your life is blocked, I can help you clear the blocks to help you manifest your Ideal life quicker.About program;…Quote:If you’re tired of being stuck in the rut of a love life you don’t like, then I can help you get what you want.If you can envision a love life that fills you with Joy and Contentment…then you can achieve it. If you feel you have to wait for life to get better….and nothing seems to be changing…You have blocks and patterns that are keeping you stuck. If you have habits and patterns that never seem to change, I can show you why you are blocked in these things and help you clear them. I can help you improve this pretty quickly.My expertise is that I can help people get what they want. I have helped over 14,000 people in the last dozen years. Even when my clients had previously tried all the books, meditations, and self help techniques to no avail….I helped them improve their life. My work has been about changing people’s personal energy and thought processes about any topic…and then their life changes. It’s super different and for some people, a little weird…but it works.When your life is blocked in Love, it affects every area of your life. It can literally shut down the flow of love in all parts of your life. If you’re not in a relationship, that’s okay. There is nothing wrong with being single…just be genuinely happy being single. If you are unhappy about being single (or experiencing long-tern dissatisfaction in your current romantic relationship), then that is something that needs to be shifted. If you have thoughts of “I can’t get what I want, so why bother looking” or, “All men/women suck.” Then you have some work to do clearing these blocks from yourself. You get to choose what you want, not society, family, friends, social group or culture…so why not choose what your heart desires instead of letting your programming, patterns, limiting beliefs, fears and blocks choose for you?Common blocks to a Perfect Love Life can be:*Patterns of fear (“I don’t want to get hurt again”, or “I can’t find the right one.”)*Inheriting your parent’s energy. (If your Parents had an unhappy relationship, divorced or fought all the time, I can guarantee you that you sucked in this energy and created a relationship blueprint at some subconscious level and can prove this to you in my class.)*You think you’re clear of your “Ex” and relationship, but it’s still vampiring your energy*Patterns of being let down. (“You never get what you want” is a common glitch.)*Some people never ‘feel’ loved in their whole life…because their parent’s did not have this energy and could not imprint them with it…this blocks a person’s love life…Big Time.*Settling for someone because you only thought you could attract Mr. or Mrs. 6 out of 10.Traditionally, marriages that break down have a few things in common and it always comes down to these factors, including:People repeat the patterns and programs in relationships they learned in early life. Like the definition of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.”, the same schtick gets you the same rut in your Love Life again and again.You think you have the ‘rules’ about love (but you don’t).You don’t communicate in the same Love Language your mate does. Loads of people have these issues and can’t seem to break free of them…but I’ve found a unique and effective way of dealing with them. I’ve taught classes where people have learned what their secret, hidden blocks are that have been keeping them stuck, where they started…and then we cleared them, allowing them to move forward to create the life they had been wanting all along.If you like your love life now as it is, that’s awesome – keep up the great work! If you’re looking for an upgraded energy about Love…then this Energy Clearing “Playshop” is for you. This isn’t about doing a cookie-cutter Love Life, this is about creating what makes you happy. If you’ve had previous relationships that went south, I guarantee you’ve got some blocks to manifesting the Love Life you desire. I’ve seen it time and time again in client after client…and I helped them get clear of it for good. If you’re having trouble seeing a happier love life in your future….feeling stuck in a dead end relationship…not living a Love Life you love…I can help you shift that.I’m offering a very special opportunity for you to have these tools to help you get unstuck in your Love Life. In my 6 Week Series on Clearing Love Blocks, I went over all the common complaints people have in their Love Life and then took the group through clearing them. You can get the same knowledge and powerful clearing benefits right now ….


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