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Ramaji – No Mind No Problem

Ramaji – No Mind No Problem
[1 eBook – EPUB, MOBI]



Book DescriptionFrom “No Mind No Problem” by Ramaji…The mind is an endless story machine. It is only creative. It just keeps creating and creating. It doesn’t care if what it creates is positive or negative. All it cares it that it keeps creating.Whether you are enlightened or not, the thoughts will keep coming. The difference will be that you will no longer believe your thoughts. If you examine them closely, you will see that they are not telling you the truth. Your thoughts are like dreams telling you what could be, but they act as if they are the truth.That is why you want to question and challenge them. You cannot trust your thoughts. Not only that, you are not your thoughts. You won’t be able to get rid of your thoughts. What you will be able to do is stop believing what they are telling you. Then you laugh at them.When you wake up, that will be your freedom. You are not your mind. There is no mind. You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are like an idiot half-brother who is always speaking nonsense. Every now and then he says something brilliant and useful. But most of the time it is garbage and you will need to discard it. The thoughts will not end, but their “stickiness’ will end.That is the ultimate purpose of meditating on and realizing natural pure awareness. You will see the prison that you live in for what it is. You will see for yourself how you put yourself in this prison. You will see how you keep yourself in this prison.You will see that it is all your own action. As a result, you will understand that since you are in charge of your own prison, you are able to set yourself free of it. Nobody else can do it for you. You can definitely do it. Sooner or later, that is what you will end up doing.You will see with precision how you can get yourself out of this prison that you made. You will walk out of this prison a free human being and never look back. When you restore natural pure awareness to its rightful place in the foreground of your experience, you regain your clarity. From clarity arises charity.You act from the vision of correct knowledge. Your life is aligned with the harmonious whole. Life is lived without effort. It is the mind that created the notion of work, the idea of having to overcome obstacles with force. There is only unity, only oneness. Love is all there is, love guided by wisdom and healed by peace.You are already the radiant diamond in the dirt. You do not have to create the diamond. All you have to do is remove the dirt. Take off the mud and refuse that is covering the diamond. Then you are the diamond.The nature of this flawless thought-free diamond wholeness is inherently pure, good, abundant and benevolent. You discover your existence as the cosmic Fullness of Being. This natural pure awareness is you.When it is revealed in all of its glory, you will be amazed that such magnificence could have been so humble. Yet it was and it is, and that is part of its indescribable grandeur. It is beyond great.BONUS TECHNIQUE: Also included is the “Revolutionary Mini-Tornado Addiction Busting Method.” This revolutionary healing technique works best when your craving and addiction is at its maximum. So this powerful technique actually works BEST when your addiction is at its WORST! Not only that, this method can overcome or greatly reduce even the most difficult addiction in just hours or days.TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR NO MIND NO PROBLEMMeditation for People Who Know How to MeditateJourney to the Heart Of TruthNatural Pure AwarenessHow to Meditate on Natural Pure AwarenessWake Up Background and Liberate ForegroundBe a Warm Neutral Friend to Your ThoughtsThe Anatomy of Thought and Sitting Inside Your StoryThe Myth of the Mind and the Prisoner of ThoughtInvestigate the Thinker and Expose the False CenterThe Narcissistic Core and the Architecture of the Ego


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