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Karl Dawson – Matrix Reimprinting

Karl Dawson – Matrix Reimprinting
[6 DVDs – 6 AVIs, 3 WMV, 4 MP3s, 1 PDF]


From the author’s website:What is matrix reimprinting?A new EFT technique to change your relationship to your past and dramatically transform your physical and emotional health in the present.As one of only 29 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Masters worldwide, I’ve spent the last 7 years at the cutting-edge of the personal development movement. I’ve trained thousands of people on my EFT training Courses to become EFT practitioners, developed my own specialist on EFT course for Serious Disease, and lectured on EFT all over the world.In EFT it is recognized that to heal any condition we have to heal the mind and the body simultaneously and that most of the myriad of diseases that are part of our society all have their origins in life stresses, beliefs and traumas. These traumas can easily be resolved with EFT, and the results ultimately affect the physical body.Inevitably, as I have spent time working with EFT so intensely, I have begun to develop my own variations on the original EFT protocol. One such variation is producing results that are so far beyond the ordinary, that it has become the main focus of my attention. I have named the technique Matrix Reimprinting.To understand how Matrix Reimprinting works, you will need a basic introduction to some of the modern theories of quantum physics. What quantum physicists have helped us to understand is that we are all comprised of energy, and that we are all connected by a unified energy field. This notion has been popularized more recently by films such as The Secret and What the Bleep do We Know?, and more and more people are coming to accept the understanding that this field exists.This energy field was originally referred to as the ‘Matrix’ by Max Planck in 1944. In more recent years Lynne McTaggart has referred to it simply as ‘The Field,’ Greg Braden has talked of the ‘Divine Matrix,’ whilst Rupert Sheldrake has talked of ‘Morphic Fields.’This field or matrix is all around us, and connects us to our past. This is because we hold our specific traumas and stressful life experiences in the matrix, and they influence our every thought pattern, behaviour and action. To understand how this is so we can draw on the findings of modern psychology in relation to trauma. Any psychotherapist or psychologist can explain what happens in the body when a trauma takes place. Part of us splits off or disassociates to protect us from the trauma, and this is why we often don’t remember a traumatic event after it has taken place. But where does this disassociated part go when it leaves us? My experience over the last couple of years has led me to understand that it goes into the matrix.We hold in our fields the stressful life events that have gone before, not just as memories but as specific energy bodies, which I have named Energy Consciousness Holograms or ECHOs. With the Matrix Reimprinting technique we can work directly with these ECHOs, resolving the negative energetic charge around them. This changes our relationship to our past, and affects our emotional and physical health in the present.In order to do this we begin with a technique from traditional EFT courses called the ‘Movie Technique’. This is why I say that the Matrix Reimprinting technique works to enhance traditional EFT, and not replace it. In the traditional Movie Technique you would take an old memory that still has some negative emotional charge for you and you would run it in your mind as though it was a movie, stopping at any point that you feel any change in the body or in your emotions, and using the EFT tapping protocol to resolve the disruption. This is one of the core techniques in EFT, and I have seen excellent results with this technique over the years.The Matrix Reimprinting technique has a number of specific characteristic that are not used in the traditional Movie Technique. With the Matrix Reimprinting technique you can stop the movie at any point, and interact with the ECHO of your younger self in that memory. You can imagine stepping into the picture and tapping on your ECHO using the EFT protocol (whilst physically tapping on yourself in the present), and enter into a dialogue with them, eliciting information from that particular trauma. The ECHO you are interacting with has been holding onto the trauma for you, to keep you protected, so you can thank them for doing so. You can give your ECHO new tools or resources and allow them to express themselves differently in the situation. After the emotional intensity has resolved you can then imagine taking your ECHO to a safe and comfortable place of their choosing such as the beach or a sunny field, allowing them to experience new and positive emotions in the situation.Now here’s what’s interesting about this: when you try to remember the original event, not only have you resolved all your emotional intensity around the issue, but you often have the new picture that you have created in your memory. These pictures affect your physiology and psychology on every level. By changing the memory in this way you are interacting with what you hold in your field, which in turn affects your health and well-being in your current reality.Some of the benefits of Matrix Reimprinting include; • Very easy to use and gentle on clients • Resolves traumatic memories often within minutes • Quickly finds core issues, related trauma and beliefs • Locates pre-conscious trauma (pre 6 years) often beyond clients awareness and conscious memory • Allows client driven reframes and cognitive shifts thus preventing therapist projection • Locates Psychological reversal , secondary gains etc • Fills the EFT void, creates positive beliefs • Works on dissociated clients with no SUDS levels • Successful with non visual clients or who have difficulty with imagination • Allows forgiveness and wisdom to be gained from past events • Sends a message to the body/cells/DNA the trauma is over • Resources the client and rewrites the past • Naturally utilizes the law of attraction in a very powerful way • The results that I have seen with this technique are astounding beyond all measures, and these results are being replicated by the many practitioners who have trained in Matrix Reimprinting worldwide.I truly believe we are standing on the precipice of a new healing paradigm by working in the matrix in this way. We are rapidly realising the true implications of the Matrix Reimprinting techniques and the effects that it could have on transforming humanity.In August 2010 the book ‘Matrix Reimprinting using EFT’ was released by self help publishing giants Hayhouse. The book has since been printed in many languages including Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Spanish and was recently launched by Hayhouse in the US.For more information on Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners and training courses worldwide, DVD sets and the book please visit CoveredJust some of the topics covered in this 6 DVD set from a live 2 day training at Stuldey Castle Summer 2008.A large section on Matrix reImprinting including, theory, demos and client testimonialFactors which make us more susceptible to diseaseWhat do we really mean by stress?How wrong beliefs cause specific diseasesHow our early decisions shape our whole livesHow we create our diseases according to our expectations in lifeBeliefs in the way of healingtechniques to address our core beliefs about ourselves and the worldDemonstrations to uncover these beliefs and decisionsLearn a simple HeartMath technique to prevent clients going into flight and flightIntroduction to meta-medicine, the world’s leading diagnostic tool We will see how the diseases we exhibit are our body’s metaphor to draw attention to past traumas and elements in our life which need addressingFind which core beliefs you are running and how to deal with themLearn about the latest breakthroughs in science and how this validates our work The number one way to rebuild your immune systemWhy we self medicate and self sabotage as a way to cope with life and how to find better alternativesNOTE: The AVI’s “appear” to end abruptly, but there is nothing missing. that’s how the rip came out.Thanks to the original uploader, halna.


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