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Love Systems – Humor, Improv, Attraction Seminar Notes and live bootleg audio – (1mp3 1pdf)

Love Systems – Humor, Improv, Attraction Seminar Notes and live bootleg audio – (1mp3 1pdf)



Love Systems – Humor, Improv, Attraction Seminar Notes and live bootleg audioHow do you go from memorizing routines to making them up on the spot?  What does it take to be able to think of the right thing to say at the exact right moment?  How do you become the funny guy that she wants to take home at the end of the night?Love Systems presents…Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup(Just when you thought it couldn’t be any more fun to go out and meet hot women!)If you asked every woman on the planet what she was looking for in the perfect guy, you’d probably hear the same thing repeated by every single one:Sense of humor.Everybody knows how important it is to have a great sense of humor but most of us think it can’t be learned.  The same goes for being able to improvise great conversation.  “Some people are just born funny and/or talkers,” is our excuse being the quiet guy, or for spending endless hours memorizing routines so you never run out of things to say.If you’ve ever been one of these people who thought they could never be funnier or be able to make up incredible routines on the spot, then Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup is for you.Based on techniques created by the world’s funniest comedians and sharpest improvisers, Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup is specifically designed to help anyone be funnier and more spontaneous in every aspect of their life.  Taught by Love Systems dating coach and professional stand up comedian Big Business, it provides each student with practical applications of comedic and improvisational tools with special emphasis on generating attraction, building comfort and of course, seduction.“Big Business’ teasing/banter lines are worth the price of the seminar alone.”-M.A. (Source – The Attraction Forums) Why is humor important?  Time and experience has shown us that every woman wants a man who can create positive emotions in both herself and her friends, but that’s not the only advantage to being funny!  Humor is one of the best ways to get out of sticky situations with girlfriends or friends with benefits.  Humor can get her friends laughing and make you more valuable and attractive.  Humor can win over guys to the point where they will go out of their way to introduce you to their female friends!Why is improvising important?  If you’ve ever hooked up with two women who know each other, you know there’s a danger in re-using material.  Making up your routines on the spot means you’ll never be called out for recycling bits, but that’s not the only advantage to improvising!  Improvising adds a special energy to your conversation.  Improvising creates those spontaneous moments that build attraction, trust, and sexual tension quicker than anything you can memorize.  Improvising can create stronger emotional and physical connections.Here are just a few of the things you can achieve with the humor and improv skills you’ll take away from Mastering Humor and Improv for Pickup…Creating unique scenarios that mean she’ll never forget why she gave you her number.Winning over any group of people, regardless of how many girls (or guys) there are.Establishing your value through advanced disqualification.Never running out of things to say.Avoiding being called out by abandoning canned material.Maximizing the fun you can have while going out and meeting women.Using humor to make yourself more challenging to women. “Big business…is one funny motherfucker. I have the feeling that if I could be 1/10th as funny as this guy, I’d have pretty solid game. Gave some great tips on heightening, “yes, and” as well as some hilarious comebacks to standard girl responses. Can’t wait to put his ideas to use.” -B.D. (Source – The Attraction Forums) Humor and improvisation can amp up your game in any environment or setting.Is bar game your bag?  Well, people go to bars to have fun and shake off the stress of the workweek. Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup teaches you how to bring the energy to bars, grab the attention of the women you’re interested in, and improvise routines they couldn’t possibly have heard before.Like to go out during the day?  Well, being genuine is one of your most useful tools for building attraction during the day.  What better way to appear genuine than to be generating material that is built entirely in the moment? Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup teaches you how to keep a conversation going, how to respond to the unique things she says, and how to create the role-plays and inside jokes that’ll have her desperate to give you her digits.Stuck on phone game? In Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup, you’ll learn everything you need to send the perfect funny text, leave the best voicemail, or set up the phone call that’ll get her asking you out on a date.Any situation you can name will benefit from a better sense of humor and improv skills, from social circle to same night lays and hired guns.  And that’s not limited to pickup!  The tools you learn in Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup work just as well at your job, with your friends…any real life situation!The tips and tricks in Mastering Humor and Improvisation for Pickup cover a ton of topics, including but not limited to…The perfect way to handle every shit test from anyone you meet, be it a hot girl or her jealous guy friends!The simplest and most entertaining ways to start introducing sex into your relationships!Transforming your stories from boring to fun and value building!Being able to make up routines on the spot that are just as good or better than any you could memorize!The keys to generating intriguing conversation regardless of who you are talking to!Avoid or transform socially awkward situations, otherwise known as women’s kryptonite.In addition, here are just a few of the tools covered…Yes, And…Building the WorldIf That, Then What?HeighteningCall Back HumorThe Role of QuestionsButtons and SavesRole playsComedic Sexual Framing”[Big Business’s] game is built on comedy in set and let me tell you- the dude is funny. Funny and QUICK man- I thought I was quick on my feet but he was off the charts. Great insight on improv and very clever SUPER EASY to implement techniques for deflecting shit tests and ensuring you never run out of things to say in set. At this point I’d gotten my money’s worth.”-J.J. (Source – The Attraction Forums)


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