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Wilhelm Reich: The Function of the Orgasm

Reich – Function of the Orgasm.pdf
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This product is the result of a successful GB… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! The Function of the Orgasm Dr. Wilhelm Reich This book describes Reich’s medical and scientific work on the living organism from his first efforts at the Medical School of the University of Vienna in 1919 to the laboratory experiments in Oslo in 1939 which revealed the existence of a radiating biological energy, orgone energy.The subject of “sexuality” is basic to this work, and Reich shows clearly its importance for human life and its relevance in understanding the social problems of our time.Over twenty years Wilhelm Reich, a psychologist and doctor of medicine, studied the relationship between the emotional, physiological and physical functions of biological energy. He saw the orgasm as the key to the body’s energy metabolism, discovering that the biological emotions governing the psychic processes are themselves the immediate expression of strictly physical energy – which he named the cosmic orgone. Initially derided, Reich’s theories are now seen as crucial to our understanding of ourselves and our fellow men. In appreciating why the orgasm brings a feeling of physical and emotional well-being, we can also gain insight into the physical and emotional ills that result from a thwarting of this bioenergetic function. Many researches into psychic energy believe that the aura recorded by Kirlian photography is nothing less than the manifestation of Reich’s orgone energy.


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