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World Class Coaching – The World’s Fastest Lift – The Snatch

World Class Coaching – World’s Fastest Lift – The Snatch
[DVD rip (avi) + 1 PDF]


World’s Fastest Lift – The Snatch by World Class CoachingCouldn’t find an official product description, but Crossfit Journal and Dan John both say this is the best video series ever made to teach the olympic lifts.  This one covers the snatch.  Once there are enough seeds I’ll upload the clean and jerk video next.  I’ve included a PDF of Crossfit Journal where they briefly review this product.  Here are a few descriptions/ reviews from various sources:From Dan John (excerpt from Crossfit Journal):” The visual and mental clues throughout this video arefar too numerous to mention, but I must say that Icame away with not only a better image of the quickestmovement in sports, but I also have the tools to breakdown faults. Miller teaches in a mixture of “top down”and “bottom up” to learn the elements of the snatch,but what I found refreshing was his ability to teach a“part” completely in the context of the “whole.” Onenever gets away from the idea that the full-squat snatchis the goal of the video.So, am I recommending this video? Absolutely. Let memake this point: it is a MUST have for the strength andpower athlete. Why? Well, I had a funny look on my faceafter doing my snatches and Tiffini, my wife, asked mewhat was wrong. “It is just so simple this way…I could have been so much better.” About one hour of watching a video had completely restructured the way I approach the bar.Yes, Miller is “contrarian,” he is going in a differentdirection. He spends a lot of time discussing the martialarts, guys are tossed around the whole video, and herecommends things (like jumping back) that will drivesome crazy.But, it is the single best thing I have ever seen on themost beautiful movement in sports.”From Greg Glassman, Founder of crossfit:”I first came across World Class Coaching and their twovideotapes World’s Fastest Lift on the snatch and TheWorld’s Most Powerful Lift on the clean and jerk over ayear ago. I was absolutely stunned, blown away, at thedepth and quality of instruction. We had mentionedthese tapes in the October 2002 CrossFit Journal, “Whatis Fitness?” where, on the subject of the Olympic lifts,we stated unequivocally, “These tapes are not only thebest instruction available anywhere they are as goodas any instructional tape we’ve seen on any subject.” Ithink we understated the case!”Amazon DescriptionThe World’s Fastest Lift-Snatch. This video is an excellent teaching tool for the Olympic style Snatch lift and is targeted for athletes of all sports at all levels. The snatch video is demonstrated by Loreen Briner-Miller, 1998 National Champion (48g).Power and Strength are becoming more and more necessary in all sports today which makes weight training essential for competitors who want to excel. Athletes from youth to adult can increase their speed, strength and explosive power by incorporating these two lifts into their training routine. Athletes in all sports have praised the videos for improving their strength, balance, quickness, flexibility and timing. Sports include: boxing, tennis, skiing, ice skating, track and field, soccer, swimming, judo, gymnastics, basketball, baseball, football, volleyball, softball and wrestling.A 5 star review from Amazon:5.0 out of 5 stars This tape ROCKS!!! March 2, 2001By D. McCueThis tape is a gym, classroom and coach all rolled into a one hour and 59 minute presentation. The people who you see and hear in this tape are top quality athletes and coaches. Every phase of the lift is shown and analyzed – from the preparation to the complete lift. Although this lift appears to be AND REALLY IS technically complex, this tape shows a lifter how to perform the entire sequence of movements in the lift with practiced confidence. One of the advantages this tape offers is that it tells you how to know when you are ready to move on to the next step in the lift. This tape will also help you prepare to handle the world’s most common lift: the unsuccessful one. This tape reinforces good lifting technique with safe, smart practice. Champion lifter Loreen Miller demonstrates all aspects of the Clean lift expertly. Footage of other world class athletes compliment Loreen’s demonstrations. These demonstrations are shown in a “perfect world”, training and competition environment. Seeing the techniques of the lifters in action and knowing the “how” and “why” of this lift is eye opening – it blows away myths and preconceptions! The technique presented in this tape is further supported through a brief discussion of the engineering theory behind the lift. Learning this lift isn’t guesswork at all, this tape presents a method that is used by champions, coached by experts and grounded in modern science. It works! This method is one that can be and should be learned by athletes from many different sports to improve overall strength and agility. How strength and agility fit into different sports is mentioned on this tape as well. I believe this tape is more than worth its price, this tape has really helped me with this lift.”


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