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Personal Transformation Summit 2012

Personal Transformation Summit
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http://personaltransformationsummit.comThe 3 Keys To Grow, Heal, and Transform Your Life-Tanya PennyDuring this workshop I will share with you 3 Keys to Grow, Heal, and Transform your life as well as a profound practice that I use daily to transform my relationships, health, and much more! Please join me as I share with you my story and the keys I’ve used to personally transform my life!Dare To Live Challenge- Shannon BurnettWhen the economy took a turn, so did Shannon’s business and health …. her entire life changed. As a single mother of two, she wanted to create remarkable moments, yet felt powerless with her circumstances. Moved by her love for her children, she took a personal declaration…..this was the year to live with more purpose and passion than ever, in spite of her challenges. She asks “What would you do if you had a year to live?” Founder of Conscious Living Space and Creator of The Dare to Live Challenge, Shannon Burnett-Gronich talks about her family’s journey and you will learn how to apply the “Dare to Live Challenge” principles that will have you creating more remarkable moments in your life and living with more purpose, power and prosperity right now. Known as the creator and owner of the exclusive “Million Dollar Rolodex”, Shannon Burnett co-authored the Amazon #1 best-selling book Law of Business Attraction with T. Harv Eker. She spent over 10 years building an international conscious business community.The 4 No’s: How To Say NO Effectively In Any Situation Without Drama or Guilt- Stephanie OwensAre you overwhelmed? Are you a people pleaser? Do you say “Yes” when you want to say “No”? If your life is out of balance, The 4 No’s are perfect for you. The 4 No’s give you the ability to say “no” effectively in any situation without feeling mean. With these four simple, yet powerful tools you’ll feel less stressed and more confident, even when dealing with difficult people. Each of The 4 No’s is designed to give you the exact words you need to say “No” with everyone from pushy sales people to your closest relationships. You’ll walk away with the tools you need to say “No” so you can say “YES” to a happier, more productive, beautifully balanced life.Celebration As An Antidote To Scarcity, Fear, And Despair- Sherry Belul Using disappointment, depression, and anxiety as her teachers for the past twenty years, Sherry has developed products and practices for celebrating ourselves, the people we love, and the shape of our lives — even when none of those look the way we had imagined. During this workshop, Sherry shares some simple (and delightful!) tools and exercises she uses often to create a life of celebration, no matter what the circumstances. The Calm Assertive Leader- Dr. Bill SmithFor management and staff to maintain the levels of productivity that are required in today’s business environment, personal coping skills that go beyond the principles of motivation are essential. Self-management takes on a new meaning in high-pressured environments where individuals’ responsibilities and workloads increase, yet resource is reduced. An inability to cope can have dire personal and organizational consequences and invariably limits the capacity for staff to maximize their true potential. The specialized self-management methodologies taught in the Calm Assertive Leader program, equip people with proven strategies and techniques, which counteract negative behavioral and physiological responses that are the result of excessive pressure or stressful experiences. These advanced techniques target key factors that trigger negative responses such as – people, aspects of work, intimidation, fear, worry, on-going conflict – to name just a few. In addition to work related pressure, internal “battles” stemming from private aspects of our lives can create doubt, or a sense of futility and limit personal progress and happiness. The simple yet powerful techniques taught during the CALM ASSERTIVE LEADER program, give participants greater control and understanding and ultimately reduce levels of stress, improve sleep, coping ability, health, productivity and effectiveness. Participants come away with skills that not only work, but also can be used repeatedly on an ongoing basis for a multitude of experiences. Tapping For Stress- Margie FriedmanStress has been known to be one of the top killers today. If you are lucky and can handle stress, and get it to work for you, it can most definitely be a positive, but if you are like the rest of us…we need a way to de-stress from any situation. That is where tapping comes in! Tapping otherwise known as EFT is, it is an acronym Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is a powerful self-help method and is usually able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the stress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. EFT combines acupressure in the form of fingertip tapping on a verity of acupuncture points along with verbalizing the issue. **If you have emotional or physical problems it is essential that you consult your physician or licensed mental health practitioner, since EFT is not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment. Please share your experiences with EFT with your healthcare providers. Please refer to my website read my disclaimer.Mirror Technique: 3 Steps To Self Esteem And Confidence- Aimee SerafiniAre you your own greatest critic? Does that inspire you to do better, or make you feel depressed and inadequate? What if you treated yourself with the same encouragement and support that you give those you love? After all, you know that it helps your loved ones succeed, so doesn’t it make sense to learn how to do it for yourself? In this workshop, Aimee will introduce you to The Mirror Technique, a 3 step process for retraining that voice in your head to actually HELP you succeed instead of destroying your confidence and self-worth. The technique is a fun and effective way to help build your self-esteem so that you can begin to have the confidence to go for what you want and enjoy your life.Leadership: Doing vs. Being- Sarah MichaelDo you want to create an environment that get results AND have it be an enjoyable, fulfilling ride for everyone involved? Learn how to avoid the lost time and upset caused when we are too focused on the result, and not who we and others are being throughout the process. There are 2 kinds of leadership “timezones” – one from the masculine in the “here and now” and the other from the feminine, based in the eternal. One complements the other, guiding and shaping each other, and both are very, very necessary in our world. Discover how to consciously cause both masculine and feminine leadership, balancing your power of doing and being.Allowing, Believing and Creating–The ABC’s of Your Divorce Journey- Anthony DiazAre you ready to heal from your divorce NOW? Whether your divorce is final or still ongoing, understanding what is causing the emotional pain you’re experiencing will allow you to move on to embrace the life you desire. Through the principles of Allowing, Believing and Clarity: Learn how to release what is holding you back and getting in the way of moving on. Explore the beliefs you have to align with your inner Truth Discover the road map to a clear and fulfilling life of meaning and purpose Let’s walk the path together and experience the journey toward the life you were born to live.Wholehearted Living: Embracing Life from the Inside Out- Keri NolaFind yourself craving validation, love, and support yet rarely feel these desires being satiated? Are you struggling with chronic feelings of anxiety, depression or inadequacy? If you are someone who is ready to feel acknowledged, empowered, and embrace life with your whole heart, this workshop will offer specific information and techniques on how to meet yourself compassionately where you are while encouraging movement in the direction of the actualization of your Divine potential.Embracing Emotions- Mike BellDoes it feels like you are carrying unnecessary baggage and need to shift these low vibrational energies to higher and healthier ones? Do you have emotions that feel trapped? During this workshop I will teach you a process called Embracing Emotions that will do this. Embracing Emotions is one of Conscious Evolution Coaching’s five foundational modalities for reprinting limiting beliefs, dissolving destructive memories and overcoming life-diminishing emotions. During the workshop I will explore emotions from an energy perspective, review their role in expanding consciousness and offer an opportunity for you to experience the power of Embracing Emotions for yourself. In our Conscious Evolution Coaching program we use Embracing Emotions to dissolve emotions that not only cause resistance, pain, distress, disharmony and imbalance but also attract other lower vibrational energies. You learn how to do this for yourself and how to teach others to activate their higher frequencies too.The Care And Feeding Of The Human Body…. 5 Tools You Can Use For Optimum Health- Carol WimberlyThe Care And Feeding Of The Human Body…. 5 Tools You Can Use For Optimum Health Do you find yourself asking “what is going on with me?” Are you having a difficult time staying calm and at peace these days? There is so much going on in today’s world and I have the answers for you on how to stay calm, focused, centered and energized. I will talk about 5 tools that you can use to keep your energy high.Learn How A Simple Home Meditation Can Transform Your Life- Mark ChabusThe intense pressures and emotions of family and work life can can easily wreak havoc on our physical bodies. Most of us believe that this is just a normal part of life and not everyone is fortunate enough to acquire the proper tools to overcome it. In this workshop you will hear about the latest scientific findings including how meditation can change your brain, boost your immune system and regulate your emotions. Chabus will also share uplifting stories about how his clients used his powerful home meditation to transform their lives. Wether you just want to learn a simple tool for stress reduction or are interested in a total transformation, you will not want to miss this discussion.Conscious Evolution Coaching: Making the Difference- Michael WolffWe can all sense that a big shift in consciousness is coming. The big question is – what role can I play to make the transition go more smoothly – not only for myself, but for everyone that my life touches? I am the one who can make the difference. I AM the Shift. The greater the change, the greater the fear. The greater the uncertainty, the harder it is know what is the right thing do. To make a real difference, I need to be able to transform my own negativity and resistance and to tap into a deep source of inner guidance. Then, coming from a space of love and peace I will always know what to do. In this way, I am truly able to serve others.Can Free-Will Rise Above Heredity?- Vinny OrlandoDominant genes determine your hair & eye color, size, weight, etc. Some traits can be changed quite easily with a bottle of Henna. There as three types of characteristics that we are born with, and one is dominant. Can we change this personality with Free-Will? Learn about these personalities and the choices we can make – especially in the area of business…Extreme Makeover:Life Edition- Pam SteciukCaught up in the whirlwind of life? Do you feel like you’re Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz” and that you’re not in Kansas anymore? If you are feeling like your foundation has shifted, then Extreme Makeover – Life Edition is for you. Using a house as a model, you will be guided to become the architect of your life. As you build on four of the seven areas, you will be given strategies to create a strong foundation so you can live a more passionate, grateful and purposeful life. You will learn about the “A.D.E. Philosophy™” where you awaken, discover and empower yourself to start living the life of your dreams.Remembering All That You Are With Heartlites-Shikiah KaylorHeartLites is a Universal Council that loves earth and humankind. They will take our workshop time to share their message of love, to help you understand the upcoming shift, and to answer any question you may have as time prevails. As HeartLites states: “You came here on a sacred mission filled with compassion. You have all that you need to know and can manifest all that you wish. It is just a matter of remembering. HeartLites and Shikiah are here to help you remember the Master that you ARE. We assist you to reconnect to your Truth. All this can be done in an easier more playful way than ever before due to the current vibrations on Earth today. And as you remember your inner truth and follow it, you help the world to be a better place. Just by being you! Reading In The Genius Zone by Ed Strachar, Creator, Reading GeniusLearn to Tap into your Inner Genius and Apply it to the most important skill in the information age. Trainer of some of the World’s Fastest Readers, Ed will show you how to move several dimensions beyond classical speed reading so that those who master this can absorb books 5X-20X faster with an incredible of understanding and feel for what they read. Specifically you will learn: 1) How to Boost Your Brain Power 10X before you Read 2) 3 Secrets to Get Superior Comprehension that no Speed reading Course Ever Taught 3) The 4 Levels of Genius and how to apply them to Reading 4) How to elevate your Mind, Body and Spirit into the Zone 5) The Biggest Challenges Intelligent Adults Face When the Read and what to do about it. 6) Developing a keen 6th Sense of what your Reading to Gain Better Comprehension 7) How to Mentally Train yourself to read faster. Participants should have some books ready to practice apply the the methods learned immediately.uploaded by presveti


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