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Iasos – Sacred Sonic Tools

Iasos – Sacred Sonic Tools
[1 CD – 14 FLACs, User’s Guide – Doc and Html]


Description tool-box of sounds for “tuning-up” your energy fields!”Sacred Sonic Tools” includes an unusual assortment of “potentized” sounds with unique abilities.This tool-box may be of special interest to Light Workers, therapists, body-workers, leaders of spiritual/metaphysical groups, and anyone interested in using sound for self-improvement and energetic tune-ups.  This is not “music” but “sounds” designed to induce increased coherence in your energy fields.  These sounds have been widely field-tested, and they are potent!   The Basic ConceptThis CD is a tool-box of audio tools – each of which has its own unique energetic effects. The idea for this CD is not to play it straight through like a normal music CD, but to directly go to and play just those tracks that are relevant to your current application.In other words, use just the tools you need for each unique situation. You can use this tool-box on yourself, on another (one-on-one), or in group situations. Furthermore, you can program your CD player to play any sequence of tools, or to continuously repeat one tool or any sequence of tools. Enjoy!


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