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Marc H. Bornstein – Handbook of Parenting

Marc H. Bornstein – Handbook of Parenting
[ 5 ebooks – PDF ]



Completely revised and expanded from four to five volumes, this new edition of the Handbook of Parenting appears at a time that is momentous in the history of parenting. Parenting and the family are today in a greater state of flux, question, and redefinition than perhaps ever before. We are witnessing the emergence of striking permutations on the theme of parenting: blended families, lesbian and gay parents, and teen versus fifties first-time moms and dads. One cannot but be awed on the biological front by technology that now not only renders postmenopausal women capable of childbearing, but also presents us with the possibility of designing babies. Similarly on the sociological front, single parenthood is a modern day fact of life, adult child dependency is on the rise, and parents are ever less certain of their own roles, even in the face of rising environmental and institutional demands that they take increasing responsibility for their offspring.The Handbook of Parenting concerns itself with:*different types of parents–mothers and fathers, single, adolescent, and adoptive parents;*basic characteristics of parenting–behaviors, knowledge, beliefs, and expectations about parenting;*forces that shape parenting–evolution, genetics, biology, employment, social class, culture, environment, and history;*problems faced by parents–handicap, marital difficulties, drug addiction; and*practical concerns of parenting–how to promote children’s health, foster social adjustment and cognitive competence, and interact with school, legal, and public officials. More info at:>> Amazon


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