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Candeo Program – Stop Pornography Addiction & Masturbation Recovery Course

[10 DVDs – mp4]



PLEASE KEEP THIS EXCLUSIVE TO elib. SHARING THIS MATERIAL ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNED!!!Candeo Program: Stop Pornography Addiction & Masturbation Recovery Course GB thread: Times:Elite/VIP – 2 WeeksPower User – 7 WeeksUsers – Become a Power User!The Candeo Program is a ground-breaking online training system that teaches people how to successfully progress down the path that leads to a life free of Pornography Addiction.It is helping to change the lives of individuals who are reclaiming their intimacy, relationships and lives. From the privacy of your home you can take this course at your own pace. It will give you the understanding, the tools and the support to successfully begin the process of overcoming your personal Pornography Addiction.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Some neighbor kids shared some of their Dad’s porn stash with me. I was only about 14 years old. Of course I liked it. We giggled, we bragged about it and before long I couldn’t stop looking at it. I never, ever imagined it would become addicting. That thought never crossed my mind.This story gets repeated dozens of times a day as we talk with people about overcoming their pornography addiction. But people are finding a way to stop. It is possible.The best way to talk about “quitting” is to talk about “starting.” It’s like drinking alcohol. No one sets out to become an alcoholic. For some it’s a social thing. For others it becomes addicting. Everyone’s different.So, will looking at porn create an addiction? The best answer is: you never know. In many, many cases it does become addictive. It’s like playing with fire.With one student it did virtually ruin his life. And he didn’t know it was happening. He wasn’t immediately addicted but it did become a problem over time. According to him it became a 25-year problem.I’m not kidding, porn nearly ruined my life. My first wife divorced me and I’m hanging on to my 2nd marriage. I love her and she still loves me but I haven’t been able to control my urges.A ruined marriage was just the beginning. And it ruined many other parts of his life. This individual was unemployed for months, and years on end. He would stay up all night viewing pornographic materials and then couldn’t stay awake at work. His habit started out with magazines and videos and then led to online use.When we first got the Internet it was a dream come true. No more brown bags at the 7-11 store to hide my porn. Man it was slick.Then there’s the cost. His wife caught him when their credit cards were maxed out and they had more than $15,000 in charges. The interest alone was killing them. No job, no income and the bills started piling up.But the porn use didn’t stop. In fact, it accelerated.I couldn’t afford to download movies and other images any more but you’d be amazed how much free porn you can find. I won’t tell you how I did it but I could pretty much spend hours bouncing around to the free sites. If you want it bad enough you can get it and I was pretty crazy. The internet made it all 10 times easier than it had been for my first 10 or so years.Then he couldn’t get a new job. No one would hire him because he had been fired for viewing porn sites at work. No credit, no income and he started living in an abandoned shack, without heat or water. That’s probably pretty close to a life being ruined, wouldn’t you say?Even at the bottom of the well I couldn’t stop. Living in the shack I thought it couldn’t get much worse, but it just kept going down and down and down. I never really did come to my senses. In fact the harder I tried to stop, the more I wanted it. It’s crazy. It’s completely insane.Then his wife gave him the ultimatum. For the first time he really wanted to quit. He really wanted to live again. Together they found the Candeo web site. They were reluctant at first so they signed up for the mini-courses and began to digest the information, a little bit here, a little bit there. First they began to feed on it. Then they began feasting on it. They became students, spoke regularly with a coach and found out there is a way to stop. The Candeo program taught them that the answer isn’t running away from the problem.There’s a technique in the classes called Face It and Replace it. I’m doing it. I’m making progress and it feels great. My wife and I are close and she’s been a real support. We understand the problem now and we’re dealing with it. I’ve got a long way to go, but I was able to stop watching porn. I know there are people who’ve tried many times and failed. This is actually my first time. For years and years I didn’t realize what was happening to me. I didn’t try to stop because I didn’t want to. I was pretty much consumed by it all.I saved my marriage and my job. The mini courses from Candeo helped me understand what happened to me and it gave me the sense that I could change. The courses are easy for me to understand. There’s no tests or anything too hard, just good solid information. It feels like the Candeo program is talking right to me.So what’s the best way to stop looking at porn? One answer is to never start. But if you (or someone you love and care for) have an addiction and feel like your life is “ruined,” there is help. If you think you have a problem, there is a way to stop.Candeo is a revolutionary new program that teaches and trains students about the nature of their pornography addiction and their masturbation addiction, and how to overcome it. Anonymous, private, safe, and completely accessible through our online portal–the Candeo Personal Learning System takes you through a step-by-step process to rewire your brain and shed your habits of the past, free from the awful confines of a masturbation addiction.


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