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David Bruce Hughes – Healing the Soul –

[12 MOV, 6 MP3, 4 PDF, 10 JPEG, etc]



Healing the soul shows you the spiritual dimensions of ayurveda.this package was  produced by but the site is no longer available.This package contains 12 video and 6 audio files.To start using your package, simple open the index.htm file with your browser.You can access all of the videos and audio files individually in this folder:Content/MediaDavid Bruce Hughes (Gaurahari Dāsānudās Bābājī)Bhakti-sarvabhauma Śrī Gaurahari Dāsānudās Bābājī (aka David Bruce Hughes) is one of the greatest exponents of the Esoteric Teaching, the science of higher consciousness, in the world today. David is a prolific, deeply thoughtful and provocative author, a Vedic astrologer, and an evocative spiritual musician, composer and recording artist, with many books and CDs on themes of devotion and spiritual life. He spent over 30 years at the feet of his exalted guru, studying the esoteric Vedic wisdom in the most sacred places of pilgrimage in India.


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