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Michael Wash – 54 Approaches to Managing Change at Work

Michael Wash – 54 Approaches to Managing Change at Work.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF (OCR)]


Michael Wash – 54 Approaches to Managing Change at Work (185 pages, PDF has bookmarks)This book is a great resource to help any individual or organization to be successful in an ever changing world. It is filled with practical information and steps that are useful for planning for change at the organizational level, and can also be used as a self help manual for individuals. This book provides step by step instruction in dealing with change, not only at work but in any situation using the “brick wall” analogy. Individuals must first identify and confront change in order to conquer it. From this basic realization that we control our own inner and outer walls, the book outlines steps to overcome the barriers and opportunities that we, as individuals, can actually control.Each of the 54 approaches is looked at from both the mindset of someone seeking to implement change, and someone resistant to it (a brick wall). Actions steps are highlighted for each of the two postures making this a very effective resource to be referred to again and again. The approaches are demonstrated using humor along with clear and effective advice specific to ones emotional, personal, and behavioral makeup. Change confronts us every hour of every day, whether awake or in our dreams. Everyone can benefit greatly from the more than 50 specific actions and situations within. There are also many useful personal development tips, assessments, and questionnaires.Preface‘Change begins and is constant throughout my life. Understanding myself throughout change is my desire, yet so hard to do.   To accept my own personal pain as a gift and to recognize my own potential for learning during these times is a challenge, but worthy of celebration.   Letting go of the past and changing myself through the unknown, risks being lost and therefore I can only rely on myself as the guide – this is my hope.   Being conscious in every moment and being aware and responsible for my influence reminds me of my power.   Taking care of myself and being open to receiving creates opportunities for me to give.   I need to learn in order to change, being present and connecting this awareness to my desires for the future will enable me to move.   I can thrive on change and the change of others, for within this learning partnership I can see my worth and the worth of others.   My thirst for knowledge will surround me with books and help me strive for new experiences so I can listen and grow.   I value my tears as I know they are a path to joy.   I strive to listen more to my body so it doesn’t have to shout so much.   I pray that what I write becomes real and that I live with a trust that gives me peace.’I wrote these lines in 1987 while I was having treatment for cancer. At the time, I was working for a large company and questioned: ‘Does it have to take a personal crisis for people to realize the importance of change?’ Here lies the seed of this book…. (author, Michael Wash)


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