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InnerTalk – Building Your Personal Icon: Find Your Path In Life

InnerTalk – Building Your Personal Icon_Find Your Path In Life



This compact disc program uses patented and proven InnerTalk subliminal technology.What are you really good at? What do you truly love to do? What are your special talents? How can you use your gifts and talents to their maximum benefit for you and others? Do you have hidden talents? Have you forgotten talents? Have you suppressed talents? When we do what we love to do, we not only become very good at it, we usually prosper doing it. The trite saying, do what you love and the money will follow is probably true. Do what you love and happiness will follow–therefore so will optimal health and well being–that’s most certainly true unless we do something like inject fear or worry to cancel the benefit.Customers who have used Building Your Personal Icon: Find Your Path In Life have found the following beneficial in their self betterment journey:- Personal Best- Goal Power- Visualization- Infinitely CreativeSample Affirmations:I have unique gifts. I have special talents. I can be me better than anyone. I can do many things well. I am aware of my gifts. I am aware of my abilities. I list my talents. I list my likes. What I like to do I do very well. I like to do many things. I focus my thoughts. I focus my energy. I can do many things. I choose to do my best at what I do. I choose to do what I enjoy doing. I admire others. I admire the gifts and abilities of others. I choose the aspects of those I admire and emulate them. I build an inner Icon of me as I really am. I build a perfect Icon of me at my best. I visualize the action.Technology: Single CD InnerTalkRecommendations: Listen any time. Listen at least (1) one hour per day


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