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Keysi Fighting Method (KFM) – Urban X Program Pt.1 (White Grade)

Urban X Program – Pt.1 (White Grade)
[18 DVDRips – AVI, 16 Leaflets – PDF]


The KFM University is a prestigious online video library where you have access to the most comprehensive collection of visual and literal information ever to be made available by KFM Corporation Ltd regarding the revolutionary KFM Urban X street application training syllabus.KFM has been constantly researching and developing ways in which to deliver the KFM syllabus in a more effective manner ensuring that everybody understands the process correctly and develops all the work to the best of their ability.Other KFM videos:Urban X Home Study Training Program: Learning Program: X Program – Pt.2 (Yellow Grade): X Program – Pt.3 (Orange Grade):


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