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Steve P. – Awakening Dominant Male Attitudes

Awakening Dominant Male Attitudes
[13 MP4 – 23 MP3 – 5 PDF – 14 FLV]



http://www.awakeningdominantmaleattitudes.comit’s time toAWAKEN YOUR DOMINANT MALE ATTITUDEThe amount of bullshit advice out there is staggering. Every day it seems I have some guy or gal wanting to interview me for an eBook or asking I go speak at a seminar. Like this one guy who wanted to interview me for his book on “Approach Anxiety” Can you believe this shit? I told him, “I don’t know anything about it.”I mean if you need to go out with fake stories you’ve practiced in the mirror while wearing ridiculous clothing… be my guest. I hope it works for you.But remember one thing…QUESTION AUTHORITY. THINK FOR YOURSELF.Here’s the thing, women are a lot better at spotting bullshit than guys are. Especially when it comes to who they’re going to let play in that patch of prime real estate they carry around between their legs.They’re going to know if you’ve memorized a conversational line or two that you thought would keep them amused. They’re going to pick up on how tense you are as you build up to making your pass at them.Women aren’t like men. They don’t care what color hair you have. They don’t care how much you weigh. Some of them care about how much you have in your wallet or your bank account; but you don’t want those women. What women care about is your attitude. Are you willing to be the man?See women can be like a nasty old fart after eating hard-boiled eggs and beans. Sometimes you have to cut a good one loose. The longer you hold on to it the more pain it will cause you. Sometimes you have to break the wind, take a deep breath (well after the air clears) and exhale in relief and go, “Ahhh, I sure feel better now.”I mean, I was one of the founding fathers of the Seduction Community and, while I won’t name names, now there are all these pencil dicks out there saying all sorts of dumb shit like, “Maybe she’s above your pay grade.” Or “Maybe you should go after a few 7’s first.”let me to respond to that line of bullshit:FUCK THAT!Now there is one reason to go after a girl that is a little less than perfect. Chances are good she’s probably better in bed than one of those “pretty girls”. The pretty ones often lay there during sex like a starfish waiting for the tide to come.First of all guys, stop the lying. Stop lying to the women you meet. And even more importantly, stop lying to your self.Here’s the thing, on a deep structure in your psyche, when you make false statements about who you are as a person your whole identity becomes a lie.REMember this,”its always better to have them dislike you for who you really are rather than think they love you for who you are not”First of all you have to decide what you want to be good at. Because that that you practice you become good at. So do you want to perfect being a lying neurotic piece of shit or do you want to Become A Powerful Man. Now, that’s the question. Take a minute and figure it out for yourself because before you give it any other thought, you’re going to start becoming the thing that you were doing.Now before I do any work with the guys and gals that join my coaching program I make them write down 10 things that they want to change in their life. See you have certain behaviors that while they appear to be individual problems, they are actually caused by a small set of beliefs that have generalized out into different areas of your life. In plain language, that means your problems are actually fewer in number than you believed them to be.Once you start learning how to walk in your own skin and look your self in the face with an attitude of “Fuck yeah.” You’ll be the Powerful Man you were meant to be.Let me explain something to you, its time to become happy with who you are and quit trying to find someone outside your self to make you happy. There’s nothing wrong with being who you are. You’ve simply forgotten, or never been taught, that Becoming A Powerful Man is your birthright.I don’t know what kind of relationships you have now but to get the kind of relationships you want; you have to become comfortable, confident, and clear about who you are.So for example, let’s say someone asks, “How old are you?” What do you do? Do you lie? Maybe you want to seem older than you really are… or younger…. Well cut the stupid bitch behavior. Here’s what you say. The next time some bitch asks you how old you are, you respond, “What the fucks it to ya?” Or “I’m old enough to slap you in the face with my cock. Now get the fuck out of here.”If you want to answer the question, answer the question. If you don’t want this person to know how old you are, don’t answer it. And stop lying.A man doesn’t make up bullshit. That’s what a bitch does. If you are ready to Become A Powerful Man you have to stop acting like a little bitch.Here’s a thing you have to understand. When people talk about being who you are and that you already possess everything you need to be successful in life they forget to tell you an important part.I mean, they’re right. The problem is that the expectations heaped upon people by friends or family or co-workers builds up over time.It’s like you have this great speed boat but you need someone to go beneath the surface and scrape off all the barnacles that keep you from performing as well as you could.You see guys chasing women all the time. The more you chase women, the more they run. When you chase the passion that’s in your heart, women will be drawn to you like metal to a magnet.But if you don’t have a strong foundation in who you are, even if you manage to start to have success with women, you’re not going to be able to maintain who you are and women will walk all over you.IT’S TIME TO BEGIN THE PROCESS OFBECOMING A POWERFUL MANAre You Ready For Change?Let me make this perfectly clear. Hypnotica and I don’t pussy foot around. If you’re sensitive or thin-skinned, or easily offended, we’re not the right guys for you.I’m about as politically incorrect as you can get. In fact, I believe that “political correctness” is a big part of the problem in our world today. I wish I could find the person who came up with that whole idea and kick that bitch in the crotch.If you want someone to hold your hand and give you a shoulder to cry on, you need to go find some other person’s program.Guys like Hypnotica and I get the results that we do because we’re going to get in your face and all the illusions that you had are going to dissolve away.  But you need to make sure that the adult dose of change is something you really want.You see, if all you wanted to do was go get laid, there are plenty of professionals that can provide you that type of service. But what I’m talking about is more than getting laid.I don’t teach people to be Pick-Up Artists. I am not a Pick-Up Artist. I teach people how to get relationships. It’s an entirely different paradigm to structure your life around.And the foundation of that structure is that you have to create a strong relationship with your self, your identity and your behaviors as well.Look, we’re not the nicest of trainers. We’re not here to listen to you snivel about how you haven’t learned your lessons yet and that’s why women use your heart to wipe their feet.  We’re here to help you claim your birthright as a Powerful Man in this world.VIP+:NowPU+:1 WeekUser:Never


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